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StrongKey FIDO Server (SKFS), Community Edition for Linux

Clustered Installation

StrongKey FIDO Server can be clustered with multiple nodes to deliver high availability (HA) across a local area network (LAN) and/or disaster recovery (DR) on a wide area network (WAN). No additonal software is required to enable these features because StrongKey has enabled this capability as a standard feature in SKFS. Furthermore, with multiple nodes processing FIDO2 transactions at the same time, the SKFS cluster can deliver higher throughput to multiple web applications that use this server. This document guides you through setting up an SKFS cluster with two nodes, as depicted in the image below.

The clustering capability in SKFS only applies to the FIDO2 capability. Web applications that use SKFS must make their own arrangements to deliver HA and/or DR independent of SKFS. The sample application used here to demonstrate FIDO2 clustering will, itself, not be highly available, but demonstrates that the web application can use either or both SKFS nodes in this HA configuration.

While it is possible to add more than two nodes to the cluster, IT architects will recognize that there is a trade-off with N-way replication designs—the more nodes in such a configuration, the higher the resource requirements on each node to manage fail-safe replication, which can reduce the overall throughput after a certain point. Each site will have to do its own testing to determine where the throughput curve flattens out. However, if you have truly large-scale deployments in mind, please contact us to see how we can help.

Sample Cluster Configuration

StrongKey FIDO2 Server Clustering


  1. Two (2) virtual machines (VMs) for the FIDO2 Servers, running the current version of CentOS Linux 7.x, with fully qualified domain names (FQDN) and internet protocol (IP) addresses
  2. One (1) VM for the load-balancer, running HAProxy version 1.5.18 software on the current version of CentOS Linux 7.x with an FQDN and an IP address
  3. One (1) VM for the StrongKey sample Proof-of-Concept web application from this GitHub repository, also running on the current version of CentOS Linux 7.x with an FQDN and an IP address

NOTE: This document assumes you are setting up this cluster with all nodes connected to a single ethernet switch. If your intent is to do a more realistic test, you should plan on using VMs with multiple network interfaces connected to different switches to isolate traffic to the appropriate segments as you might except in a more real-world environment.

Cluster Setup

  1. Using the installation steps here, install and configure the two FIDO2 Server VMs as if they were individual FIDO2 Servers, but do NOT install any web applications to test out the FIDO2 Server at this point; we will do this later.

  2. For each server determine the FQDN and assign it a unique Server ID. A Server ID (SID) is a numeric value that uniquely identifies a node within the cluster. Conventionally, StrongKey cluster SIDs begin with the numeral 1 and continue incrementally for each node in the cluster. In the current setup, the following values are used:

  3. As the root user, perform the following sub-tasks on every FIDO2 Server in the cluster:

    a. Login as root.

    b. If DNS is configured, make sure that it is configured for forward and reverse lookups—meaning that it should be possible to resolve the IP address using the FQDN, as well as resolve the FQDN using the IP address doing a reverse lookup. Without the reverse resolution, services in the Payara application server configuration will not work correctly.

    If Domain Name Service (DNS) is not configured, add the following entries to the /etc/hosts file to identify the cluster nodes. Use a text editor such as vi to modify the /etc/hosts file. For the two-node cluster, add the following to the end of the hosts file, substituting the domain name for your own environment:

     <ip-fidoserver1> fidoserver1
     <ip-fidoserver2> fidoserver2

    c. Modify the firewall configuration to open ports 7001, 7002, and 7003 to accept connections between just the FIDO2 Servers to enable multi-way replication. Run the following command once for each cluster node's IP address (substituting for <ip-target-fidoserver>).

    Do not execute this command for the IP address of the cluster node on which you are executing the command itself. It is not necessary to open the node's ports on the firewall for itself since the replication module in the FIDO2 Server does not need to replicate to itself.

     shell> firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule 'rule family="ipv4" source address='<ip-target-fidoserver>' port port=7001-7003 protocol=tcp accept'

    d. After adding the new rule, restart the firewall:

     shell> systemctl restart firewalld

    e. Logout from the root account.

  4. As the strongkey user, perform the following on every SKFS node to be clustered:

    a. Login to the server as strongkey (the default password is ShaZam123).

    b. Using a text editor, edit the configuration properties of the SKFS node; if the specified file is empty add these properties:

    shell> vi /usr/local/strongkey/appliance/etc/<server-id> (set the value to the corresponding SID of the current node) (should be set to true)

    c. Using the MySQL client, login to the MariaDB database that was installed as part of the SKFS installation. The default password for the skfsdbuser is AbracaDabra.

    shell> mysql -u skfsdbuser -p skfs

    d. Truncate the existing SERVERS table—this deletes all contents of the SERVERS table:

    mysql> truncate SERVERS;

    e. Insert the following entries into the SERVERS table, ensuring the SID and FQDN match the values used in Step 2. For example, if there are two nodes in the cluster, add the following entries:

    mysql> insert into SERVERS values (1, '', 'Active', 'Both', 'Active', null, null);
    mysql> insert into SERVERS values (2, '', 'Active', 'Both', 'Active', null, null);

    f. Logout of the mysql client:

    mysql> exit

    g. Import the self-signed certificates generated as part of the SKFS installation into the Payara Application Server's truststore—this is necessary to ensure that replication between the SKFS nodes occurs over a trusted Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection. Execute the script included in the /usr/local/strongkey/bin directory to import the certificate.

    shell> /usr/local/strongkey/bin/ -kGLASSFISH
    shell> /usr/local/strongkey/bin/ -kGLASSFISH

    h. Restart the Payara Application Server. (Even though we refer to it as the Payara Application Server, the startup script is named glassfishd for legacy reasons given Payara's origins from the open-source GlassFish Application Server):

    shell> sudo service glassfishd restart

    i. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 on the remaining SKFS nodes of this cluster.

