Piraeus bank paycenter bundle
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require thanpa/paycenter-bundle "dev-master"
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Thanpa\PaycenterBundle\ThanpaPaycenterBundle(),
// ...
// ...
- Add following to your
without changing its values - Add following to your
, replace placeholder values to bank provided values.
thanpa_paycenter.acquirerId: placeholder-value-change-me
thanpa_paycenter.merchantId: placeholder-value-change-me
thanpa_paycenter.posId: placeholder-value-change-me
thanpa_paycenter.username: placeholder-value-change-me
thanpa_paycenter.password: placeholder-value-change-me
thanpa_paycenter.param_back_link: "" # its contents used as a query string in the URL returned to the user when the "Cancel" button is pressed.
Add following code to your app/config/routing.yml
# app/config/routing.yml
path: /order/redirectToBank/{languageCode}/{merchantReference}
defaults: { _controller: ThanpaPaycenterBundle:RedirectionPay:redirectToBank, languageCode: 'el-GR', merchantReference: '' }
languageCode: el-GR|en-US|ru-RU|de-DE
Bank supports following languageCode
- el-GR
- en-US
- ru-RU
- de-DE
This bundle supports Doctrine, please run the following command:
# bin/console for Symfony3
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
If you're using DoctrineMigrationsBundle run:
# bin/console for Symfony3
$ app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
: your Acquirer Id (provided by bank)thanpa_paycenter.merchantId
: Your Merchant Id (provided by bank)thanpa_paycenter.posId
: Your Pos Id (provided by bank)thanpa_paycenter.username
: Your API username (provided by bank)thanpa_paycenter.password
: Your API password (provided by bank)thanpa_paycenter.param_back_link
: use""
for no parameters, or add your parameters:p1=v1&p2=v2
. Make sure not to include ? as first character.
Please note you need to inform your bank of your payment success/fail urls. Let them know you'd like API responses to be POST
ed back to your site.
- Create a new controller in your application named
and extendThanpa\PaycenterBundle\Controller\AbstractPaymentResponseController
. - You need to implement methods defined in
Your code should look like this:
public function successAction()
$paymentResponse = $this->convertPostToPaymentResponse();
// your logic here: set order as 'paid', notify customer etc
public function failAction()
$paymentResponse = $this->convertPostToPaymentResponse();
// your logic here: set order as 'payment failed', email customer etc
class has access methods you can use to get response information.
- bank requires you to persist the response in your system for future reference (not implemented in this Bundle).
- Make sure to call
because it also validates the hash to ensure this is a valid response from the bank.
Add the following to your app/config/routing.yml
(adjust the paths, and controller path to match your application):
path: /order/payment/success
defaults: { _controller: AppBundle:PaymentController:success }
methods: [POST]
path: /order/payment/fail
defaults: { _controller: AppBundle:PaymentController:fail }
methods: [POST]
In your application, when there's a new order created, you should have a unique identifier used as order reference (usually a 5 characters string). You can also use order id if you don't have an order reference.
When your order is created, it should be saved as "payment pending".
This is when you should call the ticket mechanism.
// ...
// get ticket issuer service
$issuer = $this->get('thanpa_paycenter.ticket_issuer');
$issuer->setMerchantReference($orderReference); // your unique order identifier
$ticket = $issuer->getTicket();
If request to bank's API succeeded you should now have a new ticket in $ticket
, and saved in your database.
In your controller, redirect user to redirectToBank
route (as defined previously):
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('redirectToBank', [
'languageCode' => 'el-GR',
'merchantReference' => $orderReference, // or your unique order identifier
This should show a form with hidden fields and will be submitted automatically (requires user to have Javascript enabled). After the form is submitted, user is redirected to bank's secure environment to complete the payment.
- If user does not complete payment and clicks "Cancel" he/she is redirected to the specified url you provided to bank (this is not configurable in the bundle).
- If payment is successfully completed, user is redirected to your
route. - If payment has failed, user is redirected to your
NOTE: I strongly suggest you read bank's API manual to fully understand how it works.
You need phpunit installed on your system.
$ phpunit --testsuite PaycenterBundle
You can modify phpunit.xml.dist
to match your needs. By default a code coverage log will be generated in build/