diff --git a/templates/exporter/exporter-dpl.yaml b/templates/exporter/exporter-dpl.yaml index bb6a2c015..75004c6e6 100644 --- a/templates/exporter/exporter-dpl.yaml +++ b/templates/exporter/exporter-dpl.yaml @@ -64,14 +64,20 @@ spec: {{- if .Values.caBundleSecretName }} {{ include "harbor.caBundleVolumeMount" . | indent 8 }} {{- end }} + {{- if .Values.internalTLS.enabled }} + - name: core-internal-certs + mountPath: /etc/harbor/ssl/core + # There are some metric data are collectd from harbor core. + # When internal TLS is enabled, the Exporter need the CA file to collect these data. + {{- end }} volumes: - name: config secret: secretName: "{{ template "harbor.exporter" . }}" {{- if .Values.internalTLS.enabled }} - - name: exporter-internal-certs + - name: core-internal-certs secret: - secretName: {{ template "harbor.internalTLS.exporter.secretName" . }} + secretName: {{ template "harbor.internalTLS.core.secretName" . }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.caBundleSecretName }} {{ include "harbor.caBundleVolume" . | indent 6 }}