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Helm chart for Aerospike (CE) on Kubernetes

Implements a dynamically scalable Aerospike cluster using Kubernetes StatefulSets.

Pre Requisites

  • Kubernetes 1.8+


Add Aerospike repository

helm repo add aerospike

Install the chart

helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike

All the configurations defined in values.yaml or in the configuration section can be set using --set or --set-file option. A custom values.yaml file can also be provided using -f option.

For example,

helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike --set dbReplicas=5

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike --set dbReplicas=5

Use a custom aerospike.conf file or template

  • To override the default aerospike.template.conf, set confFilePath to point to the custom aerospike.conf file or template.

    confFilePath should be a file path on helm "client" machine (where the user is running the command helm install).

  • The custom aerospike.conf file or template must contain # mesh-seed-placeholder in heartbeat configuration to populate mesh configuration during peer discovery. For example,

     	heartbeat {
     		address any
     		mode mesh
     		port 3002
     		# mesh-seed-placeholder
     		interval 150
     		timeout 10
  • confFilePath can be set using --set-file option,

     helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
     			 --set-file confFilePath=/tmp/aerospike_templates/aerospike.template.conf

Storage configuration

Aerospike helm chart allows multiple volume mounts (filesystem type) and device mounts (raw block device) to be configured and used with Aerospike Statefulset. Check below configuration section or values.yaml file for more details.

Test Output:

NAME:   aerospike-release
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar  6 15:50:33 2020
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1/ConfigMap
NAME                                            DATA   AGE
aerospike-release-conf                          2      51m

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/aerospike-release-aerospike-0              1/1     Running   0          49m
pod/aerospike-release-aerospike-1              1/1     Running   0          49m
pod/aerospike-release-aerospike-2              1/1     Running   0          48m

==> v1/Service
NAME                                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/aerospike-release-aerospike              ClusterIP   None         <none>        3000/TCP   49m

==> v1/StatefulSet
NAME                                                      READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/aerospike-release-aerospike              3/3     49m
$ helm list
NAME             	REVISION	UPDATED                 	STATUS  	CHART                     	APP VERSION	NAMESPACE
aerospike-release	1       	Fri Mar  6 15:50:33 2020	DEPLOYED	aerospike-5.0.0      	default

Expose Aerospike Cluster

Aerospike Cluster can be exposed to client applications or to XDR clients which are outside the K8s network by enabling,

  • Host Networking
  • NodePort Services Per Pod
  • LoadBalancer Services Per Pod
  • ClusterIP Services with External IPs

Host Networking

With host networking enabled, pods will be able to access the node's network. Pod IP will be same as node IP.

With host networking enabled, the deployment will be limited to one pod per node. If the new pod is scheduled onto the same node, it will fail due to no free ports.

Use platform and hostNetworking options to expose the Aerospike cluster pods to external client applications. Setting platform will fetch external IP of the instances (if any) and add it to alternate-access-address in aerospike.conf.

For example,

helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
	 		 --set dbReplicas=4 \
	 		 --set hostNetworking=true \
	 		 --set platform=gke

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
	 		 --set dbReplicas=4 \
	 		 --set hostNetworking=true \
	 		 --set platform=gke

Client applications can connect to the Aerospike cluster using instance's external IP (if available) or by using host IP.

asadm -h <ExternalIP> -p 3000 --services-alternate

NodePort Services Per Pod

NodePort type exposes the Service on each K8s Node’s IP at a static port (the NodePort). Applications will be able to connect to the NodePort Service from outside the K8s cluster by using <NodeIP>:<NodePort>.

With NodePort type services, it allows multiple aerospike pods per K8s host and at the same time expose each aerospike pod.

To enable NodePort services per pod, enableNodePortServices option must be set to true. Aerospike helm chart will automatically create a NodePort type service for each aerospike pod at the time of deployment. Applications can connect to the Aerospike cluster using any one of the <NodeIP>:<NodePort> as a seed IP and Port.

