- Add Github user to
team https://github.com/orgs/fiaas/teams/maintainers/members - Set Github user as "maintainer" role in
team https://help.github.com/en/github/setting-up-and-managing-organizations-and-teams/giving-team-maintainer-permissions-to-an-organization-member - Set Github user as "owner" of the fiaas Github organization https://github.com/orgs/fiaas/people
- Promote Github user to admin level in Semaphore CI https://fiaas-svc.semaphoreci.com/people
- Add DockerHub user to
team infiaas
organization: https://hub.docker.com/orgs/fiaas/teams/owners - Add user's public GPG key to ops repository; see the README for detailed instructions.
- Add email address to the fiaas maintainer mailing list (here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!managemembers/fiaas/members)
- Add readthedocs.org user to fiaas/k8s docs project: https://readthedocs.org/dashboard/k8s/users
- Remove Github user from
team - Remove owner privileges in fiaas Github organization for Github user
- Demote Github user from admin level in Semaphore CI
- Remove DockerHub user to
team infiaas
organization: https://hub.docker.com/orgs/fiaas/teams/owners - Remove user's public GPG key from ops repository; see the README for detailed instructions
- Remove email address from the fiaas maintainer mailing list (here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!managemembers/fiaas/members)
- Remove readthedocs.org user from fiaas/k8s docs project: https://readthedocs.org/dashboard/k8s/users