Please follow these steps in order to prepare, configure and setup this app:
- Clone this repository and host it on a server of your choice (any Linux based server that can run php will be suitable).
- If you plan on enabling Forter's pre-auth order validation, you'll need to setup a domain for the app, and make sure that
is open to POST requests. - Prepare a messaging service for receiving Commercetools notifications, and save its credentials (This version of the app supports only Amazon SQS. See this guide on setting up Amazon SQS).
- Create a Commercetools API-Client, add save its credentials (see this guide).
- Get your Forter API credentials (from your Forter Portal settings page).
- Set your app configurations (see this guide).
- Set your custom mapping if needed (see this guide).
- From the app root dir, run the following commands:
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
- From the app root dir, run the Forter app setup command:
php artisan forter:setup
(It's highly recommended to run this command after every configuration change. If you have an automated deployment script/tool, you can just add that close to the end, so it'll run on every deployment). - Setup a cronjob to run Laravel's scheduler (
php artisan schedule:run
) every minute (see this guide. - Check that everything works as expected and you're good to go :)