4 x 8 A100
55-55.5 days, 8091 requests
16 models, 4x7b, 6x13b, 3x30b, 3x65b
maxrate from 8 to 32 (req/s)
avg rate from 2 to 11 (req/s)
- merged: The tpt data folder of chatlmsys
- plot.py: plot the tpt and slo
- yamls: basic yaml file for placement gen
- chatlmsys_translation.py: translate the dataset
- cfg_gen.py: generate the placement for muxserve
- muxserve2spatial.py: translate the muxserve config into spatial config
- muxserve2temporal.py: translate the muxserve config into temporal config
- cmd_gen.py: generate the running command for muxserve,spatial and temporal
- profile.sh: script for run
- merge.py: merge the file into `merged` folder