Setting platform will fetch external IP of the instances (if any) and add it to alternate-access-address in aerospike.conf.

Use helm upgrade command to perform scale-up/scale-down when NodePort services are enabled.

A service account with appropriate permissions is required to query the API server and read the Service type resources. An existing service account can be specified using rbac.serviceAccountName. To let Aerospike helm chart create a new ServiceAccount with appropriate ClusterRole set rbac.create to true. This ServiceAccount will be used with Aerospike Statefulset, and if monitoring is enabled, also with Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Statefulsets.


helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
		 	 --set dbReplicas=5 \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableNodePortServices=true

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
			 --set dbReplicas=5 \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableNodePortServices=true

LoadBalancer Services Per Pod

LoadBalancer type exposes the service externally using the cloud provider’s load balancer. A new external network load balancer is provisioned.

With LoadBalancer type services, it allows multiple aerospike pods per K8s host and at the same time expose each aerospike pod.

To enable LoadBalancer services per pod, enableLoadBalancerServices option must be set to true. Aerospike helm chart will automatically create a LoadBalancer type service for each aerospike pod at the time of deployment.

Applications can connect to the Aerospike cluster using <LoadBalancerIngressIP>:<LoadBalancerPort>.

asadm -h <LoadBalancerIngressIP> -p <LoadBalancerPort> --services-alternate

Use helm upgrade command to perform scale-up/scale-down when LoadBalancer type services are enabled.

A service account with appropriate permissions is required to query the API server and read the Service type resources. An existing service account can be specified using rbac.serviceAccountName. To let Aerospike helm chart create a new ServiceAccount with appropriate ClusterRole set rbac.create to true. This ServiceAccount will be used with Aerospike Statefulset, and if monitoring is enabled, also with Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Statefulsets.


helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
		 	 --set dbReplicas=5 \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableLoadBalancerServices=true

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
			 --set dbReplicas=5 \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableLoadBalancerServices=true

ClusterIP Services with External IPs

ClusterIP type exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. With external IPs set, the service can be accessed from an external endpoint.

With enableExternalIpServices option enabled, Aerospike helm chart will create a ClusterIP type service for each aerospike pod at the time of deployment. The external endpoints can be specified using externalIpEndpoints option.

Use helm upgrade command to perform scale-up/scale-down when ClusterIP-ExternalIP services are enabled.

Number of endpoints should be equal to the number of Aerospike pods (dbReplicas). Only one external IP and Port per Service can be specified.

A service account with appropriate permissions is required to query the API server and read the Service type resources. An existing service account can be specified using rbac.serviceAccountName. To let Aerospike helm chart create a new ServiceAccount with appropriate ClusterRole set rbac.create to true. This ServiceAccount will be used with Aerospike Statefulset, and if monitoring is enabled, also with Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Statefulsets.


helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
		 	 --set dbReplicas=4 \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableExternalIpServices=true \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[0].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[0].Port=7001 \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[1].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[1].Port=7002 \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[2].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[2].Port=8001 \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[3].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[3].Port=8002

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
		 	 --set dbReplicas=4 \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableExternalIpServices=true \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[0].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[0].Port=7001 \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[1].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[1].Port=7002 \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[2].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[2].Port=8001 \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[3].IP= \
			 --set externalIpEndpoints[3].Port=8002

Aerospike Monitoring Stack

Aerospike Helm Chart provides Aerospike Monitoring Stack which includes an Aerospike prometheus exporter (sidecar), Prometheus statefulset, Grafana statefulset and Alertmanager statefulset.

Deploy Aerospike Prometheus Exporter (only)

Aerospike Prometheus Exporter (sidecar) can be enabled by setting enableAerospikePrometheusExporter option to true.

helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
			 --set enableAerospikePrometheusExporter=true

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
			 --set enableAerospikePrometheusExporter=true

Deploy Complete Monitoring Stack

To deploy a complete monitoring stack which includes Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager, set enableAerospikeMonitoring option to true.

