The FOSS Responders weekly call was our primary means of synchronous communication across all sub-teams and participants. We held the call at 10:00am PST.
We took notes collectively in a shared google doc. The following commitments were pinned to the top of the document.
- I will strive to make sure everyone is heard;
- I will pause the conversation regularly to leave room for audio-only participants;
- I will do my best to drive us toward actionable outcomes;
- Mute when you’re not speaking and wait to be called on;
- Raise your hand on camera when you’d like to be called on;
- When speaking, ask only one question or make only one statement;
- Help take notes below;
- Be Kind;
- Many different kinds of support are needed;
- Prioritize support for the most vulnerable;
- Fill the cracks in the support system;
- Direct our support where it will do the most good;
- Welcome and thank you for your support
- Read the Quick Links below
- Messaging guide tells you about our mission and how we communicate it
- We organize by sub-teams who move our work forward quickly
- Sign up to be a volunteer (or grab a task in the meeting)
- Collaborate with us on GitHub and Slack
- Messaging Guide (who we are, how to get help, how to help)
- Sub team spreadsheet (see the subteams who move workstreams forward)
- Tools & Platforms (see where we are collaborating and promoting the program)
- List of cancelled events (Airtable)
- Content Activity Tracker (what blog posts, press releases, bylines, etc are coming up)
- Application Team Meetings (What the Individual Financial Support applications team are up to)