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VADemon edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 9 revisions

Player > AutoPlace allows you to automatically and selectively place blocks around you if they match the placement criteria.

.autoplace enabled <0/1>

.autoplace sides ... - Sides to place the blocks on

     sides list - List all the current added sides

     sides add [side] - Add side to the list

     sides remove [side] - Remove side from the list

There're 6 sides: UP, DOWN, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST & ALL

"All" will select all sides. You can also use short names to select a side: e.g. "no" & "rt" are unique letters for NORTH.

If no side was specified, the default will be used: UP

.autoplace config ... - Saved selection configs

     config list - List all the current configs

     config save <name> - Save current setup

     config load <name> - Load config

     config delete <name> - Delete a configuration

.autoplace use <0/1> - Will try to use the selected item on the target blocks instead of placing. E.g. hoe, flint and steel, shovel etc.

.autoplace whitelist <0/1> - Makes the target list function as an inclusive list. Default: 1

.autoplace cooldown <ticks> - Block place delay to use after placing a block. Default: 4, set to 0 to disable

.autoplace render <0/1>- Show which blocks are currently visible and being targeted

.autoplace client-angles <0/1>- Sort the blocks to place by the clients angle instead of the servers

.autoplace reset- Reset to the setup process

.autoplace info- Print info about the mod

How to use

The first time you enable AutoPlace, you will need to go through the instructions shown in chat to set it up.

  1. You will need to mark "target" blocks which will be targeted when building. If you are building new blocks, these will be used as "construction pillars" and blocks be placed against them. If .autoplace use true then these are the blocks that will be changed by a tool. The .autoplace whitelist <0/1> setting has an effect here.

  2. You select/deselect blocks by Left-clicking them. When finished, press the Mouse Wheel down (aka Middle Mouse Button) to proceed.

  3. Now you will need to select which tool/block in your hotbar to use. Select a slot and then Left-click it to confirm.

  4. Basic setup done! You may now change the sides, otherwise it will default to UP

  5. When ready, press Mouse Wheel down once again as prompted in chat. This will activate AutoPlace

At this point you can save your setup in a config. Disabling the AutoPlace module will pause the process.

Practical Example: Bridge handrail

Let's say you have a very long 3-block-wide bridge plus a horizontal line of stone slabs on each side as handrailing. You could have built the bridge floor with Scaffold, but since the stone slabs must be placed on both sides, you'd need to run at least twice. We'll do in one run!

  1. Enable AutoPlace, reset it if needed.

  2. Select Stone Slab once to make it the target block. Confirm with mouse wheel.

  3. Select stone slabs in hotbar, confirm. Enable AutoHotbarReplenish if you don't have InventoryTweaks.

  4. Select the placement side. You want to make it so the next stone slab is placed against the previous one (they're targeted). If you run from South to North, then the previous stone slab will have an open NORTHERN face. .autoplace sides add north (remove any unnecessary sides too!)

  5. You're ready to go and start building both rails at once!

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