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9 - Build the Login & Logout Flow

Make Messages Prettier

We used flash, but that's too much work, lets go nuts and reuse a module cbmessagebox which will produce Bootstrap compliant messages.

install cbmessagebox && coldbox reinit

Update the flash setting code in the create action of the registration handler to this:

flash.put( "notice", {
    type : "success",
    message : "The user #encodeForHTML( rc.username )# with id: #generatedKey# was created!"
} );

to this:

getInstance( "messageBox@cbmessagebox" )
    .success( "The user #encodeForHTML( rc.username )# with id: #generatedKey# was created!" );

And the display code in the layouts/Main.cfm to this:

<cfif flash.exists( "notice" )>
    <div class="alert alert-#flash.get( "notice" ).type#">
    #flash.get( "notice" ).message#

to this

#getInstance( "messagebox@cbMessageBox" ).renderit()#

Security using cbSecurity and cbAuth

Install cbSecurity which includes cbAuth. We will use the modules to provide security to our app and also authentication services.

install cbsecurity

Then you need to configure the module in the moduleSettings Setting struct in the /config/Coldbox.cfc file. Look at the cbSecurity and cbAuth docs for the settings.

moduleSettings = {
    "cbauth" : {
        "userServiceClass" : "UserService"

And cbAuth requires us to create the following functions so authentication can occur for us:

function isValidCredentials( username, password )
function retrieveUserByUsername( username )
function retrieveUserById( id )

Additionally, the User component returned by the retrieve methods needs to respond to getId(). WOW! We have no User class yet, so I guess we will also have to model it. Ok, now it's time for some BDD modeling:

BDD Time!

Issue the following: coldbox create handler name="sessions" actions="new,create,delete". This is our start so we can create the functionality for login page, do login, and logout. We will again start with our BDD tests:

// sessionsTest.cfc
component extends="tests.resources.BaseIntegrationSpec"{
	property name="query" 		inject="provider:QueryBuilder@qb";
    property name="bcrypt" 		inject="@BCrypt";
    property name="cbAuth"      inject="authenticationService@cbauth";

	function beforeAll(){
		query.from( "users" )
			.insert( values = {
				username : "testuser",
				email : "[email protected]",
				password : bcrypt.hashPassword( "password" )
			} );

	function afterAll(){
		query.from( "users" )
			.where( "username", "=", "testuser" )

	/*********************************** BDD SUITES ***********************************/
	function run(){

		describe( "sessions Suite", function(){

			beforeEach(function( currentSpec ){
				// Setup as a new ColdBox request for this suite, VERY IMPORTANT. ELSE EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE THE SAME REQUEST.

			it( "can present the login screen", function(){
				var event = execute( event="", renderResults=true );
				// expectations go here.
				expect( event.getRenderedContent() ).toInclude( "Log In" );

			it( "can log in a valid user", function(){
				var event = post( route="/login", params={ username="testuser", password="password"} );
				// expectations go here.
				expect( event.getValue( "relocate_URI") ).toBe( "/" );
				expect( cbAuth.isLoggedIn() ).toBeTrue();

			it( "can show an invalid message for an invalid user", function(){
				var event = post( route="/login", params={ username="testuser", password="bad"} );
				// expectations go here.
				expect( event.getValue( "relocate_URI") ).toBe( "/login" );

			it( "can logout a user", function(){
				var event = delete( route="/logout" );
				// expectations go here.
				expect( cbAuth.isLoggedIn() ).toBeFalse();
				expect( event.getValue( "relocate_URI") ).toBe( "/" );




Add the following into your existing /config/Router.cfc file

// config/Router.cfc
function configure(){
    setFullRewrites( true );
    route( "/login" )
        .withAction( { "POST" = "create", "GET" = "new" } )
        .toHandler( "sessions" );

    delete( "/logout" ).to( "sessions.delete" );
	route( ":handler/:action?" ).end();

Check them out in the route visualizer!

