Discourage repetitive parts in slice names (e.g. adding page to every slice on Pages).
Examples of project structures that pass this rule:
📂 pages
📂 home
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
📂 about
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
📂 contact
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
Examples of project structures that fail this rule:
📂 pages
📂 homePage // ❌
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
📂 aboutPage // ❌
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
📂 contactPage // ❌
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
Suffixes that appear in the name every slice don't add much meaning and instead get in the way of understanding the difference between the slices.