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Kevin Balthaser edited this page Apr 22, 2023 · 10 revisions

Bill of Materials -- Rev2 board.

Recommended parts are from Mouser US unless noted.

Reference Value Recommended Part LCSC Option Notes
F1 16v 10A Polyfuse AGRF1000 FHT1000-16F 10A guaranteed holding capacity.
C1 C2 C3 10uf 25v MLCC C322C106K3R5TA C2761733
C4 100uf 60v Electrolytic EEU-FR1H101B EEU-FR1J101B Low ESR needed
D1 1N4148 1N4148 1N4148 C14538
J1 J2 J3 J4a/b Phoenix LPT 2 pin 1190297 KF2EDGV-5.0-2P SPT also acceptable if you want screw terminals
J4 JST PH 9 pin Generics Acceptable
J6 JST PH 5 pin B5B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN) C157993 Generics acceptable
K1 10A SPST Relay, 3v coil G5LE-14 DC3 ( G5LE-1-DC3) C24585 Any of the G5LE DC3 variants from Omron will work, these seem in short supply, so substitute what you can get with a 3V coil.
Q1 PN2222A PN2222A C896866 Generic NPN, pick whatever is cheap
Q2 TIP120 TIP120 C165098 TIP122 may be substituted if 120 is out of stock
R1 R3 330ohm Metal Film MF1/4LCT52R331J C173152
R2 10ohm metal film C138214
U1 Raspberry Pi Pico Can use regular Pico, or header version, board supports either.
U2 3.3v Regulator Module N7803-1PV C2916516 LM78xx compatible switching regulator
U4 TMC5160 SilentStepStick There are lots available, I found the OEM to be cheapest. All seem to share pinout.

Alternate Parts

TMC5160 SilentStepStick

  • There are many options available for the TMC5160 SilentStepStick. They are commonly used in 3d printers and CNC router projects. The following have been identified as acceptable alternatives.
    • This module can be found on Amazon and AliExpress. It uses much larger MOSFETS than the Trinamic version, but does come supplied with a heat sink.
    • This module has 4 extra pins along the edge which must be removed to fit the PCB footprint. These aren't used by the KiwiBoard. You can either flush cut them, or de-solder them, they will pull out easily with needle-nose pliers on one side, and soldering iron on the other, you can yank them right out.
    • This part comes preconfigured for SPI Mode. No trace cutting is required to enable SPI mode, unlike the Trinamic version.

PCB Terminal Blocks

The PCB layout is designed around using 5 2-place wire-to-board terminal blocks. The specified part is Phoenix LPT series connectors, with a 5MM , 2 row pin pitch. These are a tool-less Wago style, lever actuated connector. As they are tool-less, name-brand, and high-current rated, they are on the more expensive side of connectors. The builder may swap in other connectors if they wish.

Example Substitutes

  • Phoenix SPT series in 5mm pitch. These are a screw closure version of the LPT, and may be less expensive at your vendor of choice.
  • You may use board-to-wire plug connectors instead of a terminal block. Example: From LCSC: KF2EDGV-5.0-2P and matching plug: KF2EDGK-5.0-2P These will only fill one row of the footprint. It is recommended that you mount the connector such that the part is mounted closest to the rest of the circuit it is connected to (So inboard in pretty much every case). It is also worth it to fill the empty holes with solder to increase current capacity across the pad.

External Parts

2.8" LCD ILI9341 based 240x320 LCD.

Encoder with button


  • Encoder will require a 5 pin JST PH -> 5pin .1" DuPont connector cable.
  • LCD will require a 9 pin JST PH --> 9 pin .1" DuPont connector cable (10 pin can be used on the LCD side, they are easier to find)
  • These cables are pretty easy to make with kits from Amazon or similar. Easiest route is to get a JST PH pre-terminated connector set, and a DuPont connector crimper and connector housings. Cut one end off the PH wire, and terminate on a DuPont connector instead (The DuPont connector is easier to DIY crimp, and easier to source cheap crimp tool for)
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