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vigorous adj. 充满活力的

show no signs of tiredness 毫无倦意

flame with anger 气得满脸通红

valiant adj. 有勇气的,勇敢的,无畏的(尤指在困境中)

a valiant attemp 一个勇敢的尝试

forced a weak smile 挤出一个微笑

With tears streaming down her face, words failed her. 眼泪顺着她的脸流下来,她说不出话来。

mask one's anger with a smile 用微笑掩饰愤怒

mask one's grief with a smile 用微笑掩饰悲伤

tears roll down my cheek 眼泪流下脸颊

a small sound of ...(dismay) escaped my throat 不禁发出...(沮丧)的声音

amiable adj. 和蔼的,友善的

wrinkle n. 皱纹(因为年老)

with some wrinkles on his forehead 前额上有一些皱纹

wrinkle one's forehead 皱起眉头

tender adj. 温柔的,慈爱的

sparkling adj. 闪闪发光的,闪烁的

sparkling wit 才思敏捷,名词性短语

a bubbly girl 一个充满活力的女孩

haggard adj. 憔悴的(疾病、忧伤或少睡眠)

numb v. 麻木

numb with grief 因悲伤而变得麻木

numb with fear 吓傻了

numb with shock 惊呆了

numb the pain 止痛,麻痹痛苦

a haunting sadness 萦绕的悲伤

Alice gave a shiver of delight. Alice 笑得花枝乱颤。(高兴得颤抖)

gleam v. 发出微光(尤指反光) v. 眼睛发光

sb's eyes gleam with sth. (因某种情绪)眼睛发亮

radiant adj. 明亮的,光彩照人的

The sun was radiant in the blue sky. radiant: 明亮的

radiant smile 光彩照人的微笑

Tears streaming down my face. 眼泪从我脸上流下。

dribble v. 滴下,成涓涓细流

sweat dribbled down his face 汗水从他的脸上滴下

bewildered adj. 迷惑不解的,晕头转向的 ==puzzled

a dreaming look came over her face 她露出一个梦幻的表情。

her fragile face broke into a smile 她精致的脸庞展露出微笑。

color glowed in his face 他的脸熠熠闪光。

glow v. 发亮,发光 v. 容光焕发(因健康或强烈的情感)

his eyes widened with joyfulness 他的眼睛因快乐而张大

her face was full of gloom and curelty 她面色阴沉,表情冷酷。


in the warm spring sunshine 在春日温暖的阳光中

drizzling adj. 下着细雨的

a fierce storm 暴雨

a violent storm 暴雨

in the blinding rain 在暴雨中

clear up 天气放晴

constant rains 连续不断的雨

sublime adj. 高尚的,超然的,令人敬畏的,极点,顶端 adj. 卓越的,超群的

sublime beauty 高贵之美

a sublime view 迷人的景色

the sublime and magnificent scenes 令人赞叹的壮美风景

a feast for your eyes 视觉盛宴

dim adj. 昏暗的,暗淡的 adj. 不分明的,模糊的,不清楚的

cozy adj. 温暖舒适的,温馨的


He was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness. 他突然被抛入了一个黑暗的世界,陷入了绝望。

Her heart was beating painfully fast and banging against her ribs. 她的心脏跳动得非常快,撞击着她的肋骨。

the thought of sth. urged him on 有关...的想法督促着他前行

So many thoughts crowded into her mind, all at once. 如此多的想法瞬间涌入她的脑海。

So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face. 她是如此的羞愧以至于脸如充血般发烫。

a wide excitement took hold of her 一种极大的激动笼罩着她。

a wide joyfulness took hold of her. 一种极大的喜悦笼罩着她。

compassion n. 同情,怜悯

compassion for sb./sth. 对...的怜悯、同情

with compassion 带着怜悯、同情

body froze rapidly 血液很快凝固(害怕)

despair n. 绝望

fall into despair 陷入绝望

despair of doing sth. 对做...绝望

despair at sth. 对...绝望

in despair 在绝望中

be driven to despair 被推入绝望之中

desperate adj. 痛苦的,绝望的

be desperate with ...(worry,anxiety,etc.) 承受...的痛苦

be desperate for sth. 极度渴望...

be desperate to do sth. 极度渴望做...

distress n. (精神上的)痛苦,伤心

in distress 处于痛苦之中

a strong sense of loss 强烈的失落感

with a heavy heart 怀着沉重的心情

be down in spirits 情绪低落

dismay n. 惊慌,惊愕,焦虑不安(a worried, sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant surprise) vt. 使沮丧,使灰心

The thought of ... dismayed him. ...的念头让他沮丧。

desolate adj. 荒无人烟的,萧瑟的 adj. 孤独的,凄凉的,悲伤的

miserable adj. 痛苦的,难过的

She went to bed, miserable and depressed. 她回到床上,难过而沮丧。

panic n. 惊慌 vi. 感到惊慌 vt. 使惊慌

in a panic 在惊慌中

panic about/over sth.

