Releases: getbase/base
Releases · getbase/base
Base 3.1.0 Released!
- Cleaned up vendor prefixes on .button
- Removed overflow hidden on pretty select (.select)
- Added variables to custom select (_variables.scss)
- Cleaned up font-weight variables
- Added flex helpers for medium, large and extra large devices
- Added clearfix for medium, large and extra large devices
- Removed Styleguide
- Minor update in SCSS structure
- Moved _helpers.scss into styles.scss
- Version bump for style.scss, package.json and bower.json
- Updated default jQuery version to 1.12.4
Base 3.0.2 Released!
- Minor update to variable names for consistency ($base-link-color-hover to $base-link-hover-color, $base-input-background-color-focus to $base-input-background-focus-color and $base-input-border-color-focus to $base-input-border-focus-color)
- Removed image position helpers img-left and img-right as grid can be used
- Fixed issue where buttons would have rounded corners on Safari and small clean up with vendor prefixes in _forms.scss
- Added clearfix rules to .row-m, .row-l, .row-xl
- Added push/pull classes for .push-1-2-xl, .pull-1-2-xl, .push-1-3-xl, .pull-1-3-xl, .push-2-3-xl, .pull-2-3-xl, .push-1-4-xl, .pull-1-4-xl, .push-3-4-xl, .pull-3-4-xl, .push-1-5-xl, .pull-1-5-xl, .push-2-5-xl, .pull-2-5-xl, .push-3-5-xl, .pull-3-5-xl, .push-4-5-xl, .pull-4-5-xl
- Version bump for style.scss, package.json and bower.json
Base 3.0.1 Released!
- Minor tweak to readme
- Version bump for style.scss, package.json and bower.json
Base 3.0.0 Released!
- Refactored base to use normalize v4.1.1
- Updated default jQuery version to 1.12.3
- Added more variables for general hover and focus states, form elements and more
- Updated default typography and headings
- Updated favicons
- Added new font-size helpers (.fs-1, .fs-2, .fs-3, .fs-4, .fs-5, .fs-6) which are based off the h1 - h6 font sizes respectively
- Added styleguide
- Refactored grid to use new names ( .col-# [mobile first], .col-#-m [medium devices], .col-#-l [large devices], .col-#-xl [hd devices] )
- Added new grid columns (1-2, 1-3, 2-3, 1-4, 3-4, 1-5, 2-5, 3-5, 4-5) for all devices
- Updated favicons
- Refactored and cleaned up mixins file
- Added gulp source maps for CSS
- Added gulp plugin to base64 encode SVG images
- Added clean task to gulpfile.js
- Version bump package.json and bower.json
- Updated travis.yml to use a more stable version of Node
- Updated readme and changelog
- Version bump for style.scss
Base 2.8.3 Released!
- Refactored custom select to be more accessible (focus state)
- Added new variables for field borders colours (standard and focus states) and new variable for field colour
- Minor cleanup in gulpfile.js - thanks to Vladimir Gamalian (vladimirgamalian)
- Version bump package.json and bower.json
- Version bump style.less/style.scss
Base 2.8.2 Released!
- Updated package.json and published getbase to NPM package
- Version bump on package.json and bower.json
- Version bump on style.less/style.scss
Base 2.8.1 Released!
- Added position helpers for tablet, desktop and HD devices
- Version bump on package.json and bower.json
- Version bump on style.less/style.scss
Base 2.8.0 Released!
- Cleaned up duplicate variables in _variables.scss - #62
- Updated .travis.tml file to use Node 4 LTS
- Added Autoprefixer to handle vendor prefixes
- Cleaned up _mixins.less/_mixins.scss as Autoprefixer handles vendor prefixing
- Cleaned up _animations.less/_animations.scss as Autoprefixer handles vendor prefixing
- Updated .img-responsive helper to .img-fluid
- Added new row helpers (.row-top-x and .row-bottom-x)
- Added !default to all variables to support fallbacks (_variables.scss) - #63
- Version bump on package.json and bower.json
- Version bump on style.less/style.scss
- Minor update on .gitignore
Base 2.7.2 Released!
- Added new variable for gutter spacing for mobile, tablet, desktop and HD
- Minor update to .travis.yml file
- Version bump on package.json and bower.json
- Version bump on style.less/style.scss
Base 2.7.1 Released!
- Added input[number] to _forms.less/_forms.scss
- Removed Mozilla specific styling on input fields for Firefox
- Minor update to .travis.yml file
- Version bump on package.json and bower.json
- Version bump on style.less/style.scss