Releases: hechoendrupal/drupal-console
ba0756f Adding yaml:get:value command. (#2553)
74cab2b Fixes typos in variable names, throws more specific exceptions (#2540)
03dd3f0 Fix #2130 Do not check for mysql and sqlite3 extension (#2518)
6950234 Do not override Field widget form element (#2501)
108502d 2508 fix config:import command (#2545)
e8fa827 #1991 - Alternative exiting of form creation (#2549)
26b463e #2071 - [translation] Use double quotes when %s is used it. (#2546)
743b0c9 [state:debug] Fix debug individual value (#2527)
27e80cd [Translation:zh_hans] done all the rest (#2532)
e085a2c [Translation:zh_hans] 601 files changed (#2531)
f90cd17 [Translation:Hindi] event.debug.yml (#2530)
45ac358 [translation:zh_hans] sync and update (#2554)
31159eb [translation] Translate yaml-related interface text to Japanese. (#2552)
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
简体中文 | 99.13% |
Español | 95.57% |
हिन्दी | 83.45% |
Català | 76.57% |
Magyar | 73.83% |
Tiếng Việt | 62.88% |
Romanian | 60.72% |
Português | 59.79% |
日本語 | 55.13% |
pусский язык | 45.98% |
繁體中文 | 39.34% |
Français | 35.31% |
मराठी | 18.53% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 12.88% |
한국어 | 11.66% |
Tagalog | 9.21% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 6.93% |
ગુજરાત | 5.71% |
85376f0 [console] Tag new version 1.0.0-beta4. (#2524)
2918123 #2389 Feature Request: Devel dumper change command (#2390)
6cbb4a9 [cache:context:debug] Create command and move cache:rebuild command (#2489)
6732752 [generate:module:file] New Command issues #1965 (#2481)
426251e New command event:debug (#2476)
b01be9c [php] Update to php 5.6. (#2523)
d5eb8c1 [console] Apply PSR2 code style. (#2519)
8c967f6 [module:install] Respect hook_requirements (#2513)
287c5c8 ArchiveTar takes an argument as a constructor, this is causing warnings and is overwritten in the if ($tar) conditional. (#2474)
036aa15 Fix & improve Update commands (#2473)
f54f301 State fix (#2510)
42ff7c3 [create:nodes] FIX issue (#2509)
ec11a4f Update commands to process migrations (#2493)
b30ce94 Improved instructions at method title prompt (#2490)
6d23fc8 issue #2483 fix for create:node (#2487)
25853f4 [config:export:single] Fix config export single (#2478)
8ea7430 Updated t() from !size to @SiZe. (#2522)
8bb0c47 [Translation] Hindi site.import.local.yml (#2520)
1b3fdbb [Translation] Hindi (#2521)
e703fb1 Templates (#2491)
dbef4e1 Validate service name has not been already taken (#2455)
8dddfbc [Test] as a service (#2419)
c72e521 [Rest] as a service (#2418)
2f2a4fb Some pt-br updates (#2514)
fc2eb2e [exec] Enable exec execution outside Drupal installation (#2517)
db1f3f1 [generate-chain] Fix chain output (#2516)
6b8f2b3 Fix portuguese translation (#2512)
0764bac Update some translations to pt_br (#2511)
c9e7427 New command to install dependencies (#2500)
b8dbd06 Spanish 20160705 (#2497)
0969979 [translation] Update zh_hant translations (#2498)
96d10a8 nuevos ficheros de traducción al español (#2494)
e5c2084 Add default configuration to BlockPlugin template (#2477)
bfe20fd [Translation] Japanese (#2486)
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 96.91% |
हिन्दी | 83.78% |
简体中文 | 80.24% |
Català | 77.35% |
Magyar | 74.62% |
Tiếng Việt | 63.73% |
Romanian | 61.59% |
Português | 60.89% |
日本語 | 52.84% |
pусский язык | 46.93% |
繁體中文 | 39.45% |
Français | 36.27% |
मराठी | 19.64% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 13.96% |
한국어 | 12.75% |
Tagalog | 10.31% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 8.05% |
ગુજરાત | 6.84% |
- [generate:help] Add new command. #2355
- [queue:debug] Queue APIs #2405
- [generate:twig:extension] Add new command. Fix #2403 #2415
- [generate:plugin:skeleton] New command #2432
- [module:path] New command #2435
- [theme:path] New command #2436
