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ff_scoringhistory missing passing_yards for ESPN. #432

aarizvi opened this issue Aug 18, 2024 · 7 comments

ff_scoringhistory missing passing_yards for ESPN. #432

aarizvi opened this issue Aug 18, 2024 · 7 comments


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aarizvi commented Aug 18, 2024

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Please provide a short, reproducible example of the code you are trying to run.
For more on reprexes, check out

conn <- espn_connect(
  season = 2023,
  league_id = # my league_id,
  espn_s2 = Sys.getenv("TAN_ESPN_S2"),
  swid = Sys.getenv("TAN_SWID")

scoring_history |>
    filter(season == "2023", week == 1, pos == "QB")  |>

> scoring_history_2023 |> colnames()
 [1] "season"                    "week"                      "gsis_id"                   "sportradar_id"             "espn_id"                   "player_name"               "pos"                       "team"                      "points"                   
[10] "interceptions"             "passing_2pt_conversions"   "passing_tds"               "receiving_2pt_conversions" "receiving_fumbles_lost"    "receiving_tds"             "receiving_yards"           "rushing_2pt_conversions"   "rushing_fumbles_lost"     
[19] "rushing_tds"               "rushing_yards"             "sack_fumbles_lost"         "special_teams_tds"         "fg_made_0_19"              "fg_made_20_29"             "fg_made_30_39"             "fg_made_40_49"             "fg_made_50_59"            
[28] "fg_made_60_"               "fg_missed"                 "pat_made"          

Expected behavior
The points per player seemed off so I wanted to calculate it myself and noticed that the passing_yardsds field was missing. I see that field is listed here

Session information
Please copy the output of ffscrapr::ffverse_sitrep() into the box below.

> ffscrapr::ffverse_sitrep()
── System Info ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24) • Running under: macOS Ventura 13.2
── Package Status ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
        package installed  cran      dev behind
1 ffopportunity  <NA>    dev
2        ffpros     0.1.5  <NA>    0.1.5       
3      ffscrapr 1.4.8       
4   ffsimulator  <NA>       
── Package Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• ffpros.include_metadata:           : nflffpros.user_agent      : ffpros/0.1.5 R client package
── Package Dependencies ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
• askpass      (1.2.0)   • ipred      (0.9-15)      • recipes    (1.1.0)     
• assertthat   (0.2.1)   • janitor    (2.2.0)       • Rglpk      (0.6-5.1)   
• backports    (1.5.0)   • jsonlite   (1.8.8)       • rlang      (1.1.4)     
• cachem       (1.1.0)   • KernSmooth (2.23-22)     • rpart      (4.1.23)    
• checkmate    (2.3.2)   • lattice    (0.22-6)      • rvest      (1.0.4)     
• class        (7.3-22)  • lava       (1.8.0)       • selectr    (0.4-2)     
• cli          (3.6.3)   • lifecycle  (1.0.4)       • shape      (   
• clock        (0.7.1)   • listenv    (0.9.1)       • slam       (0.1-52)    
• codetools    (0.2-20)  • lubridate  (1.9.3)       • snakecase  (0.11.1)    
• compiler     (4.4.0)   • magrittr   (2.0.3)       • splines    (4.4.0)     
• cpp11        (0.4.7)   • MASS       (7.3-60.2)    • SQUAREM    (2021.1)    
• curl         (5.2.1)   • Matrix     (1.7-0)       • stats      (4.4.0)     
• data.table   (1.15.4)  • memoise    (2.0.1)       • stringi    (1.8.4)     
• diagram      (1.6.5)   • methods    (4.4.0)       • stringr    (1.5.1)     
• digest       (0.6.36)  • mime       (0.12)        • survival   (3.5-8)     
• dplyr        (1.1.4)   • nflreadr   (1.4.1)       • sys        (3.4.2)     
• fansi        (1.0.6)   • nnet       (7.3-19)      • tibble     (3.2.1)     
• fastmap      (1.2.0)   • numDeriv   (2016.8-1.1)  • tidyr      (1.3.1)     
• future       (1.34.0)  • openssl    (2.2.0)       • tidyselect (1.2.1)     
• future.apply (1.11.2)  • parallel   (4.4.0)       • timechange (0.3.0)     
• generics     (0.1.3)   • parallelly (1.38.0)      • timeDate   (4032.109)  
• globals      (0.16.3)  • pillar     (1.9.0)       • tools      (4.4.0)     
• glue         (1.7.0)   • pkgconfig  (2.0.3)       • tzdb       (0.4.0)     
• gower        (1.0.1)   • prodlim    (2024.06.25)  • utf8       (1.2.4)     
• graphics     (4.4.0)   • progressr  (0.14.0)      • utils      (4.4.0)     
• grDevices    (4.4.0)   • purrr      (1.0.2)       • V8         (4.4.2)     
• grid         (4.4.0)   • R6         (2.5.1)       • vctrs      (0.6.5)     
• hardhat      (1.4.0)   • rappdirs   (0.3.3)       • withr      (3.0.1)     
• hms          (1.1.3)   • ratelimitr (0.4.1)       • xgboost    (   
• httr         (1.4.7)   • Rcpp       (1.0.13)      • xml2       (1.3.6)     

