- https://kovan-optimistic.etherscan.io/address/0x5ee99870b0bfaaa76ff583659e66afe10c783383
- Address of the "owner"
Docs / Info
- https://kovan-optimistic.etherscan.io/tx/0xd7ecf64e0e202fb8708762f5a3e8009d6a58c4308c4a52725e5d210060e5068e
- https://kovan-optimistic.etherscan.io/tx/0x13cf89038ca35c9f05b728f6cee58f231afe6237973fbb63107c3b9729977c0d
- https://github.com/Uniswap/solidity-lib/blob/master/contracts/libraries/TransferHelper.sol
- Somethings fails inside here
- I have enough liquidity, so not sure what the problem is.
- Got it working when calling it directly to the contract
- https://kovan-optimistic.etherscan.io/tx/0x9402b8e46cf04da64f77145caea07f8aa15f53da5e06586d648feaa0a2b05c55
- Tried to deposit ETH into a smart contract and then call it througth it, but it did not work
- Got it working (finally)
- I think the problem was that the wrong interface was used for the router
- could do something like https://stackoverflow.com/a/71815432
- Requires user to interact :(
- Never mind should be able to use reserve0/reserve1, but it is on pool level. I think this is ok, but we need to use liquid pool as the oracle.
- I knew I had miscalled something, it's even in the uniswap v3 whitepaper.