Loads an option value:
{@options key="my-test" resource="/models/example/test.json" /}
The JSON file would look something like:
"my-test": "My Test",
"other-option": 1234
If you are re-using this dustjs template on the browser (using browserify), make sure the json file is required when compiling.
Using Grunt-Browserify:
module.exports = function browserify(grunt) {
return {
build: {
files: grunt.file.expandMapping('public/js/*.js', '../htdocs/js/', {
flatten: true,
ext: '.js'
options: {
watch: false,
keepAlive: false,
debug: true,
require: [
If the key attribute is not set it will try and render the body:
<select name="group">
{@options resource="/models/user/groups.json"}
<option value="{key}" {@eq key=key value=group}selected{/eq}>{value}</option>