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
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aarizvi commented Aug 18, 2024

I was able to resolve this issue by editing ff_scoringhistory.espn_conn

and adding

    league_rules <-
        ffscrapr:::ff_scoring(conn) %>% 
        mutate(stat_name = ifelse(, "passingYards", stat_name)) |>
        distinct() |>
            ffscrapr::nflfastr_stat_mapping %>% dplyr::filter(.data$platform == "espn"),
            by = c("stat_name" = "ff_event"),
            relationship = "many-to-many"
Basically the `stat_name` for my passing yards was getting picked up as NA. I think its because in the mapping the number changes from 3 to 5. anyway my `ff_scoringhistory` is fixed with this quick and dirty hack. Thanks!

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tanho63 commented Aug 18, 2024

can you provide the output of:

dput(ffscrapr::espn_getendpoint(conn, view = "mSettings"))

for further debug?

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aarizvi commented Aug 18, 2024

It's a private league. I can share that command but it has the cookies for my league.

Is there any other way to debug? Completely certain its related to stat_name not being populated. I think it's because the stat_id changed this year.

My fix isn't completely correct though because two of my 'points' stat_names are NAs. See below ...

conn <- espn_connect(
  season = 2023,
  league_id = #my-league-id,
  espn_s2 = Sys.getenv("TAN_ESPN_S2"),
  swid = Sys.getenv("TAN_SWID")

ff_scoring(conn) |> 
    filter( |> 
# A tibble: 24 × 4
   pos   points stat_id stat_name
   <chr>  <dbl>   <int> <chr>    
 1 QB       0.2       5 NA       
 2 RB       0.2       5 NA       
 3 WR       0.2       5 NA       
 4 TE       0.2       5 NA       
 5 K        0.2       5 NA       
 6 P        0.2       5 NA       
 7 DT       0.2       5 NA       
 8 DE       0.2       5 NA       
 9 LB       0.2       5 NA       
10 CB       0.2       5 NA       
11 S        0.2       5 NA       
12 HC       0.2       5 NA       
13 QB       2        18 NA       
14 RB       2        18 NA       
15 WR       2        18 NA       
16 TE       2        18 NA       
17 K        2        18 NA       
18 P        2        18 NA       
19 DT       2        18 NA       
20 DE       2        18 NA       
21 LB       2        18 NA       
22 CB       2        18 NA       
23 S        2        18 NA       
24 HC       2        18 NA  

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aarizvi commented Aug 18, 2024

If you look here ...

