This repository contains a list of tutorials on various Examind features.
If you have any questions, or if you want the latest docker image of Examind Community, please contact :
OpenEO -> Jupyter notebook with openEO examples
- Import data -> How to import my data in examind ?
- Retrieve data Id & service Id -> How do you retrieve the id of the data you want to use ?
Galaxy Workflows through WPS -> Jupyter notebook with some WPS requests for Galaxy workflows
- Tutorial (PDF) -> Deploy and use Galaxy Workflows with Examind WPS
Time Data Aggregation
- Tutorial (PDF) -> Importing geotiff time series data into Examind Community
- Video (Italy Soil data aggregation through S3) -> Access link
You also have in this repository :
- A docker-compose file (for examind-community) (you need to import the docker image before)
- A script (to run examind)
- A script (to stop examind)