From 6500f783832b8f2f10a7082c16efa4b19559cd63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: github-actions-bot
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 08:58:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Updates
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types/constructs_iam.GuRoleProps.html | 2 +-
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types/constructs_vpc.GuVpcProps.html | 2 +-
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types/utils_lambda.StreamProcessingProps.html | 2 +-
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variables/constants.ContextKeys.html | 2 +-
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variables/types.GuDistributable-1.html | 2 +-
211 files changed, 543 insertions(+), 543 deletions(-)
diff --git a/classes/constructs_acm.GuCertificate.html b/classes/constructs_acm.GuCertificate.html
index ccb94a93c..054d41aae 100644
--- a/classes/constructs_acm.GuCertificate.html
+++ b/classes/constructs_acm.GuCertificate.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
validate your certificate.
If your DNS is not managed via Route 53, or you omit the hostedZoneId
props, then the CloudFormation
operation which adds this construct will pause until the relevant DNS record has been added manually.
-Hierarchy Mixin < typeof Certificate , this > & Certificate < this > IndexHierarchy Mixin < typeof Certificate , this > & Certificate < this > Constructors PropertiesReadonly
certificate Arn certificate Arn : string
Constructors PropertiesReadonly
certificate Arn certificate Arn : string
env env : ResourceEnvironment
id With App id With App : string
physical Name physical Name : string
Hierarchy Mixin < typeof AutoScalingGroup , this > & AutoScalingGroup < this > IndexHierarchy Mixin < typeof AutoScalingGroup , this > & AutoScalingGroup < this > Constructors PropertiesProtected
alb Target Group alb Target Group ?: ApplicationTargetGroup
auto Scaling Group Arn auto Scaling Group Arn : string
Constructors PropertiesProtected
alb Target Group alb Target Group ?: ApplicationTargetGroup
auto Scaling Group Arn auto Scaling Group Arn : string
auto Scaling Group Name auto Scaling Group Name : string
env env : ResourceEnvironment
grant Principal grant Principal : IPrincipal
has Called Scale On Request Count has Called Scale On Request Count : boolean
id With App id With App : string
image Recipe image Recipe ?: string | AmigoProps
instance Launch Template instance Launch Template : LaunchTemplate
max Instance Lifetime max Instance Lifetime ?: Duration
image Recipe image Recipe ?: string | AmigoProps
instance Launch Template instance Launch Template : LaunchTemplate
max Instance Lifetime max Instance Lifetime ?: Duration
new Instances Protected From Scale In new Instances Protected From Scale In ?: boolean
os Type os Type : OperatingSystemType
physical Name physical Name : string
Index Constructors PropertiesOptional
configuration Accessorsuser Data get userData( ) : UserData Returns UserData Methodsadd Commands add Commands ( ... commands ) : GuUserData Parameters Rest
... commands : string [] add S3 Download Command add S3 Download Command ( params ) : GuUserData Parameters params : S3DownloadOptions
The certificate's ARN