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1. RFC 3645 - 2020-08-31 - GraphQL API

This RFC proposes using GraphQL for the Vector observability API:

1.1. Scope

  • Exposing a public API on port 8686, that can be connected to via API clients.
  • Client requirements / considerations.
  • Libraries and tooling.
  • Merits and disadvantages of GraphQL vs. REST and gRPC.

1.2. Motivation

1.2.1. Observability

The Vector team is working on an observability dashboard that will enable users to:

  • View Vector topology.
  • Validate vector.toml configuration.
  • Check the health and metrics that govern individual sources, transforms and sinks.
  • Provide deep insight into Vector I/O.

The protocol used for communication between Vector and a connecting client is required to deliver data that is:

  • High fidelity (captures all metrics.)
  • High volume (multiple connecting clients.)
  • Real-time (sent with minimal delay between Vector raising an event, and its delivery.)
  • Efficient to parse/consume (the client shouldn't require heavy computation against a payload.)
  • Semantically meaningful (to translate it to visual charts and dashboards.)

1.2.2. Initial Clients

The initial proposal is to provide observability via two clients:

  1. vector top / vector tap CLI commands.
  2. A real-time web UI

This RFC focuses on the web UI, but applies equally to the CLI client due to the possibility of observing a remote Vector instance.

1.2.3. Protocol

This section summarizes various communications protocols, and their disadvantages for Vector observability:


  • It's not suited for streaming data.
  • It requires polling and/or long-lived connections.
  • Data will initially be read-only; many HTTP verbs don't apply to us.
  • The API interface isn't typed by default, making it cumbersome to work on clients without additional tooling.


  • The full gRPC spec is incompatible with current browsers (see this article for a useful summary.)
  • gRPC-Web offers a subset of gRPC features, including a lack of two-way messaging.
  • The TLS story is harder to solve.
  • gRPC-Web support is currently lacking in Rust. There's an open issue on tower-grpc to track.
  • Enabling gRPC-Web therefore presently requires a middle-tier proxy, such as Envoy, to transform requests to the gRPC-Web spec.


  • Asynchronous data payloads that are suited to streaming data, but harder to reconcile for single requests.
  • Related: The need to match up a 'request ID' with a 'response ID', to determine which payload belongs to a given request.
  • Long-lived connections that require explicit (re)connection logic.
  • Not intrinsically type-safe for the client to consume; high degree of runtime validation.
  • Non-trivial for non-web clients to interact with; not a common protocol outside of the web.

1.3. Internal Proposal

I propose using GraphQL for API communications.


  • A known spec with 5 years of history.
  • Type safe.
  • Dual HTTP + WebSockets model suits one-time and streaming queries.
  • Production use at companies with heavy API workloads.
  • Rich ecosystem of tooling, for server/clients.
  • Trivial debugging story.
  • No proxy/middle-tier required.
  • Works over plain HTTP.
  • Optional TLS.
  • Flexible auth options (described below)
  • No need to maintain separate schema. An 'introspection' query against a running Vector instance from the client provides a current view of type-safe schema.
  • Trivial to document (Rust doc comments become API field documentation.)
  • Experience among the Vector / Timber team spanning over a year working with Alloy, covering full-stack schema design and front-end client tooling.
  • I've been personally involved in GraphQL projects since 2015.

1.3.1. Tooling

  • async-graphql (Vector). I initially tried Juniper, but subscriptions (i.e. real-time data) is still WIP and several key elements of the GraphQL spec (such as interfaces) are TBD. Source: Feature comparison.

  • urql (UI). We used the React Apollo client in Alloy, which was mostly positive. We did run into some issues where data that lacks an id field would return null. Urql has a simpler caching story and may side-step these issues. Both clients use React hooks, which matches our vector-ui tooling.

  • GraphQL Code Generator (UI). We used this internally at Timber to generate Typescript types and React hooks. It offers an urql plugin and builds type-safe/declarative React hooks which overlay urql to re-render the host React component with data and loading state.

1.3.2. Proof-of-Concept

I started work in #3514 to test async-graphql, and expose internal metrics.

A playground is available in #3514 to test queries, including subscription queries:

GraphQL Playground

1.3.3. Declarative Syntax

One of the major benefits of opting for the GraphQL ecosystem is enabling a more declarative style for defining the API, and consuming it.

In the following example, I will provide snippets of an example of our current 'heartbeat' subscription, which returns a UTC timestamp every interval milliseconds back to a connected WebSocket client.

In this example, I will demonstrate:

  • Writing the server implementation
  • Querying for it in the playground
  • Writing the front-end client in React.