                                  3                                   4                                   8                                  19                                  20                                  24                                  25 
                     "passingYards"                 "passingTouchdowns"                    "passing25Yards"             "passing2PtConversions"              "passingInterceptions"                      "rushingYards"                 "rushingTouchdowns" 
                                 26                                  28                                  35                                  37                                  38                                  42                                  43 
            "rushing2PtConversions"                    "rushing10Yards"                   "rushing40YardTD"                "rushing100YardGame"                "rushing200YardGame"                    "receivingYards"               "receivingTouchdowns" 
                                 44                                  45                                  48                                  53                                  56                                  57                                  63 
          "receiving2PtConversions"                 "receiving40YardTD"                  "receiving10Yards"               "receivingReceptions"              "receiving100YardGame"              "receiving200YardGame"           "fumbleRecoveryTouchdown" 
                                 72                                  74                                  77                                  79                                  80                                  82                                  85 
                      "lostFumbles"          "madeFieldGoalsFrom50Plus"          "madeFieldGoalsFrom40To49"        "missedFieldGoalsFrom40To49"         "madeFieldGoalsFromUnder40"       "missedFieldGoalsFromUnder40"                  "missedFieldGoals" 
                                 86                                  88                                  89                                  90                                  91                                  92                                  93 
                  "madeExtraPoints"                 "missedExtraPoints"           "defensive0PointsAllowed"        "defensive1To6PointsAllowed"       "defensive7To13PointsAllowed"      "defensive14To17PointsAllowed" "defensiveBlockedKickForTouchdowns" 
                                 95                                  96                                  97                                  98                                  99                                 101                                 102 
           "defensiveInterceptions"                  "defensiveFumbles"             "defensiveBlockedKicks"                 "defensiveSafeties"                    "defensiveSacks"            "kickoffReturnTouchdown"               "puntReturnTouchdown" 
                                103                                 104                                 114                                 115                                 122                                 123                                 124 
            "fumbleReturnTouchdown"       "interceptionReturnTouchdown"                "kickoffReturnYards"                   "puntReturnYards"      "defensive22To27PointsAllowed"      "defensive28To34PointsAllowed"      "defensive35To45PointsAllowed" 
                                125                                 128                                 129                                 130                                 132                                 133                                 134 
        "defensive46+PointsAllowed"     "defensive000To099YardsAllowed"     "defensive100To199YardsAllowed"     "defensive200To299YardsAllowed"     "defensive350To399YardsAllowed"     "defensive400To449YardsAllowed"     "defensive450To499YardsAllowed" 
                                135                                 136                                 140                                 141                                 148                                 149                                 150 
    "defensive500To549YardsAllowed"      "defensiveOver550YardsAllowed"                  "puntsInsideThe10"                  "puntsInsideThe20"                  "puntAverage44.0+"              "puntAverage42.0-43.9"              "puntAverage40.0-41.9" 
                                161                                 162                                 163                                 164                                 165                                 166                                 155 
               "25+pointsWinMargin"               "20-24pointWinMargin"               "15-19pointWinMargin"               "10-14pointWinMargin"                 "5-9pointWinMargin"                 "1-4pointWinMargin"                           "TeamWin" 
                                171                                 172                                 198                                 200                                 201                                 203                                 206 
             "20-24pointLossMargin"                "25+pointLossMargin"          "madeFieldGoalsFrom50To59"        "missedFieldGoalsFrom50To59"          "madeFieldGoalsFrom60Plus"        "missedFieldGoalsFrom60Plus" "2PtConversionReturnedForTouchdown" 

The passingYards is labeled with 3 and not 5 and probably a similar issue for that other scoring metric.

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tanho63 commented Aug 18, 2024

Can you provide just the content portion eg

dput(ffscrapr::espn_getendpoint(conn, view = "mSettings")$content))

? That should omit the cookies.

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tanho63 commented Aug 18, 2024

My primary concern is whether this is a forward change, backwards change, or just a random one-off for some reason

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aarizvi commented Aug 18, 2024