be seized with panic 惊慌失措

on the top of the world 非常高兴

pathetic adj. 可怜的

my heart skipped a beat 我的心跳停了一拍

astound v. 使震惊,使大吃一惊 ==astonish

indescribably wild joy 不可描述的狂喜

be in high spirits 精神高涨

be wild with delight 欣喜若狂

cry one's heart out 悲痛欲绝

gloom n. 忧郁,沮丧,消沉 n. 昏暗,黑暗

gloom and doom 悲观失望,前景黯然(名词性短语)

be full of gloom and doom 悲观失望


indignation n. 义愤(因不公待遇等所产生的愤怒)

be speechless with rage 因愤怒而说不出话

get cross at sb. 对某人勃然大怒

vexation n. 恼火,愤怒,焦躁不安

irritation n. 愤怒,令人愤怒的东西(尤其指日常生活中反复出现的)

irritate v. 激怒,使恼火(尤指日常生活中反复进行)

irritated adj. 被激怒的,恼火的(被反复的激怒行为所刺激的)

pique n. 愤恨,不满(因自尊心受伤)

resentful adj. 愤怒的,不满的(因不公正的事情)

rage n. 狂怒

be mad with rage 怒火冲天

be in a rage 怒气之中

fly into a rage 大发雷霆

fury n. 狂怒

furious adj. 愤怒的,暴怒的


console vt. 安慰 n. 控制台

console sb. 安慰某人

console oneself 自我安慰

jump to one's feet 一跃而起

cast new light on sth. 使人对某事有新的认知

feel out of place 感到格格不入

pace back and forth 来回踱步

break into shouts of applause 爆发出喝彩声

sing one's own praise 自吹自擂

give a murmur of approval 低声表示赞同

bear all the blame 承担所有责任

give sb. a look of pity/compassion 同情地看...

weep v. 哭泣

say sth. tearfully 哀叹,哭诉

rise to one's feet 站起来

He rose to his feet and staggered on. He was too tired to move on. 他站起身来,硬撑着向前。他累的走不动了。

pat v. 轻拍

tap v. 轻拍

tap sb. on the shoulder 拍某人肩膀

pat sb. on the head 拍某人头

glare v. 怒视,瞪眼

glare at sb. 怒视某人

stare v. 凝视,注视

stare at sb. 凝视某人

stare into space 出神(发呆)

glance n. 瞥

throw a curious glance at sb. 好奇地向...看一眼

at first glance 第一眼

at a glance 看一眼就...

steal a glance at sb./sth. 偷偷瞥一眼...

hasty adj. 匆忙的,仓促的

cast a hasty glance at sb./sth. 匆匆瞥一眼...

glimpse n. 一瞥

catch a glimpse of sb./sth. 瞥见某人/某物

区别 glance 与 glimpse glance 与 glimpse 都有瞥的意思。 glance 侧重于视线的转移,常常是有意识的。 glimpse 侧重于刹那间看见,常常是无意识的。 此外:glance 侧重于瞥的动作,glimpse 侧重于瞥的对象、结果。 the glimpse is what is seen by the glance, and not the glance itself; you take or give a glance at something, but get a glimpse of it.

gaze vi. 盯着看(尤指惊奇、羡慕) v. 凝视,注视(无意识地)

gaze at sb./sth. 凝视...

gaze out of the window 凝视窗外

look at sb. with a fixed gaze 凝视某人

eyes are glued to sth. 目不转睛地盯着


groan v. 呻吟(生气、沮丧、痛苦、愉悦)

moan v. 呻吟

a moan of sorrow 难过的呻吟声

a low, choking moan 一声低沉哽咽的呻吟 choke: 窒息

utter v. 讲,说

murmur v. 咕哝,小声低语,喃喃自语

grunt v. 咕哝,嘟哝

he grunted an apology. 他咕哝着道歉。

He grunted his thanks. 他咕哝着表示感谢。

mutter v. 低声抱怨

snarl v. (狗等)咆哮 v. (人等)愤怒地咆哮

whimper v. (人)呜咽,(动物)哀鸣

She lay on the stairs, whimpering with pain. 她躺在楼梯上,痛苦地抽泣着。


shudder v. 颤抖(冷、害怕、强烈感情)

tremble v. 颤抖(紧张、激动、恐惧等)

shiver v. 轻微颤抖(冷、恐惧、激动等)


limp v. 一瘸一拐地走,步履蹒跚

stagger v. 蹒跚,摇摇晃晃地走

too weak to move an inch 太虚弱,一步都难以移动

stumble v. 绊倒 v. 跌跌撞撞地走

totter v. 踉跄地走,蹒跚(常用于醉、病)

shuffle v. 拖着脚走


stretch out one's arms to embrace sb. 张开双臂拥抱某人


He hit his head against a rock and went limp. go limp: 浑身无力

choke v. 感到窒息 v. 使窒息


tentative adj. 小心谨慎的,试探性的

hearty adj. 热情的,友好的 adj. 充满活力的

a hearty welcome 一个友好的欢迎

a hearty voice 一个充满活力的声音

coincidence n. 巧合

faint adj. 微弱的,不明显的

a faint gleam of hope 一点微小的希望 faint: 微弱的 gleam: 微光

extinguish v. 扑灭,使熄灭(extinguish fire) v. 破灭,使破灭(extinguish hope)

The message extinguished her hopes of Richard's return. extinguish: 使破灭

Last sunday witnessed..... 无灵主语,某某时间发生某事。

have a great/warm reception 受到不错的反响

There was nothing left to do but do sth. 除了做...之外,什么也干不了。

regardless of concerns over sth. 不顾对...的忧虑

capable adj. 有能力的,能够的

be capable of doing sth. 能够做...

It is an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth. 这是一座有着丰富历史而又充满朝气的城市。

These sublime and magnificent scenes offered me the greatest consolation that I was capable of receiving. 这些令人赞叹的壮美景色给了我极大的安慰。

The rose looks like an angel, swaying in the wind, dancing in rain. 这朵玫瑰就像是天使一样,在风中摇摆,在雨中跳舞。