This page describes about Cloud Orchestrator
Cloud Orchestrator is a web service for managing virtual machines or containers as host instances. It can create, list, and delete host instances, and provides the way to access hosts to launch Cuttlefish instances on top of the host instance via Host Orchestrator.
Please execute the command below.
git clone
cd cloud-android-orchestration # Root directory of this repository
docker build \
--force-rm \
--no-cache \
-t cuttlefish-cloud-orchestrator \
To run cloud orchestrator, prepare your config file(conf.toml) for the cloud orchestrator and please execute the command below.
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e CONFIG_FILE="/conf.toml" \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-t cuttlefish-cloud-orchestrator:latest
We're currently providing using Cloud Orchestrator with Docker instances as hosts. Please read scripts/on-premises/single-server/ to follow.