Got it - makes sense ... here's the output of

dput(ffscrapr::espn_getendpoint(conn, view = "mSettings")$content)
list(draftDetail = list(drafted = TRUE, inProgress = FALSE), 
    gameId = 1L, id = 797158L, scoringPeriodId = 19L, seasonId = 2023L, 
    segmentId = 0L, settings = list(acquisitionSettings = list(
        acquisitionBudget = 50L, acquisitionLimit = -1L, acquisitionType = "WAIVERS_TRADITIONAL", 
        finalPlaceTransactionEligible = 0L, isUsingAcquisitionBudget = TRUE, 
        matchupAcquisitionLimit = 0, matchupLimitPerScoringPeriod = FALSE, 
        minimumBid = 0L, transactionLockingEnabled = FALSE, waiverHours = 24L, 
        waiverOrderReset = TRUE, waiverProcessDays = list("SATURDAY", 
        waiverProcessHour = 11L), draftSettings = list(auctionBudget = 200L, 
        availableDate = 1694064600000, date = 1694064600000, 
        isTradingEnabled = FALSE, keeperCount = 1L, keeperCountFuture = 1L, 
        keeperOrderType = "TRADITIONAL", leagueSubType = "NONE", 
        orderType = "MANUAL", pickOrder = list(16L, 10L, 15L, 
            7L, 11L, 2L, 3L, 1L, 9L, 4L, 12L, 8L, 14L, 13L), 
        timePerSelection = 120L, type = "OFFLINE"), financeSettings = list(
        entryFee = 50, miscFee = 0, perLoss = 0, perTrade = 0, 
        playerAcquisition = 0, playerDrop = 0, playerMoveToActive = 0, 
        playerMoveToIR = 0), isCustomizable = TRUE, isPublic = FALSE, 
        name = "The Doctors League", restrictionType = "NONE", 
        rosterSettings = list(isBenchUnlimited = TRUE, isUsingUndroppableList = TRUE, 
            lineupLocktimeType = "INDIVIDUAL_GAME", lineupSlotCounts = list(
                `0` = 1L, `1` = 0L, `2` = 2L, `3` = 0L, `4` = 2L, 
                `5` = 0L, `6` = 1L, `7` = 0L, `8` = 0L, `9` = 0L, 
                `10` = 0L, `11` = 0L, `12` = 0L, `13` = 0L, `14` = 0L, 
                `15` = 0L, `16` = 1L, `17` = 1L, `18` = 0L, `19` = 0L, 
                `20` = 6L, `21` = 1L, `22` = 0L, `23` = 1L, `24` = 0L), 
            lineupSlotStatLimits = structure(list(), names = character(0)), 
            moveLimit = -1L, positionLimits = list(`0` = 0L, 
                `1` = 3L, `2` = -1L, `3` = -1L, `4` = -1L, `5` = 3L, 
                `6` = 0L, `7` = 0L, `8` = 0L, `9` = 0L, `10` = 0L, 
                `11` = 0L, `12` = 0L, `13` = 0L, `14` = 0L, `15` = -1L, 
                `16` = 3L, `17` = 0L), rosterLocktimeType = "INDIVIDUAL_GAME", 
            universeIds = list(0L)), scheduleSettings = list(
            divisions = list(list(id = 0L, name = "Great Lakes League ", 
                size = 14L)), matchupPeriodCount = 14L, matchupPeriodLength = 1L, 
            matchupPeriods = list(`1` = list(1L), `2` = list(
                2L), `3` = list(3L), `4` = list(4L), `5` = list(
                5L), `6` = list(6L), `7` = list(7L), `8` = list(
                8L), `9` = list(9L), `10` = list(10L), `11` = list(
                11L), `12` = list(12L), `13` = list(13L), `14` = list(
                14L), `15` = list(15L), `16` = list(16L), `17` = list(
                17L)), periodTypeId = 1L, playoffMatchupPeriodLength = 1L, 
            playoffReseed = FALSE, playoffSeedingRule = "TOTAL_POINTS_SCORED", 
            playoffSeedingRuleBy = 0L, playoffTeamCount = 7L, 
            variablePlayoffMatchupPeriodLength = FALSE), scoringSettings = list(
            allowOutOfPositionScoring = FALSE, homeTeamBonus = 0L, 
            matchupTieRule = "NONE", matchupTieRuleBy = 0L, playerRankType = "STANDARD", 
            playoffHomeTeamBonus = 0L, playoffMatchupTieRule = "NONE", 
            playoffMatchupTieRuleBy = 0L, scoringItems = list(
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 4, statId = 38L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = -2), statId = 133L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 2, 
                  statId = 56L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = -1), statId = 123L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 4), statId = 91L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = -3), statId = 134L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 7), statId = 89L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 6), statId = 90L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, statId = 25L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = -4), statId = 135L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = -5), statId = 136L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = -2, statId = 72L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 2), statId = 95L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 2), statId = 92L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 6), statId = 93L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 2), statId = 98L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0.2, statId = 5L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 2, statId = 18L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 2), statId = 96L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, 