Note that, setting enableAerospikeMonitoring to true will automatically enable Aerospike Prometheus Exporter (sidecar).

helm install aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableAerospikeMonitoring=true

For Helm v2,

helm install --name aerospike-release aerospike/aerospike \
			 --set rbac.create=true \
			 --set enableAerospikeMonitoring=true

Use option --set-file prometheus.aerospikeAlertRulesFilePath to add a custom aerospike alert rules configuration file.

prometheus.aerospikeAlertRulesFilePath should be a file path on helm "client" machine (where the user is running 'helm install')

Use option --set-file alertmanager.alertmanagerConfFilePath to add an alertmanager configuration file.

alertmanager.alertmanagerConfFilePath should be a file path on helm "client" machine (where the user is running 'helm install')

Check the below configuration section or values.yaml file for more details on configuration of the Aerospike Prometheus Exporter, Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager.


Parameter Description Default Value
dbReplicas Number of Aerospike nodes or pods in the cluster 3
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Number of seconds to wait after SIGTERM before force killing the pod. 120
livenessProbe Configure livenessProbe for Aerospike container initialDelaySeconds=30, periodSeconds=30, rest - kubernetes defaults
readinessProbe Configure readinessProbe for Aerospike container initialDelaySeconds=30, rest - kubernetes defaults
clusterServiceDnsDomain Kubernetes cluster service DNS domain cluster.local
image.repository Aerospike Server Docker Image aerospike/aerospike-server
image.tag Aerospike Server Docker Image Tag
initImage.repository Aerospike Kubernetes Init Container Image aerospike/aerospike-kubernetes-init
initImage.tag Aerospike Kubernetes Init Container Image Tag 1.1.0
autoGenerateNodeIds Auto generate and assign node-id(s) based on Pod's Ordinal Index false
aerospikeNamespace Aerospike Namespace name test
aerospikeNamespaceMemoryGB Aerospike Namespace Memory in GB 1
aerospikeReplicationFactor Aerospike Namespace Replication Factor 2
aerospikeDefaultTTL Aerospike Namespace Record default TTL 0 (Never Expire)
aerospikeClientPort Aerospike TCP Service Port 3000
aerospikeHeartbeatPort Aerospike TCP Hearbeat Port 3002
aerospikeFabricPort Aerospike TCP Fabric Port 3001
aerospikeInfoPort Aerospike TCP Info Port 3003
autoRolloutConfig Rollout ConfigMap/Secrets changes on 'helm upgrade' false
hostNetworking Enable hostNetwork. Allows Pods to access host network. false
platform Set platform. Use with hostNetworking and enableNodePortServices configuration to consider instance's external IP. Supported values - eks (AWS) or gke (GCP) or none none
enableNodePortServices Enable NodePort Services (Type: NodePort) to expose aerospike statefulset false
enableLoadBalancerServices Enable LoadBalancer Services (Type: LoadBalancer) to expose aerospike statefulset false
enableExternalIpServices Enable external IP Services (Type: ClusterIP) to expose aerospike statefulset false
externalIpEndpoints Specify External IP/Port endpoints for enableExternalIpServices {} (nil)
rbac.create Create a new ServiceAccount with a new ClusterRole for Aerospike Statefulset false
rbac.serviceAccountName Specify an existing ServiceAccount to use with Aerospike Statefulset default
antiAffinity Enable PodAntiAffinity rule to schedule one Aerospike pod per node. Supported values - off, soft, hard off
antiAffinityWeight 'weight' in range 1-100 for "soft" antiAffinity option for Aerospike pods 1
affinity Define custom nodeAffinity/podAffinity/podAntiAffinity rules for Aerospike pods {} (nil)
tolerations Define tolerations for scheduling Aerospike pods based on node taints [] (nil)
nodeSelector Define nodeSelector for scheduling Aerospike pods based on node labels {} (nil)
persistenceStorage Define Peristent Volumes to be used (Map - to define multiple volumes) {} (nil)
volumes Define volumes section and template to be used volume[0].mountPath: /opt/aerospike/data,
