- web interface
- dynamically generated control form - arbitrary parameters
- animation thread with proper waiting between cycles
- time and space dependent animations
- basic animations - hue cycle
- master brightness and saturation control
- basic secondary animations with scaling
- both number and slider inputs on UI
- command line arguments for configuration
- color palette UI with color pickers
- save/load animation params and colors
- rework animation controller to compute mappings better
- make patterns and mappings functions
- animation time profiling
- support all possible pixel orders and sk6812
- test alternative color conversions in python
- LED color correction
- master color temperature control
- make form generator code more pythonic
- web UI - migrate to SCSS
- web UI - flexbox
- web UI - update style
- support HSV and RGB modes in pattern functions
- secondary patterns as functions
- make scale input more intuitive
- rewrite color conversion and LED output code in C
- rewrite color correction and temperature in C
- compile patterns with RestrictedPython
- web UI - code editor
- web UI - load pattern source code
- web UI - display compile errors
- utility functions for restricted environment
- save edited patterns
- web UI - allow inverting pattern scale
- web UI - update number inputs when sliders are moved
- rewrite final saturation/brightness in C
- apply master saturation in RGB render mode
- web UI - prevent editing default patterns
- web UI - copying and renaming patterns
- web UI - better color pickers
- web UI - secondary pattern menu
- more secondary patterns
- rewrite blackbody conversions in C
- rewrite all wave/utility functions in C
- calculate pixel mappings and scale once and store them
- optimize animation loop with list comprehensions
- RGB plasma shader and utility function
- master gamma control
- perlin noise utility function
- automatically save settings
- general code cleanup and documentation
- master brightness limiting
- secondary patterns - wipe
- password protection
- patterns - ripple
- patterns - hsv waves
- patterns - random wipe
- patterns - random single color scan/waves
- patterns - meteor trail
- patterns - fireworks / blob twinkle
- patterns - noise sparkle
- web UI - update code after changing patterns
- auto timer function - dim at night
- gradient/palette based patterns
- remap hsv patterns to custom palette
- palette based - multi color wipe
- palette based - noise
- multiple palette storage and editing
- twinkle effect improvement - scalable and with bg color
- twinkle effect improvement - more LEDs at once
- time of day in pattern function
- realtime audio reactive effects