                  statId = 43L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 2, 
                  statId = 19L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 2), statId = 97L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 6), statId = 102L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 4, 
                  statId = 4L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = -2, statId = 20L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 6), statId = 103L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0.1, 
                  statId = 24L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 6), statId = 101L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, statId = 63L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 3, statId = 80L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 6), statId = 104L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 2, 
                  statId = 26L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 4, 
                  statId = 77L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 5), statId = 128L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 1), statId = 99L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = -5), statId = 125L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = -1, statId = 85L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 2, statId = 37L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = -3), statId = 124L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = -1), statId = 132L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 1, statId = 86L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0.1, statId = 42L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 4, statId = 57L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, pointsOverrides = list(
                    `16` = 3), statId = 129L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 2, 
                  statId = 44L), list(isReverseItem = FALSE, 
                  leagueRanking = 0, leagueTotal = 0, points = 0, 
                  pointsOverrides = list(`16` = 2), statId = 130L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 6, statId = 201L), 
                list(isReverseItem = FALSE, leagueRanking = 0, 
                  leagueTotal = 0, points = 5, statId = 198L)), 
            scoringType = "H2H_POINTS"), size = 14L, tradeSettings = list(
            allowOutOfUniverse = FALSE, deadlineDate = 1699894800000, 
            max = -1L, revisionHours = 24L, vetoVotesRequired = 0L)), 
    status = list(activatedDate = 1687261248558, createdAsLeagueType = 0L, 
        currentLeagueType = 0L, currentMatchupPeriod = 17L, finalScoringPeriod = 17L, 
        firstScoringPeriod = 1L, isActive = TRUE, isExpired = FALSE, 
        isFull = TRUE, isPlayoffMatchupEdited = FALSE, isToBeDeleted = FALSE, 
        isViewable = FALSE, isWaiverOrderEdited = FALSE, latestScoringPeriod = 19L, 
        previousSeasons = list(2013L, 2014L, 2015L, 2016L, 2017L, 
            2018L, 2019L, 2020L, 2021L, 2022L), standingsUpdateDate = 1704704191145, 
        teamsJoined = 14L, transactionScoringPeriod = 19L, waiverLastExecutionDate = 1704875297163, 
        waiverProcessStatus = list(`2023-09-02T07:18:51.735+0000` = 2L, 
            `2023-09-13T08:37:18.543+0000` = 12L, `2023-09-20T08:17:08.965+0000` = 9L, 
            `2023-09-21T07:58:18.058+0000` = 1L, `2023-09-27T07:37:29.295+0000` = 8L, 
            `2023-09-28T07:19:15.476+0000` = 1L, `2023-09-29T08:33:11.204+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-10-04T08:14:30.894+0000` = 8L, `2023-10-05T08:26:18.863+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-10-06T07:37:06.481+0000` = 1L, `2023-10-07T07:46:51.179+0000` = 2L, 
            `2023-10-11T07:20:15.331+0000` = 9L, `2023-10-18T08:18:06.083+0000` = 10L, 
            `2023-10-20T08:18:44.218+0000` = 1L, `2023-10-21T08:22:55.659+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-10-25T08:31:32.731+0000` = 4L, `2023-10-26T07:04:23.241+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-11-01T08:27:36.158+0000` = 12L, `2023-11-08T09:36:57.231+0000` = 8L, 
            `2023-11-10T08:45:41.470+0000` = 1L, `2023-11-12T08:51:29.211+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-11-15T09:01:16.326+0000` = 8L, `2023-11-16T10:32:59.315+0000` = 2L, 
            `2023-11-17T08:54:10.387+0000` = 2L, `2023-11-19T08:11:54.887+0000` = 2L, 
            `2023-11-22T08:44:59.536+0000` = 10L, `2023-11-25T08:39:55.962+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-11-29T08:35:24.299+0000` = 9L, `2023-12-01T09:53:55.487+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-12-06T10:39:48.892+0000` = 6L, `2023-12-07T10:02:14.409+0000` = 0L, 
            `2023-12-13T08:45:13.969+0000` = 10L, `2023-12-17T09:39:46.899+0000` = 1L, 
            `2023-12-20T08:29:52.412+0000` = 3L, `2023-12-27T08:16:09.477+0000` = 4L)))

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