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In this project, we focus on the planning and control of the swing trajectories. The trajectories are generated for a single swing leg of a base-fixed quadruped robot (Unitree A1), and also optionally could regenerated for collision avoidance and trajectory optimization.

This is a course project of MEE5114 Advanced Control for Robotics in SUSTech by Xudong Han, Geek2000IRX, and LunaceC.

Getting Started

We use this repository with Python 3.7 or Python 3.8 on Ubuntu, MacOS and Windows.

Install dependencies:

  • Install MPC extension (Optional) python3 install --user

  • Install MPI: sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev

  • Install requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run mpc_controller/ to get a quickstart.

Here are the definitions of the importtant varibles in mpc_controller/

  • _RECORD_VIDEO: True or False to record a video of the simulation process or not, which requires ffmpeg in the path.

  • _MAX_TIME_SECONDS: the maximum running time (seconds) of the simulatioin process.

  • _NUM_BULLET_SOLVER_ITERATIONS: the number of iterations of the bullet solver.

  • _SIMULATION_TIME_STEP: the time step of the simulation.

  • _ROBOT_BASE_HEIGHT: the fixed height of the robot base.

  • _WITH_OBSTACLE: True or False to show an obstacle or not.

  • _OBSTACLE_HALF_SIZE: the half size of the obstacle.

  • _OBSTACLE_POS: the position of the obstacle.

  • _MAX_CLEARANCE: the maximum clearance of the foot path to the ground.

  • _PHASE_NUM: the number of the phases of the swing trajectory.

  • _WITH_OPTIMIZATION: True or False to use the optimization method or not.

  • _FOOT_STEP_DISP: the displacement matrix (4x3) of the 4 foot steps, which are in the robot local frame.

  • _PARAMETERS: collection of the parameters of the swing trajectory to be saved as the name of the result file.

  • _SAVE_PATH: the path to save the result file.

Finding a trajectory connecting two positions

We give a method to find a feasible swing trajectory when given an initial and final position of the foot tip. And we also design a tracking controller to track the planned trajectory. To simplify, we only consider the single FR leg (foot order is 0) and fixed the robot base at a certain height defined by _ROBOT_BASE_HEIGHT.

In mpc_controller/, the initial positions of the 4 foot tips are (0, -0.16, -0.31), (0, 0.16, -0.31), (-0.18, -0.16, -0.31), and (-0.18, 0.16, -0.31) in the robot local frame. The final position is based on _FOOT_STEP_DISP which is a 4x3 matrix describing all 4 foot displacements. We can change _FOOT_STEP_DISP to give different swing path.

We also provide an optimization method to find a better trajectory. To use the optimization method, _WITH_OPTIMIZATION need to be True. You can find the modules optimizing_foot_path in mpc_controller/ The optimization method is not always successful especially too much control points input, but it can find a better trajectory when it is successful.

The results are in the folder ./results. Different results are collected in different folders in the format of my_swing_example_disp_ + _FOOT_STEP_DISP[0][0] + _FOOT_STEP_DISP[0][1] + _optimized(optionally based on _WITH_OPTIMIZATION).

Finding a collision-free trajectory

In the presence of known obstacles, a swing trajectory can also be generated by the proposed method with a collision avoidance module. We tested the trajectory generating method with obtacles of different height of 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, and 0.08 mm. All the tests were successful, which means that the method is reliable.

In mpc_controller/, to show an obstacle, which is a cuboid, _WITH_OBSTACLE need to be True. _OBSTACLE_HALF_SIZE and _OBSTACLE_POS define the size and position of the obstacle.

The module collision_check in mpc_controller/ is to check whether the generated swing path is collision-free or not, and if not, the path is regenerated until it is collision-free.

The results are in the folder ./results. Different results are collected in different folders in the format of my_swing_example_disp_ + _FOOT_STEP_DISP[0][0] (displacement in x direction) + _FOOT_STEP_DISP[0][1] (displacement in y direction) + _obstacle_ + _OBSTACLE_HALF_SIZE*2 (the height of the obstacle) + _optimized(optionally based on _WITH_OPTIMIZATION).


Single leg swing trajectory with different foot displacements

The following figures show the swing trajectories with different foot displacements. The displacements are (0.1, -0.1, 0), (0.1, 0, 0), (0.1, 0.1, 0), (0.2, -0.1, 0), (0.2, 0, 0), (0.2, 0.1, 0), (0.3, -0.1, 0), (0.3, 0, 0), and (0.3, 0.1, 0). Here we show the trajectories with and without optimization.

Single leg swing trajectory with different obstacles

The following figures show the swing trajectories with different obstacles. The obstacles are cuboids with height of 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, and 0.08 mm. Here we show the trajectories with and without optimization.


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  • Alexander W Winkler et al. “Gait and trajectory optimization for legged systems through phase-based end-effector parameterization”. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3.3 (2018), pp. 1560–1