    NOTE: So all SKFS instances are using the same JWT keys, copy the JWT keys from the first server to replace the keys on the other servers.

Install HAProxy Load Balancer

HA is enabled for applications by inserting a load balancer between components of the infrastructure, such as between the web application and the two SKFS nodes of this configuration. The load balancer determines which target server is available to receive application connections, and distributes application requests to the appropriate target server.

SKFS has been tested with the open-source HAProxy load balancer, part of the standard CentOS Linux distribution. It is conceivable that SKFS will work with other load balancers; please contact us to discuss your needs.

To install and configure HAProxy for use with the SKFS cluster, follow the steps below:

a. Install the standard CentOS 7.x Linux distribution on one of the four VMs provisioned for this setup.

b. Login to the server as root.

c. install HAProxy using the Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum) tool:

shell> yum install haproxy

d. Create a self-signed certificate to be used by HAProxy, replacing the value in the -subj parameter with the value relevant to your site. The most important element within this parameter is the CN component—the value must match the FQDN of the VM used for this load balancer; so if you choose to name your VM then the -subj parameter may simply be "/":

shell> openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/pki/tls/private/fidoserver.key -out /etc/pki/tls/certs/fidoserver.crt -subj "/"

e. Concatenate the generated key and certificate files into a single file, preserving the names of the files as shown below:

shell> cat /etc/pki/tls/certs/fidoserver.crt /etc/pki/tls/private/fidoserver.key > /etc/pki/tls/certs/fidoserver.pem

f. Using a text editor, edit the HAProxy configuration file to make the following changes:

shell> vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Replace the content with the following and replace the <ip-fidoserver1> and <ip-fidoserver2> parameters with the IP addresses for the SKFS nodes:

    log   local0
    log   local1 debug
    maxconn   45000 # Total Max Connections.
    nbproc      1 # Number of processing cores.
    timeout server 86400000
    timeout connect 86400000
    timeout client 86400000
    timeout queue   1000s

listen  https_web
    bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/fidoserver.pem
    option tcplog
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    option forwardfor
    server server1 <ip-fidoserver1>:8181 check ssl verify none
    server server2 <ip-fidoserver2>:8181 check ssl verify none

g. Create a firewall rule to open port 443 to enable the web application to communicate with the load balancer:

shell> firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule 'rule family="ipv4" port port=443 protocol=tcp accept'

h. Restart HAProxy:

shell> service haproxy restart

i. Verify HAProxy is functioning as expected by accessing the URL in the browser. If it is functioning correctly, it will redirect you to one of the configured SKFS nodes.



If you cannot access the above URL in the browser, ensure that the selinux config has been set to permissive instead of enforcing.

The following command will show you the current status of selinux:

shell> sestatus

If it is set to enforcing, change it to permissive by running the following command:

shell> setenforce 0

Testing the SKFS Cluster with a Sample Web Application

To test the cluster with a sample web application, provision the fourth VM to install the sample application and follow the steps here to install the StrongKey Proof of Concept (PoC) Java Application. When installing the PoC application, make sure that you follow the steps to NOT install it with SKFS on the VM; because you already have an SKFS cluster setup following this document, there is no need for an additional SKFS.

The StrongKey PoC Java application is a self-contained web application that demonstrates the use of SKFS for registering users with FIDO2 and U2F Authenticators and, once registered, authenticating them with those Authenticators. The PoC web application also showcases a key management panel where registered users may add Authenticator keys to their account and manage them afterwards.

a. Login to the PoC VM as strongkey upon completing its installation.

b. Using a text editor such as vi, modify the application's configuration properties to point the application to the HAProxy load balancer setup in the earlier section of this document:

shell> vi /usr/local/strongkey/poc/etc/

Change the value of the property and point it to the new load balancer, replacing the <load-balancer-FQDN> parameter with the FQDN of the HAProxy VM from your environment:<load-balancer-FQDN>/api

c. Run the script to import the load balancer's self-signed certificate into the Payara application server running on the PoC VM:

shell> /usr/local/strongkey/bin/ <load-balancer-FQDN> -p443 -kGLASSFISH

d. Restart the Payara application server:

shell> sudo service glassfishd restart

e. Open a browser to the appropriate URL to access the PoC application on the PoC VM, replacing the <PoC-VM-FQDN> with the FQDN of the VM on which the PoC application is installed:


Simulating Node Failures in the SKFS Cluster

Following are several methods to simulate failures of an SKFS node within the cluster for verification purposes:

  1. Remove the Ethernet cable from one of the SKFS nodes.
  2. Shut down the Payara Applicatiion Server on one of the SKFS nodes.
  3. Close port 8181 by disabling the firewall rule that accepts connections on SKFS.
  4. Modify the configuration of HAProxy on the load balancer to remove one of the SKFS nodes.

NOTE: Because of the complexity of the FIDO2 protocols as well as its implementation in SKFS, some in-flight FIDO2 registrations and/or authentications may see failures due to the simulated outage (as might occur in a real-world environment). Application architects should consider how they might choose to address these failures within their web applications—the PoC was designed to demonstrate simple FIDO2 transactions and not a specific business application, and hence does not handle these failures as gracefully as might be desired.

StrongKey definitely appreciates feedback on how it might improve SKFS to better serve this community's needs. Please feel free to provide feedback through the forum on GitHub. Thank you.


To uninstall SKFS, run the following command (on every server in the cluster) from the folder where the distribution was extracted:

shell> sudo ./

This removes all StrongKey files plus the installed dependency packages. If the sample service provider web application and the StrongKey WebAuthn client are installed, they will be removed as well.