Topics Blue Teaming Event Log Monitoring KOTH Rooms Blue Teaming IBlue.Team Windows Logging Cheat Sheet Useful Links (TryHackMe King Of The Hill) MatheuZSecurity Static Binaries KOTH-THM/Machinh Kin-of-the-hill/holmes-py/ Koth Defence Guide Cheat Sheets Linux 100+ Linux Commands Volatilty 2&3 Cheat Sheet Windows Forensics Cheat Sheet SQLi Port Swigger SQLi Cheat Sheet XSS Port Swigger XSS Cheat Sheet XSS Vectors Cheat Sheet Handy Web Sites GTFO Bins Reverse Shells Cyber Chef Crack Station LOLBAS WADComs The Hacker's Recipe MalIP Virustotal AbuselPDB Talos Intelligence Malfile Virustotal Hybrid Anaylsi Joe Security EMAIL Header Analyze Google Message Header Analyzer Azure Header Analyze Office Docs Oletools Misc IP Info URL2PNG Wannabrowser URL Extractor Dev&SecOps Pipeline Jenkins Github Actions Gitlab CI/CD Terraform Azure DevOps Google Cloud Build Security In Pipeline Aqua Trivy Snyk Security Trufflehog OWASP ZAP Docker Sonarqube Log Operations Wazuh Splunk ULogViewer SOC Misc DFIR Iris Incident Response Shuffle SOAR MISP Threat Sharing