volume[0].name: datadir,
volume[0].template: emptyDir: {}
resources Resource configuration (requests and limits) {} (nil)
podSecurityContext Aerospike pod security context {} (nil)
securityContext Aerospike container security context {} (nil)
confFilePath Custom aerospike.conf file path on helm client machine (To be used during the runtime, helm install .. etc) not defined
prometheus.aerospikeAlertRulesFilePath Aerospike alert rules configuration file location on helm client machine (To be used during the runtime, helm install .. etc) not defined
alertmanager.alertmanagerConfFilePath Alertmanager configuration file location on helm client machine (To be used during the runtime, helm install .. etc) not defined
enableAerospikePrometheusExporter Enable Sidecar Aerospike Prometheus Exporter (only) false
enableAerospikeMonitoring Enable Aerospike Monitoring - sidecar prometheus exporter, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager stack false
exporter.repository Aerospike prometheus exporter image repository aerospike/aerospike-prometheus-exporter
exporter.tag Aerospike prometheus exporter image tag 1.0.0
exporter.metricLabels Aerospike prometheus exporter custom labels for metrics ""
exporter.agentBindHost Aerospike prometheus exporter IP to bind to ""
exporter.agentBindPort Aerospike prometheus exporter port to bind to 9145
exporter.agentTimeout Metrics server timeout (in seconds) 10
exporter.agentLogLevel Aerospike prometheus exporter logging level "info"
exporter.aerospikeHost Aerospike container service IP to connect to "localhost"
exporter.aerospikePort Aerospike container service port to connect to 3000
exporter.httpBasicAuthUsername Basic HTTP Authentication username for /metrics URL of the aerospike prometheus exporter ""
exporter.httpBasicAuthPassword Basic HTTP Authentication password for /metrics URL of the aerospike prometheus exporter ""
exporter.tickerTimeout Agent client timeout (in seconds) for sending command to aerospike container 5
exporter.aerospikeAuthMode Security auth mode to be used by exporter to connect to aerospike container ""
exporter.aerospikeAuthUser Username to be used by exporter to connect to aerospike container ""
exporter.aerospikeAuthPassword Password to be used by exporter to connect to aerospike container ""
exporter.namespaceMetricsWhitelist Namespace metrics whitelist for aerospike prometheus exporter not defined
exporter.setMetricsWhitelist Set metrics whitelist for aerospike prometheus exporter not defined
exporter.nodeMetricsWhitelist Node metrics whitelist for aerospike prometheus exporter not defined
exporter.xdrMetricsWhitelist XDR metrics whitelist for aerospike prometheus exporter not defined
prometheus.replicas Number of replicas for prometheus statefulset 2
prometheus.serverPort Prometheus server port 9090
prometheus.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Number of seconds to wait after SIGTERM before force killing the pod. 120
prometheus.livenessProbe Configure livenessProbe for Prometheus container initialDelaySeconds=30, timeoutSeconds=10, rest - kubernetes defaults
prometheus.readinessProbe Configure readinessProbe for Prometheus container initialDelaySeconds=30, timeoutSeconds=10, rest - kubernetes defaults
prometheus.scrapeInterval Prometheus scrape_interval in seconds to define interval between each scrape 15s
prometheus.evaluationInterval How frequently to evaluate alert rules 15s
prometheus.image.repository Prometheus Docker Image Repository prom/prometheus
prometheus.image.tag Prometheus Docker Image Tag v2.11.1
prometheus.persistenceStorage Define storage for prometheus data {} (nil)
prometheus.volume Define storage for prometheus data volume.mountPath: /data, prometheus-data,
volume.template: emptyDir: {}
prometheus.resources Resource configuration (requests and limits) {} (nil)
prometheus.tolerations Define tolerations for scheduling prometheus pods based on node taints [] (nil)
prometheus.nodeSelector Define nodeSelector for scheduling prometheus pods based on node labels {} (nil)
