Thank you for considering contributing to Etro! There are many ways you can contribute to Etro, like creating issues for features or bugs, improving the docs or wiki, or writing the code for the library. This page covers how to make changes to the repository files (either code or jsdocs).
- You will need Git, Node, NPM (at least 7.x) and Firefox (for headless functional testing) installed.
Create your own fork of Etro. Then run
git clone -b master --single-branch cd etro npm install node node_modules/puppeteer/install.js
Make some changes
If you are writing code, the linter uses StandardJS for style conventions
When you're ready to submit, first run
npm run lint npm run build npm test
to lint the code, generate the dist files and run unit tests on them. It may be helpful to put these commands in a pre-commit hook.
Commit your changes
- Please follow these commit message guidelines:
Optionally, prefix each commit message with an appropriate emoji, such as
for fixes. -
Write in the imperative tense
Wrap lines after 72 characters (for Vim add
filetype indent plugin on
to ~/.vimrc, it's enabled by default in Atom). -
:emoji: One-liner Optional description
- Please follow these commit message guidelines:
First, rebase (please avoid merging) to integrate your work with any new changes in the main repository
git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master
Push to the fork
- Open a pull request from the branch in your fork to the main repository
- If you changed any core functionality, make sure you explain your motives for those changes
- A large part of the submission process is receiving feedback on how you can improve you pull request. If you need to change your pull request, feel free to push more commits.
Check out the overview guide for usage information
Events emitted by Etro objects use a pub/sub system. To emit an event, use event.publish(target, type, event)
. For instance,
event.publish(movie, 'movie.type.of.event', { additionalData: 'foo' })
That will notify all listeners of movie
for event types 'movie'
, 'movie.type'
, 'movie.type.of'
and 'movie.type.of.event'
. To listen for an event, use event.subscribe(target, type, listener)
, like
event.subscribe(movie, 'movie.type', event => {
console.log(, event.type, event.additionalData) // should print the movie, 'movie.type.of.event', 'foo'