Vex is a fantasy console from an alternate history 1980s where vector graphics remained supreme. It includes a COBOL-esque programming language (vex) which compiles to a VM bytecode which drives a virtual vector-based graphics chip (and a virtual FM synthesis audio chip). The project goal is "to compile Asteroids in less than 200 lines", or more generally, to provide a platform for very easy and rapid development of vector arcade games.
The compiler is currently being written in Kotlin. The VM is being written in C++ with GLFW.
DISCLAIMER FOR CONTRIBUTORS: I don't actually know C++! My C++ code is terrible and probably insults the compiler. Please help me learn better C++!
You can download an .exe demo if you want to see it running yourself.
9/5: Lots of compiler and VM work -- math functions, optimized bytecode, conditionals, input handlers, global variables, and lots more little things I forgot.
8/30: Compiler: added the concept of system functions and system object classes, and function/method call parsing and compiling to go with. We'll need this to meaningfully interact with the GPU and APU.
8/28: CPU: the compiler now supports 'if' and 'repeat', which permitted the first benchmark to run -- the VM can execute about 17 million opcodes/second. Here's a sample disassembler output for some benchmark code:
0: OP_CONST c0 [1000]
3: OP_SETVAR v3 [_loop886371]
6: OP_JUMPZ v3 [_loop886371] j3 [64]
j0 11: OP_CONST c1 [6]
14: OP_CONST c2 [-4]
18: OP_SETVAR v0 [foo]
21: OP_CONST c3 [V(1.0,-1.0)]
24: OP_SETVAR v1 [x]
27: OP_CONST c4 [2000]
30: OP_SETVAR v2 [_loop371507]
33: OP_JUMPZ v2 [_loop371507] j2 [56]
j1 38: OP_VAR v1 [x]
41: OP_CONST c5 [0.9]
45: OP_SETVAR v1 [x]
48: OP_DECVAR v2 [_loop371507]
51: OP_JUMPNZ v2 [_loop371507] j1 [38]
j2 56: OP_DECVAR v3 [_loop886371]
59: OP_JUMPNZ v3 [_loop886371] j0 [11]
j3 64: OP_EXIT
8/25: CPU: we ran our first compiled program today (on start: sound 1)! The VM bytecode machine exists and the compiler's basic pieces are in place.
8/23: APU: the synth is fully fleshed out, with 2 oscillators, a low/high/bandpass filter, and an LFO + ADSR modulator per voice. Sound effects are made in the ROM as very short songs -- the shoot song, the explode song, etc. For fun and ease of auditioning patches I added MIDI input.
8/19: Particles! Particles are just fire-and-forget sprites that can have acceleration, color shift, scale change, and rotation.
8/18: Collision detection! Rather than do traditional mathy detection, I just drew all the lines on a buffer using the sprite IDs, and checked for hits on draw.
8/17: GPU: we can render >10,000 lines (or >1,000 sprites) at 60fps with pretty good vector simulation. APU: we can play 8+ voice MIDI files with 2-osc ADSR synths that kinda sound like a POKEY chip.
8/16: Proportional fonts and sprites.
8/14: The speculative code below partially compiles (to an AST)! The GPU and APU exist and mostly work! The binary .vexo format exists and can be written and (partly) read!
Speculative asteroids.vexc :
THRUST = 0.03
screen attract:
on draw:
on startButton:
goto play
screen play:
intensity (float start 1)
rocks (listof rock max 50):
sprite (from SPRITES)
xy (position)
rot (rotation)
rotSpeed (fraction always random(0.4))
vec (vector)
size (number)
sprite (from SPRITES.ship)
xy (position start SCREEN_CENTER)
rot (rotation start 0)
vec (vector start (0,0))
alive (state start false)
lives (number start STARTING_LIVES)
shots (listof shot max 3):
sprite (always SPRITES.shot)
xy (position)
vec (vector)
score (number wrap)
on start:
SPAWN player
repeat 4:
make rock(SPRITES.rockBig, position(random(1.0),random(1.0)), 0, vector(random(1.0), 0.04), 3)
on update:
if player is alive:
if input.left: player.rot by TURN_SPEED
if input.right: player.rot down by TURN_SPEED
if input.thrust:
player.vec += vector(player.rot, THRUST)
xy by vec
each rock:
rot by rotSpeed
xy by vec
if rock hits player and player is alive: // collisions are written on render
KILL rock
KILL player
each shot:
xy by vec
each rock:
if shot hits rock:
score += (200 - rock.size * 50)
KILL rock
remove shot
on fire button:
if (shots < MAX_SHOTS)):
make shot(player.xy, vector(player.rot, SHOT_SPEED))
on hyperspace button:
player.xy = vector(random(1.0), random(1.0))
to SPAWN player:
reset xy, rot, vec, sprite
alive = true
to KILL rock:
remove rock
if size > 1: repeat 2:
let newsprite = size == 2 ? SPRITES.rockSmall : SPRITES.rockMed
make rock(newsprite, xy, 0, vec + vector(random(1.0), 0.04), size - 1)
to KILL player:
sprite = SPRITES.explodingShip
alive = false
each shot: remove shot
in 3 seconds:
if lives > 0: SPAWN player
else: goto attract
on draw:
if lives < 1: draw text 'GAME OVER' at SCREEN_CENTER
repeat lives: draw SPRITES.1up at position(0.8+repeat*0.03, 0.1)
draw at xy,rot
if alive and
draw SPRITES.exhaust at xy,rot
each rock: draw at xy,rot
each shot: draw at xy
draw text score at position(0.45,0.01)