prometheus.antiAffinity Enable PodAntiAffinity rule to schedule one prometheus pod per node. Supported values - off, soft, hard off
prometheus.antiAffinityWeight 'weight' in range 1-100 for "soft" antiAffinity option for prometheus pods 1
prometheus.affinity Define custom nodeAffinity/podAffinity/podAntiAffinity rules for prometheus pods {} (nil)
grafana.replicas Number of replicas for grafana statefulset 1
grafana.httpPort Grafana server http_port 3000
grafana.plugins Grafana plugins to install at startup "camptocamp-prometheus-alertmanager-datasource"
grafana.image.repository Grafana Docker Image Repository grafana/grafana
grafana.image.tag Grafana Docker Image Tag 6.3.2
grafana.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Number of seconds to wait after SIGTERM before force killing the pod. 120
grafana.livenessProbe Configure livenessProbe for Grafana container initialDelaySeconds=30, timeoutSeconds=10, failureThreshold=10, rest - kubernetes defaults
grafana.readinessProbe Configure readinessProbe for Grafana container initialDelaySeconds=30, timeoutSeconds=10, failureThreshold=10, rest - kubernetes defaults
grafana.persistenceStorage Define storage for grafana data {} (nil)
grafana.volume Define storage for grafana data volume.mountPath: /var/lib/grafana, grafana-data,
volume.template: emptyDir: {}
grafana.resources Resource configuration (requests and limits) {} (nil)
grafana.tolerations Define tolerations for scheduling grafana pods based on node taints [] (nil)
grafana.nodeSelector Define nodeSelector for scheduling grafana pods based on node labels {} (nil)
grafana.antiAffinity Enable PodAntiAffinity rule to schedule one grafana pod per node. Supported values - off, soft, hard off
grafana.antiAffinityWeight 'weight' in range 1-100 for "soft" antiAffinity option for grafana pods 1
grafana.affinity Define custom nodeAffinity/podAffinity/podAntiAffinity rules for grafana pods {} (nil)
grafana.user Grafana username and password "admin"
grafana.password Grafana username and password "admin"
alertmanager.replicas Number of replicas for alertmanager statefulset 1
alertmanager.webPort Alertmanager web port 9093
alertmanager.meshPort Alertmanager gossip port 9094
alertmanager.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Number of seconds to wait after SIGTERM before force killing the pod. 120
alertmanager.livenessProbe Configure livenessProbe for Alertmanager container initialDelaySeconds=30, timeoutSeconds=10, rest - kubernetes defaults
alertmanager.readinessProbe Configure readinessProbe for Alertmanager container initialDelaySeconds=30, timeoutSeconds=10, rest - kubernetes defaults
alertmanager.image.repository Alertmanager Docker Image Repository prom/alertmanager
alertmanager.image.tag Alertmanager Docker Image Tag latest
alertmanager.loglevel Alertmanager logging level info
alertmanager.persistenceStorage Define storage for alertmanager data {} (nil)
alertmanager.volume Define storage for alertmanager data volume.mountPath: /data, alertmanager-data,
volume.template: emptyDir: {}
alertmanager.resources Resource configuration (requests and limits) {} (nil)
alertmanager.tolerations Define tolerations for scheduling alertmanager pods based on node taints [] (nil)
alertmanager.nodeSelector Define nodeSelector for scheduling alertmanager pods based on node labels {} (nil)
alertmanager.antiAffinity Enable PodAntiAffinity rule to schedule one alertmanager pod per node. Supported values - off, soft, hard off
alertmanager.antiAffinityWeight 'weight' in range 1-100 for "soft" antiAffinity option for alertmanager pods 1
alertmanager.affinity Define custom nodeAffinity/podAffinity/podAntiAffinity rules for alertmanager pods {} (nil)

Note that the namespace related configurations (aerospikeNamespace, aerospikeNamespaceMemoryGB, aerospikeReplicationFactor and aerospikeDefaultTTL) are intended for default single namespace configuration.

If using multiple namespaces, these config items can be ignored and a separate aerospike.conf file or template with multiple namespace configuration can be used.