- Reverted package's class name
- updated dart version
- updated dependencies versions
- added style and role support
- new example file (example.dart) to run/test in terminal (i.e. dart example.dart -h)
- bug fixes and improvements
- getAvailableVoices now only returns VoicesSuccess and throws an exception otherwise
- getTts now only returns AudioSuccess and throws an exception otherwise
- VoicesFailedBadRequest now includes more details in the reason field.
- AudioFailedBadRequest now includes more details in the reason field.
- Updated Readme file to show prosody rate in example.
- Added prosody rate to TtsParams.
- Upgraded json_serializable to 5.0.2.
- Upgraded build_runner to 2.1.4.
- Fix for bug where could not initialisation throws exception.
- Removed async on initialisation.
- Added withLogs field when initialising.
- Fixed auth token expiring issue.
- Updated dart docs.
- Added toString method to all Azure related exceptions
- Added toString method to AzureException
- Upgraded build_runner to 2.1.1
- Downgraded to json_serializable 4.1.4
- Removed flutter dependencies
- Get Available voices
- Convert text to speech