This is a DDEV add-on for Seq, a self-hosted search, analysis, and alerting server built for structured logs and traces.
ddev add-on get happiness/ddev-seq
Install the modules OpenTelemetry and OpenTelemetry Log. The OpenTelemetry module comes with it's own log implementation but I have not managed to get that working properly so for now I recommend using the OpenTelemetry Log module instead.
composer require drupal/opentelemetry drupal/otlog
Configure the OpenTelemetry module at /admin/config/development/opentelemetry
and add the Endpoint http://seq/ingest/otlp
That's it. Open http://seq.<DDEV_NAME>
to start exploring
your logs and traces.
If you want to use the log module bundled with the OpenTelemetry module you need to apply the patch from the following issue to get the log message body into Seq.
The following example of how to do your own tracing in your custom code is taken from the OpenTelemetry module page with some minor modifications.
$tracer_provider = \Drupal::service('opentelemetry.tracer_provider');
$tracer = $tracer_provider->getTracer('drupal_test');
$main_span = $tracer->spanBuilder('My custom operation')->startSpan();
// Make an external API call.
$api_span = $tracer->spanBuilder("Coindesk API call")->startSpan();
$data = json_decode(
// Set attributes and put an event to the main span.
$bots = 3;
$main_span->setAttribute('Bitcoin value', $data->bpi->USD->rate_float);
$main_span->addEvent('Starting bots tuning', ['bots available' => $bots]);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $bots; $i++) {
$inner_span = $tracer->spanBuilder("Tuning bot $i")->startSpan();
// Do some internal business logic.
usleep(rand(200000, 500000));
$raised[$i] = rand(0, 100);
$inner_span->addEvent("Bot $i raised money!", ['amount' => $raised[$i]]);
usleep(rand(100000, 200000));
// Do some more stuff and finalize the main span.
usleep(rand(200000, 500000));
$main_span->addEvent('We got richer!', ['raised' => array_sum($raised)]);
$main_span->setAttribute('raised_details', $raised);