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ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ bouncer.js ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

shield shield shield

A `bouncer` is a guy who works outside the night club checking did you pay for the entrance to that particular club. This library is a plug-and-play static files server + uWebSockets plugin manager with chat example and angular integration. One client (socket) may be subscribed to many topics (rooms) at the same time (since v2.18.0).

Common use cases when you might want to use this library:

  • you want a static files server
  • you want to build a websocket chat
  • you want to build any websocket plugin
  • you want it on a single process
  • you want easy angular integration
  • you want easy vanilla js integration


It's hosted as an npm package so installation is of course as simple as:

$ yarn add @jacekpietal/bouncer.js

# or

$ npm i @jacekpietal/bouncer.js --save


Backend: Cli Usage

to start static server of folder dist/your-app run

$ [PORT=4200] yarn bouncer.js dist/your-app [--debug] [--chat]
  • the --chat flag starts websockets chat plugin

  • the --debug flag starts debug mode with lots of logs

  • alter port by setting PORT env var

Backend: API Usage

serve folder with plugin (chat)

port defaults to 4200 if process.env.PORT not set

const serve = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/server')
const chat = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/plugins/chat')

// serve public folder with chat plugin
serve('dist/your-app', { chat })


const BouncerJs = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js')
const chat = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/plugins/chat')
const plugins = { chat }

// serve public folder with chat plugin
new BouncerJs({ plugins }).serve('dist/your-app')

Frontend: Angular ChatService

frontend for above backend

// app.module.ts

+ import { ChatService } from '@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/build/plugins/chat/ng/chat.service';

+ function chatFactory(window: Window) {
+   return new ChatService(window);
+ }

+ { provide: 'Window', useValue: window },
+ { provide: 'Chat', useFactory: chatFactory, deps: ['Window'] }
// your-component.ts

+ constructor(@Inject('Chat') chat: ChatService) {
+   chat.connect() // if argument address not specified connects to location.origin
+ }
# add minimal typings

$ mkdir -p src/types
$ cp node_modules/@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/bouncer-js.d.ts src/types

Frontend: bouncer client

const UWebSocket = require("@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/client.js");
const socket = new UWebSocket('ws://localhost:4200');
const refs = getHTMLElements();

socket.onopen = (value) => {
  // step 1 ~> 2 of flow - send handshake of plugin name
  socket.emitEvent("/join", "chat");

socket.on("*", ({ id, event, data }) => {
  // append output
  refs.messages.innerHTML += `<div>${id} &gt; ${event} &gt; ${data}</div>\n`;

socket.on("/join", ({ id, event, data }) => {
  // first join is your join, set your server named id
  if (!refs.username.innerText) {
    refs.username.innerText = id;
});'submit', (event) => {

  const payload = refs.message.value.trim();
  if (!payload) return;

  socket.emitEvent("say", payload);

  refs.message.value = "";

function getHTMLElements() {
  return ['username', 'messages', 'message', 'chat'].reduce(
    (obj, id) => ({
      [id]: document.querySelector(`#${id}`)

The Flow (!)

STEP 1: Before Connection

  • client -> connects websocket to bouncer server on ws:// or wss:// protocol
  • server -> waits for handshake / join event (which is defined in config.join)

STEP 2: Connection

  • client -> sends handshake / join event with topic aka room name aka plugin name
  • server -> plugin associated with that room joins client to room and starts to listen
  • server -> broadcasts to all the people of that room that mentioned client joined

STEP 3: After Connection

  • client -> does some actions (emits, receives)
  • server -> plugin responds to the actions

STEP 4: Finish Connection

  • client -> disconnects after some time
  • server -> broadcasts to all other people from the room that client left (config.leave)

The Plugins (!)

  • To handshake a plugin in bouncer you need to send from your connected client something with similar payload:
{ "event": "/join", "data": "pluginName" }
  • A plugin is a function (ws, { id, event, data }) that is called each time the frontend websocket emits something to the server. context (this) of each plugin is bouncer instance.

  • The plugins receive (and send) the data in the format of:

  id,    // WebSocket id - this is automatically added
  event, // event name as string
  data,  // any data accompanying the event


A call to new BouncerJs(userConfig) creates a bouncer instance

It is ready to receive any number of the following props if any as constructor parameters:

  plugins: {
    // any number of plugins with this format
    [plugin]: function (ws, { event, id, data }) {
      // user implementation
      // `this` context is bound to the bouncer instance
  // logo for discriminating lib's messages
  logo: 'ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ bouncer.js',
  // default port is read from ENV
  port: process.env.PORT | 4200,
  // this event joins a topic / room
  join: '/join',
  // this event leaves a topic / room
  leave: '/leave',
  // a lot more logs
  debug: false,
  // defaults to undefined
  ssl: {
    key: '/path/to/key_file_name.key',
    cert: '/path/to/cert_file_name.crt',
    passphrase: ''

BouncerJS API

  onEvent(ws, event, data),
  join(ws, topic),
  leave(ws, topic),
  broadcast({ topic }, { id, event, data }),
  send(ws, { id, event, data }),
  router: uws.SSLApp|uws.App,
  rooms: Map(),
  config: {
    // read above section in readme, also:
    // after the client config is applied to default config
    // the resulting startup config reference is here

Front End Client ( extension

If you can use a bundler for frontend, see:

to improve above frontend code yourself with it

// uWebSocket api is extended in @jacekpietal/bouncer.js/client by
  emitEvent(eventName, objectOrString),
  on(eventName, callback),
  on('*', callback), // on any event

Example imports

// require static files server
const serve = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/server')
// for frontend use this is a websocket enchanced,
// but you can still use normal websocket on frontend
const UWebSocketClient = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/client')
// chat plugin ready to be used with bouncer
// chat === createEcho("chat");
const chat = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/plugins/chat')
const createEcho = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/lib/echo')
// this creates a simple plugin with echo broadcast back to others
// with topic named joystick
const joystick = createEcho('joystick')
// the heart of the library
const BouncerJs = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js')
// allows to use older plugins with 2 functions
// deprecated, backwards compatibility to older versions
const shim = require('@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/lib/shim')


  • Test Suites: 5 passed, 5 total
  • Tests: 17 passed, 17 total

# to test run:

$ yarn test # automatic tests in jest
$ yarn start # manual test/example: chat


For the few users to have somewhat of a bridge between the socket-starter library that this library deprecates:

What does that shim do?

If you do shim(plugin) then your plugin may be in the format of:

  handshake(socket, data),




  • Do what you want, fork, etc.
  • I am not responsible for any problem this free application causes :P
  • Have fun, please open any issues, etc.


  • © 2020-2021 Jacek Pietal


ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ bouncer.js - static files and websockets server on same process



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  • JavaScript 94.8%
  • TypeScript 5.2%