If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please contact us: [email protected]
This is an experimental version, your comment and experiences can help to improve this product.
(This documentation is under development)
The remote API has been build on top of the "online TXT" solution.
The main set of API's is coming from the TX-Controler and Robo-Interface API-sets.
The communication between the remote TXT and the MS-Windows 10 system is hidden in a separate thread now.
The socket communication is protected with a
Also the image processing is put in a separate thread, see the renewed Camera example.
See also the example projects in SolutionTxtApps
#include "FtTxtLib.h"
using namespace fischertechnik::txt::ids;
using namespace fischertechnik::txt::remote::api;
/// <summary>
/// Adjust for your own situation
/// </summary>
const std::string MyIP = "";
const std::string logMap = "H:\\workspaceVS\\txt_demo_c_online.git\\SolutionTxtApps\\";//map for the internal log file//The internal log file: ftlib.log
const std::string TaPort = "65000";
const Motor IdMotorA = Motor::M1, IdMotorB = Motor::M2, IdMotorC = Motor::M3;
const Counter IdCntA = Counter::C1, IdCntB = Counter::C2;
const Input IdSensorUltra = Input::I6, IdSensorSwitch = Input::I1;
ftIF2013TransferAreaComHandlerEx2* ComHandler;
int main()
//Step 1: create the object: ComHandler
ComHandler = new ftIF2013TransferAreaComHandlerEx2(IF_TXT_MAX, MyIP.c_str(), TaPort.c_str(), logMap.c_str(), LogState::LOGFREE);
//optional, in case you like to use the TA directly
FISH_X1_TRANSFER* TransArea = ComHandler->GetTransferAreasArrayAddr();
/* Step 2: Setup the configuration first*/
ComHandler->SetFtUniConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdSensorSwitch, InputMode::MODE_R, true);
ComHandler->SetFtUniConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdSensorUltra, MODE_ULTRASONIC, false);
ComHandler->SetFtMotorConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdMotorA, true);//As full bridge (M functionality) (default)
ComHandler->SetFtMotorConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdMotorB, true); //As full bridge (M functionality)(default)
ComHandler->SetFtMotorConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdMotorC, false);//As two half bridges (O functionality)
ComHandler->SetFtCntConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdCntA, false);
ComHandler->SetFtCntConfig(ShmIfId_TXT::LOCAL_IO, IdCntB, true);
//Step 3: start the communication thread, includes update configuration.
ComHandler->ftxStartTransferArea() ;
//step 4
//Todo: your program code
//step 5://Program end
if (ComHandler != nullptr) delete ComHandler; // Delete transfer area and communication area
The Api's are in the namespace:
using namespace fischertechnik::txt::remote::api
This API is by analogy with :
- the
Programming the ROBO TX Controller Part 2: Windows Library "ftMscLib" MSC Vertriebs GmbH
. The function numeration comes partial from that document. - The
HANDLE fthdl
has been removed because the class instance is this HANDLE. - Not all API functions return errors.
However there can be error reports in the internal log file.
int nAreas = 1, //master=1, master+slave=2
const char* name = "",
const char* port = "65000",//fixed
const char* logMapName = ".\\",
LogState logLevel = LogState::INFO);
- Creates the connection.
- Reset the Transfer Area to the default values.
Counters: mode=1, rising edge of the pulse.
Inputs: mode = MODE_R, digital = 1 (true)
Motors: mode =1 => as output M1 - Opens the internal log file system.
enum LogState {
LOG = 0,
Code snip of how this is done in the library:
for( int i=0; i<m_nAreas; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<IZ_UNI_INPUT; j++ )
m_transferarea[i].ftX1config.uni[j].mode = MODE_R;
m_transferarea[i].ftX1config.uni[j].digital = 1;
for( int j=0; j<IZ_COUNTER; j++ )
// 1=normal, 0=inverted
m_transferarea[i].ftX1config.cnt[j].mode = 1;
for( int j=0; j<IZ_MOTOR; j++ )
// 0=single output O1/O2, 1=motor output M1
m_transferarea[i].ftX1config.motor[j] = 1;
m_transferarea[i].ftX1state.config_id ++;
- Destroys the connection.
- Closes the internal log file system.
Since: 2020-07-17
- Set the TXT configuration of the Inputs, Motors/Outputs and Counters.
Is needed for the camera functionality.
FtErrors ftxStartTransferArea ()
Function activates the communication of the transfer area in the library for online mode:
- The configuration of the Motors/Outputs, Counters and Universal Inputs are set.
- The communication thread is started.
- It carries out the IO commands in "online mode" every +/- 10 msec:
- It reads the current values from the output structure of the transfer area (configuration and output values) and sends these to the TXT Controller.
- As a response to an IO request, the TXT controller sends the current values back and the communication thread updates these values in the input structure of the transfer area.
errCode - FTLIB_ERR_SUCCESS (no error, thread is activated) or error code
Since: 2020-07-17
FtErrors ftxStopTransferArea ()
The communication thread is stopped.
errCode - FTLIB_ERR_SUCCESS (no error, thread stopped) or error code
Since: 2020-07-17
bool ftxIsTransferActiv ()
Functions checks if the transfer area is active, i.e. if there is cyclical communication with the
TXT Controller.
Is running
Since: 2020-07-17
volatile FISH_X1_TRANSFER* GetTransferAreasArrayAddr()
The function returns a pointer to the memory area of all transfer areas (transfer areas are
arranged as an array of structures).
volatile FISH_X1_TRANSFER*
- starting address of the memory area of all transfer areas
All transfer areas (master + up to 1 slave) are stored in this memory area. For the layout of the structures within the transfer area, refer to the header file FtShmemTxt.h
3 Universal Input related API's
5 IR controller input related API's
6 Microphone and sound related API's
UINT32 ftIF2013TransferAreaComHandler::GetVersion()
Version (c) 2020 TesCaWeb ing. C. van Leeuwen Btw.