Event Handler

Let's start building out the code:

// handlers/Sessions.cfc
component {

    //DI property 
    name="messagebox" 		inject="MessageBox@cbmessagebox";
	* new
	function new( event, rc, prc ){
		event.setView( "sessions/new" );

	* create
	function create( event, rc, prc ){
		try {
			auth().authenticate( rc.username ?: "", rc.password ?: "" );
			messagebox.success( "Welcome back #encodeForHTML( rc.username )#" );
            return relocate( uri = "/" );
        catch ( InvalidCredentials e ) {
            messagebox.warn( e.message );
            return relocate( uri = "/login" );

	* delete
	function delete( event, rc, prc ){
		relocate( uri="/" );


Model: User

Create a new Model coldbox create model name="User" properties="id,username,email,password"

* I am a new Model Object
component accessors="true"{
	// Properties
	property name="id" type="string";
	property name="username" type="string";
	property name="email" type="string";
	property name="password" type="string";
	 * Constructor
	User function init(){
		return this;
    boolean function isLoaded(){
		return ( !isNull( ) && len( ) );


Model: UserService

We need to update our User Service for CBAuth to function. It requires 3 functions and 1 for good luck:

Explain wirebox.getInstance and populator

Inject the new wirebox items into /models/UserService.cfc

component {

    // To populate objects from data
    property name="populator" inject="wirebox:populator";
    // For encryption
    property name="bcrypt" inject="@BCrypt";

Add the new methods to the /models/UserService.cfc

   // What is this FUNKYNESS!!!
    User function new() provider="User";

	User function retrieveUserById( required id ) {
        return populator.populateFromQuery(
            queryExecute( "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?", [ ] )

    User function retrieveUserByUsername( required username ) {
        return populator.populateFromQuery(
            queryExecute( "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = ?", [ arguments.username ] )

    boolean function isValidCredentials( required username, required password ) {
		var oUser = retrieveUserByUsername( arguments.username );
        if( !oUser.isLoaded() ){
            return false;

        return bcrypt.checkPassword( arguments.password, oUser.getPassword() );

Login View

Update the view /views/sessions/new.cfm

<!-- views/sessions/new.cfm -->
    <div class="card">
        <h4 class="card-header">Log In</h4>
        <form class="form panel card-body" method="POST" action="#event.buildLink( "login" )#">
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="username" class="control-label">Username</label>
                <input id="username" name="username" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username" />
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="password" class="control-label">Password</label>
                <input id="password" name="password" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password" />
            <div class="form-group">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Log In</button>

Hit in your browser. You can now see the login screen. Let's build the login action next.

Layout NavBar

Update the main layout to show and hide the register / login / logout buttons.

<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
    <cfif auth().isLoggedIn()>
        <form method="POST" action="#event.buildLink( "logout" )#">
            <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" />
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-link nav-link">Log Out</button>
        <a href="#event.buildLink( "" )#" class="nav-link">Register</a>
        <a href="#event.buildLink( "login" )#" class="nav-link">Log In</a>

Refresh the page, and you will get an error Messages: No matching function [AUTH] found unless you have reinited the framework.

Registration Refactoring

Refactor the Registration to use the User Object, we have gone OOP

Update UserService create function to use User object

function create( required user ){
            INSERT INTO `users` (`email`, `username`, `password`)
            VALUES (?, ?, ?)
            bcrypt.hashPassword( user.getPassword() )
        { result = "local.result" }
    user.setId( result.generatedKey );
    return user;

Update Registration.cfc handler to use User Object

Replace the Create function with the following

// create / save User
function create( event, rc, prc ) {
    var user = populateModel( getInstance( "User" ) );
    userService.create( user );
    relocate( uri = "/login" );

Also note that your tests don't change. Run Them!


Let's make the user listing friendly

Let's update our dump to just a simple listing in order to try out the HTML Helper and make it pretty:

Open the main/index.cfm and remove the dump and use the following instead:

<h1>System Users</h1>
    data = prc.userList,
    class = "table table-hover table-striped"

Test the login and logout.

Try to register and login/logout visually confirming the tests.

Auto login user when registering

When registering, it might be nice to automatically log the user in. Replace the Create function with the following code

function create( event, rc, prc ) {
    prc.oUser = userService.create( populateModel( "User" ) );
    auth().login( prc.oUser );
    relocate( uri = "/" );

Now register and you will be automatically logged in.