- [exec] Add new command #2444
- [generate:breakpoint] New command for breakpoints #2448
- #2289 : Fix permission for access to the custom entity content overview. #2394
- [module:download] & [module:update] doesn't work with Composer. Fixes #2395 #2396
- [console] No preg_match delimiters. #2397
- [router:debug] Method not found error. Fix #2400 #2402
- [console] Restoring the twig file #2409
- [console] corrected the format of the ProgressBar setFormat(). #2413
- [generate:form:alter] Fix issue 2383-Form-alter #2421
- Added Drupal-Packagist repo for searching the module #2460
- Discover custom commands #2462
- Update shell_process output. #2463
- [generate:entity:*] Generate Content entities as translatable by default. fix #2354 #2393
- [console] Relocate Trait Files. #2398
- [theme:download] Add composer support. Fix 2353 #2414
- [yaml] as a service #2417
- [queue:debug] Minor improvements #2422
- [generate:service] Provide option to generate path for the services #2429
- [generate:entity:content] RouteNotFoundException with bundles #2431
- [generate:service] Services option fix #2433
- [generate:form] [generate:form:config] Improved form generation #2437
- [database:log:debug] Fix database log debug order #2438
- [generate:form:alter] Improved twig template to avoid errors #2439
- Remove unnecesary callback from template enhancement #2440
- [generate:entity:content] Allow option to generate translatable content entities enhancement #2445 #2242
- [FormTrait] and [gerenare:form:*] Add text_format field and fix template for routing #2453
- [pluging:debug] Format object output. #2457
- [module:debug] Installed & Uninstalled labels #2461
- [cron:execute] Improve to lock and update last execution time enhancement #2464
- [site:statistics] Improve site statistics including views enhancement #2467
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 90.62% |
हिन्दी | 83.5% |
简体中文 | 81.61% |
Català | 78.67% |
Magyar | 75.9% |
Tiếng Việt | 64.7% |
Romanian | 62.58% |
Português | 54.45% |
pусский язык | 47.67% |
日本語 | 42.27% |
Français | 36.83% |
繁體中文 | 33.41% |
मराठी | 19.8% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 14.14% |
한국어 | 12.79% |
Tagalog | 10.31% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 8.01% |
ગુજરાત | 6.78% |
- [translation] Fix #2366, incorrect address format in server.yml #2367
- [console] Update configuration keys. #2384
- [module:download] Fix Register command as a service #2387
- Remove custom add-form and add-page functionality that is now provided by core #2272
- [generate:entity:content] Reuse entity-content.theme.php.twig template. #2299
- [router:debug] Register command as service. #2361
- [router:rebuild] Register command as a service. #2362
- [update:*] Register commands as services. #2363
- [multisite:debug] Register command as a service. #2364
- [user:*] Register commands as services. #2365
- [console] Relocate command services. #2368
- [migrate:setup] Register command as service. #2369
- [console] Update example commands registration. #2370
- [site:mode] Register command as service. #2371
- [site:*] Register commands as services. #2372
- [exclude] Define as Symfony command. #2373
- [create:nodes] Register command as a service #2374
- [create:comments] Register command as a service #2375
- [create:terms] Register command as a service #2377
- [create:users] Register command as a service #2378
- [settings:*] Register commands as services. #2379
- [create:vocabularies] Register command as a service #2380
- [state:*] Register command as service #2225 #2381
- [theme:*] Register commands as service #2382
- Update self-update.yml #2385
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 93.61% |
简体中文 | 84.56% |
हिन्दी | 83.45% |
Català | 81.46% |
Magyar | 78.55% |
Tiếng Việt | 66.77% |
