diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8c81d1d..08733c3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -102,3 +102,49 @@ public class PropertyTransformConvention : Convention
This configuration will map camel case property names to underscore seperated database column names (`UrlOptimizedName` -> `Url_Optimized_Name`).
+### [Dommel](https://github.com/HenkMollema/Dommel])
+Dommel contains a set of extensions methods providing easy CRUD operations using Dapper. One of the goals was to provide extension points for resolving table and column names. [Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel](https://github.com/HenkMollema/Dapper-FluentMap/tree/master/src/Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel) implements certain interfaces of Dommel and uses the configured mapping. It also provides more mapping functionality.
+#### [> Download Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel NuGet package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel)
+#### Usage
+##### `DommelEntityMap`
+This class derives from `EntityMap` and allows you to map an entity to a database table using the `ToTable()` method:
+public class ProductMap : DommelEntityMap
+ public ProductMap()
+ {
+ ToTable("tblProduct");
+ // ...
+ }
+##### `DommelPropertyMap`
+This class derives `PropertyMap` and allows you to specify the key property of an entity using the `IsKey` method:
+public class ProductMap : DommelEntityMap
+ public ProductMap()
+ {
+ Map(p => p.Id).IsKey();
+ }
+You can configure Dapper.FluentMap.Dommel in the `FluentMapper.Initialize()` method:
+FluentMapper.Intialize(config =>
+ {
+ config.AddMap(new ProductMap());
+ config.ForDommel();
+ });