1.3.7 (October 26, 2022)
- deps: update go-memdb for goroutine leak fix [GH-14983]
- docker: improve memory usage for docker_logger [GH-14875]
- acl: Fixed a bug where Nomad version checking for one-time tokens was enforced across regions [GH-14911]
- client: Fixed a bug where Nomad could not detect cores on recent RHEL systems [GH-15027]
- consul: Fixed a bug where services continuously re-registered [GH-14917]
- consul: atomically register checks on initial service registration [GH-14944]
- deps: Update hashicorp/raft to v1.3.11; fixes unstable leadership on server removal [GH-15021]
- nomad native service discovery: Ensure all local servers meet v.1.3.0 minimum before service registrations can be written [GH-14924]
- scheduler: Fixed a bug where version checking for disconnected clients handling was enforced across regions [GH-14911]