Take a Linux machine which will act as server and target machine will act as client. The client and server should be in same subnet in order to minimize network latency.
- Pull this tool on a Linux machine:
$> git clone https://github.com/gangaram-tii/ghaf-debug-tools.git
$> cd ./ghaf-debug-tools/netperf/
- Setup Nix Shell (For NixOS based Linux machine)
$> nix-shell
Run following script to measure network performance. The script uses default port (5201). Make sure the port is allowed in firewall setting.
$> python ./netperf.py <target-ip> <duration-in-sec> <target-username> <target-password>
This will generate iperf3 json log on remote machine and will copy the log file in current working directory with name `iperf3--.json. You can run multiple such iterations.
Draw plot for comparision of any two performance data:
$> python ./plot.py <perf-log-file1> <label1> <perf-log-file2> <label2>
The graph will show bitrates of the two instances overtime using line graph. It will show comparision of average CPU utilization in both instances using bar graph.