Romanian | 64.48% |
Português | 55.8% |
pусский язык | 41.85% |
Français | 37.2% |
日本語 | 24.36% |
繁體中文 | 22.88% |
मराठी | 19.09% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 13.14% |
한국어 | 11.72% |
Tagalog | 9.11% |
ગુજરાત | 5.39% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 4.46% |
- Annotations in Drupal Commands #478 #479
- [site:new] Add --composer option. #2274
- [generate:update] New command to generate a hook-update-N implementation. #2298
- [user:debug] uid, username & mail filters as options #2324
- user-role for adding a role to a user [working] #2334
- [generate:post:update] New Command #2336
- [console] Allow remote connection to login using a password. #2338
- [module:download] command typo issue bug #2198
- [module:download] Fixed the Module Download path. #2209
- [generate:form:config] Single quote in title or description results in parse error at module install #2205
- [breakpoints:debug] Rename service breakpoints_debug #2235
- Issue[2250]: Added http if it's not found in uri option for multisite. #2252
- [generate:plugin:rulesaction] Fix the wrong data type of access object. #2258
- Check for empty uri. #2261
- [site:new] Minor fixes. #2279
- [site:install] Fix error on chain quick-start. #2281
- [create:*] Fix data creator classes. #2287
- [generate:*] Fix service injection code style. #2302
- [module:update] Minor fixes. #232
- [console] Add command alias #2339
- [console] Apply PSR2 code style. #2347
- Deprecating getEntityManager for entityTypeManager #2175
- [console] Make custom module translation files structure same as Core commands #2200
- «drupal-project integration proof of concept» #2207
- Inject translator using setter #2211
- Add container aware trait #2220
- Remove transaltor injection set by application #2222
- [console] Remove deprecation annotation. #2226
- [plugin:debug] Register Command as a Service. #2227
- [config:delete] Defined option named "all" #2229
- [breakpoints:debug]Register command services command #2230
- [views:plugin:debug] Register Command as a Service. Work for #2225 #2231
- [views:enable] Register Command as a Service. #2233
- views:debug and views:disable - Register command as service. #2234
- Relocate traits #2236
- Chain register command services #2238
- [config:debug] Register Command as a Service. #2225 #2240
- #2151 [generate:plugin:ckeditorbutton] Ask for button icon path enhancement #2251
- #2232 [views:enable] and [views:disable] Adding interaction enhancement #2254
- [config:debug] Add service class detail. #2256
- Simplify content entity generation. #2264
- [config:*] Config register command services #2266
- 2265 - [module:uninstall] modules names as array when argument #2268
- Move generated entity interfaces from src/ to src/Entity. Fixes #1088 #227
- Move generated entity interfaces from src/ to src/Entity. Fixes #1088 #2285
- [site:install] Register command as service. #2286
- [console] Use Command instead BaseCommand. #2288
- Omero config register command services #2297
- first aproximation to module:update --composer #2304
- 1st try to show tips with showTips Event #2307
- module:uninstall --composer: #2313
- module:install handles if downloaded with composer #2315
- Database register command services #2316
- [user:login:url] Resolves #2312 - remove SafeMarkup #2317
- [image:*]Register command as a service #2326
- [libraries:*] Register Command as a Service #2327
- Use https everywhere #2328
- [console] Merge commands & config YAML files. #2337
- added «modules_repo» key in config.yml for specifying the repo for do… #2341
- info about a module in «module:debug namemodule» #2343
- [console] Add shell_process service. #2344
- [console] Remove PHPProcessTrait class. #2346
- [node:access:rebuild] Register commands as service #2358
