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Welcome to FIRSTwiki, a FIRST encyclopedia that anyone with a github account can edit!
You may notice there's not a lot of content here! There's a ton of content that needs to be copied
from the original FIRSTwiki
and it would be wonderful if you could copy a few useful articles to this site! See our
contributing notes for more details!
- FRC:{% for num in %} [{{ num }}'s](/frc{{ num }}/) {% if forloop.last != true %}|{% endif %}{% endfor %}
- Mechanical:
- Motors
- Pneumatics
- Manufacturing
- Electrical:
- Programming:
- Design:
- All technical topics
- FIRST Culture
- Fundraising
- Spirit
- Scouting
- Organizations
- People
- All non-technical topics
FIRST is an organization founded by inventor Dean Kamen in 1989 as a way of getting students involved in and excited about science and technology. FIRST has grown from just a few hundred students and mentors in 1992, and now reaches over 400,000 students worldwide.
{% for post in site.posts limit: 5 %}
- {{ | date_to_string }}: {{ post.title }} {% endfor %} <script> // this bit of script loads JSON for each project, and displays page counts