Releases: goadesign/goa
Releases · goadesign/goa
What's Changed
- Add OpenAPI deprecated support to DSL. by @xlanor in #3497
- Customize proto message name by @nitinmohan87 in #3498
- Fix eval.IncompatibleDSL() to hide internal DSL by @tchssk in #3502
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v3.15.2...v3.16.0
What's Changed
- Add openapi:json:indent Meta by @tchssk in #3480
- Fix validation code for projected union types by @raphael in #3487
- Return a validation error when query string is malformed by @raphael in #3488
- Properly handle decoding of maps with nil entries by @raphael in #3490
- Correctly handle union to union transforms by @raphael in #3491
Full Changelog: v3.15.0...v3.15.1
What's Changed
- Standardize OpenAPI integer format by @raphael in #3451
- Fix openapi:generate Meta to affect required validations by @tchssk in #3452
- Merge duplicate mustGenerate() functions by @tchssk in #3453
- Generate valid OpenAPI specifications by @raphael in #3454
- Embed template files at compile time by @raphael in #3455
- Skip flaky tests by @raphael in #3458
- No need to checkout to report test coverage by @raphael in #3459
- Use v3 branch for pushes and feature branch for PRs for code coverage by @raphael in #3460
- Move templates out of Go code into their own files by @raphael in #3456
- Fix env var expansion in DeepSource GitHub action by @raphael in #3463
- Fix godoc for codegen.UserTypeLocation() by @tchssk in #3464
- Use crypto/rand for sampling by @nitinmohan87 in #3466
- Fix/trace sampler by @raphael in #3467
- Make receiver consistent across all methods of ServiceError by @raphael in #3468
- Treat nested paths for struct:pkg:path Meta by @tchssk in #3469
- Validate Array and Map for struct:pkg:path Meta by @tchssk in #3474
- Protect against invalid route captures by @raphael in #3476
Full Changelog: v3.14.6...v3.15.0
What's Changed
- Add openapi:generate Meta support to dsl.Attribute by @tchssk in #3437
- Add API version constant to generated code by @raphael in #3439
- Deprecate obsolete instrumentation by @raphael in #3440
- Handle inline object array and map elements by @raphael in #3442
Full Changelog: v3.14.1...v3.14.4
What's Changed
- Fix generated validation code for gRPC by @tchssk in #3409
- Bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 by @dependabot in #3410
- Add openapi:typename Meta support to openapi v2 by @tchssk in #3412
- Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 by @dependabot in #3414
- Use sync.Map for http.mux.wildcards by @tchssk in #3417
- Lazy initialization for default Goa mux by @tchssk in #3419
- Add link to the Goa Design Wizard by @raphael in #3420
- Feature/wizard by @raphael in #3421
- Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 by @dependabot in #3422
- Bump from 0.120.0 to 0.122.0 by @dependabot in #3423
- Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 by @dependabot in #3411
Full Changelog: v3.14.0...v3.14.1
What's Changed
- Bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 by @dependabot in #3386
- Update by @tibers in #3391
- Bug fix SkipRequestBodyEncodeDecode by @emilkor1 in #3384
- Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #3388
- Revert "Use RedirectSlashes middleware by default Goa mux " by @tchssk in #3392
- Bump from 1.58.2 to 1.58.3 by @dependabot in #3396
- Add SmartRedirectSlashes to http/middleware by @tchssk in #3394
- chore: Tweak release-examples by @ikawaha in #3397
- bugfix: export proper scopes in openapi3 file for oauth2 and jwt security by @server-may-cry in #3399
- Rename the XML encoded http.ErrorResponse by @tchssk in #3398
- Make struct:pkg:path Meta work for WebSocket endpoints by @raphael in #3400
- Add CookieSameSite DSL by @jaredLunde in #3401
- Fix struct:field:name Meta to work for HTTP payloads by @tchssk in #3402
- Add openapi:generate Meta support to dsl.Server by @tchssk in #3405
- Add openapi:generate Meta support to dsl.Host by @tchssk in #3406
- Bump from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 by @dependabot in #3404
- Bump from 1.58.3 to 1.59.0 by @dependabot in #3403
New Contributors
- @tibers made their first contribution in #3391
- @emilkor1 made their first contribution in #3384
- @server-may-cry made their first contribution in #3399
- @jaredLunde made their first contribution in #3401
Full Changelog: v3.13.2...v3.14.0
What's Changed
- Use HTTPName for cookies in response encoders by @sevein in #3362
- Bump from 1.58.1 to 1.58.2 by @dependabot in #3365
- Unescape HTTP path parameters by @tchssk in #3364
- Use RedirectSlashes middleware by default Goa mux by @tchssk in #3366
- Make DeepSource action work for all PRs by @raphael in #3368
- Deep source pr fix by @raphael in #3370
- Build on PR and push to v3 by @raphael in #3371
- Checkout code before running deepsource by @raphael in #3372
- Update wildcard handling for chi router by @raphael in #3374
- Name downloaded artifact explicitly by @raphael in #3373
- Try fixing the DeepSource workflow not triggering by @raphael in #3375
- Attempt to fix artifact download by @raphael in #3376
- Set origin properly for PRs from forks by @raphael in #3378
- Update badge workflow name by @raphael in #3377
- Upgrade dependencies by @raphael in #3369
- Properly generate response cookies in OpenAPI spec by @raphael in #3379
- Improve examples for union attributes by @raphael in #3380
- Handle MapParams in OpenAPI specs by @raphael in #3381
- Ensure Vars can be used in middleware by @raphael in #3382
Full Changelog: v3.13.1...v3.13.2