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 96.48% |
简体中文 | 88.07% |
हिन्दी | 86.94% |
Català | 84.93% |
Magyar | 81.98% |
Tiếng Việt | 70.06% |
Romanian | 67.73% |
Português | 58.95% |
pусский язык | 41.81% |
Français | 40.11% |
日本語 | 27.12% |
繁體中文 | 25.61% |
मराठी | 21.78% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 15.76% |
한국어 | 14.31% |
Tagalog | 11.68% |
ગુજરાત | 7.91% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 6.97% |
- [breakpoint:debug] Add new command #2160
- Add Example Command class #2164
- [generate:doc:data] Add new command. #2177
- [libraries:debug] New command #2183
- Missing visibility ckeditorbutton methods, Fixes: #2150 #2169
- [database:dump] Replace the password with asteriks #2182
- [site:new] absolute path #2185, #2191
- if learning is on, we replace the password with asteriks #2192
- [console] Sync dependencies with Drupal 8.1.x #2194
- [generate:command] Set container-aware command option, fixes #2153. #2196
- [module:download] Add path option #2124 #2179
- [config:override] Adding interaction enhancement #2161
- [module:uninstall] Interact and Question #2162
- [container-aware] Moving strings to yml files so it can be translate. #2165
- Add the ability of using false on base theme. #2170
- Removing an unused class enhancement #2171
- [config:debug] Renaming key names in the YML. Cleaning up redundancy enhancement #2172
- Add single quotes to chain YAML files. #2188
- [site:new] Add --latest option #2193
- breakpoints:debug
- libraries:debug
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 96.78% |
简体中文 | 90.22% |
हिन्दी | 87.6% |
Català | 86.81% |
Magyar | 83.73% |
Tiếng Việt | 71.26% |
Romanian | 68.83% |
Português | 52.95% |
pусский язык | 41.67% |
Français | 40.03% |
日本語 | 26.38% |
मराठी | 20.14% |
한국어 | 12.93% |
Tagalog | 7.87% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 7.87% |
ગુજરાત | 6.23% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 6.23% |
- Fix chain discovery #2141
- Update chain yaml files #2144
This release provides support for Drupal 8.1.x
For Drupal Console version supporting 8.0.x try the release v0.11.3
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 96.36% |
简体中文 | 92.91% |
हिन्दी | 89.74% |
Català | 88.93% |
Magyar | 85.63% |
Tiếng Việt | 72.94% |
Romanian | 70.45% |
Português | 53.98% |
pусский язык | 42.51% |
Français | 40.82% |
日本語 | 26.72% |
मराठी | 20.31% |
한국어 | 12.89% |
Tagalog | 7.69% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 7.69% |
ગુજરાત | 5.87% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 5.87% |
- [plugin:debug] Add command #2100
- [site:import:local] New command for "importing" existing sites. #2106 #2134
- Fix features support in generate:module #2082
- Fix issue [generate:entity:content] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Link' not found' #2112 #2114
- Fix select field issue in generate:form:config command. Fix: #2111 #2116
- [console] Remove file doc comment. #2126
- Iissue #2131 Removed config.factory service extra #2133
- Site install load profiles #2137
- Fix "Call to undefined function xy()" issue in generate:plugin:field command. #1885 #2139
- Issue #2086: Improve installation instructions. #2110
- [console] Discover profiles on site root directory. #2122
- Discover chain files site root #2125
- Made the default
for generate:module .module file. enhancement #2129 - [console] Update paths on file. #2135
Translation status
Language | Percentage |
Español | 96.35% |
简体中文 | 92.9% |
हिन्दी | 89.72% |
Català | 88.9% |
Magyar | 85.59% |
Tiếng Việt | 72.87% |
Romanian | 70.37% |
Português | 53.86% |
pусский язык | 42.35% |
Français | 40.66% |
日本語 | 26.52% |
मराठी | 20.09% |
한국어 | 12.65% |
Tagalog | 7.44% |
Bahasa Indonesia | 7.44% |
ગુજરાત | 5.62% |
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | 5.62% |