# install python
docker pull python
# run python in interactive mode with no persistent storage
docker run -it python
# run python in interactive mode and mount an absolute path
# to a folder named shared in the python container for persistent storage
docker run -it -v /Users/codecaine/Desktop:/shared python
# run python in interactive mode and mount the terminal current working directory
# to a folder named shared in the python container for persistent storage
docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/shared python
# create a volume named shared
volume to create my_volume
# get a list of volumes on system
docker volume ls
# to attach a volume for persistent storage in python
docker run -it -v my_volume:/shared python
# in python check the folder
import os
# change system directory to shared folder
# list files in the current directory
# stop all active services - containers and mounted volumes
docker system prune
# remove a volume is storage is not needed anymore
docker volume rm my_volume
Create a file named Dockerfile
and add the contents below then save the file
# Dockerfile, Image, Container
# Container with python version 3.10
FROM python:3.10
# Add python file and directory
ADD main.py .
# upgrade pip and install pip packages
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip && \
pip install --no-cache-dir numpy
# Note: we had to merge the two "pip install" package lists here, otherwise
# the last "pip install" command in the OP may break dependency resolution...
# run python program
CMD ["python", "main.py"]
Create a main.py
in same folder as Dockerfile and add contents below then save file
from numpy import random
import numpy as np
# original array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print('original array', arr)
# shuffled array inplace
print('shuffled array', arr)
# output example
# original array [1 2 3 4 5]
# shuffled array [5 1 2 4 3]
Build the container in the current directory - make sure the . is after python_test for the current directory
# build the container in the directory of main.py and Dockerfile
# and create a container named python_test
docker build -t python_test .
Run the new container
docker run python_test
View container images and delete
# list of focker images on system
docker images
# remove an image by name
docker rmi python_test