1.3.4. Server implementation with async-graphql

async-graphql is 'code first'; method implementations become GraphQL SDL and provide an implicit HTTP flow against an incoming request (in my PoC, I used Warp, since we already depend on it.)

pub struct Heartbeat {  // <-- simple GraphQL object type to provide a `utc` field
    utc: DateTime<Utc>,
impl Heartbeat {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Heartbeat { utc: Utc::now() }

pub struct HealthSubscription; // <-- 'root' subscription type to merge

impl HealthSubscription {
    /// Heartbeat, containing the UTC timestamp of the last server-sent payload
    async fn heartbeat(
        #[arg(default = 1000, validator(IntRange(min = "100", max = "60_000")))] interval: i32,
        // ^^ `interval` param -- defaults to 1,000ms; validates between 100ms - 60 seconds
    ) -> impl Stream<Item = Heartbeat> {
        // Return a stream of heartbeats
        tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_millis(interval as u64)).map(|_| Heartbeat::new())

In the GraphQL playground, this is surfaced as a strongly typed API. Doc comments become GraphQL API comments:

Heartbeat subscription

1.3.5. GraphQL heartbeat Subscription

The above example can be queried with:

subscription {
  heartbeat(interval: 1000) {

Which returns data as JSON every interval milliseconds, e.g:

  "data": {
    "heartbeat": {
      "utc": "2020-08-31T13:10:47.152412+00:00"

1.3.6. UI Implementation With React + Urql

After generating types and the web client with GraphQL Code Generator, the (simplified) implementation looks similar to this:

import React from "react";

// This is generated for us by GraphQL Code Generator
import { useHeartbeatSubscription } from "@/vector/graphql";

// Example component that consumes it
const ExampleComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const [{ data, fetching }] = useHeartbeatSubscription({
    variables: { interval: 1000 },
  return <pre>{data?.utc}</pre>;

This renders the HTML <pre>2020-08-31T13:10:47.152412+00:00</pre>, and auto-refreshes the data with a new UTC timestamp received from the server every 1000ms.

1.3.7. Development Workflow

Many of the benefits we receive with GraphQL are felt during development.

Types and clients are auto-generated on introspection of a live endpoint.

Appreciating that advantage is hard to see in static code blocks. For that reason, I've recorded a 16-minute live coding session which demonstrates the typical dev workflow in the front-end. Use this tree in vector-ui to follow along:

Live coding session

1.3.8. Implicit Stack Benefits

In the above example, we side-stepped a lot of complexity that would otherwise have to be explicitly designed for:

  • The method implementation becomes the public API. There's no additional schema to maintain.

  • Compile-time type safety (both server and client). If the query included invalid data, it would fail to compile in Vector and in GraphQL Code Generator in the UI.

  • Declarative client in the UI that handles the distinction between HTTP/WebSocket connections (for query / mutation and subscription queries, respectively), (re)connection handling, bookkeeping of parallel in-flight requests, response caching, request fetching status, matching responses with requests, and React component re-rendering. It shaves considerable off explicitly designing for those scenarios ourselves.

  • A type system that accommodates interfaces, unions, enums, primitives and custom scalar types. async-graphql provides built-in abstractions for chrono DateTime types, uuid, and other popular crates.

  • A known schema for errors. Snafu compatibility for FieldResult<T> custom errors.

1.3.9. Later -- Authorization

Initial Vector observability will be single-instance, and available to anyone that has access to the configured port.

Locking down access will initially rely on network configuration.

Later, as we move into multi-instance observability and more granular API permissions, the requirement for user auth and persistence will surface.

While those concerns are out-of-scope for this RFC, choosing a protocol that facilitates authentication is important to avoid backing ourselves into a corner.

GraphQL is not opinionated with auth. We have any authorization mechanism available to us at the intersection of HTTP and WebSockets.

In previous Timber projects, we appended an Authorization: Bearer <jwt> header for queries/mutations.

For subscription, we passed a JWT along with the initial WebSocket connection payload; browsers pass limited headers with Upgrade requests, so this provided a neat approach to sidestep the lack of a comparable header for WebSockets. The JWT persisted for the life of the open WS.

I anticipate doing something similar with the Vector API. async-graphql has a Context struct, which is typically used for passing in shared resources such as a database connection pool, or request-specific data such as the current user session.

This is largely TBD, but the basic mechanisms are there to allow for flexible auth when we need it.

1.4. Doc-level Proposal

A Vector observability layer has already been agreed internally. Work is underway.

This proposal discusses the protocol which will govern communications between a running Vector instance, and a web UI and CLI.

The result of this proposal won't directly impact user interaction with observability tooling.

1.5. Rationale

We have built a decent body of experience with GraphQL at Timber, albeit on non-Vector projects.

The tooling I am proposing here represents the same stack (save for swapping Apollo for Urql.)

In a previous Timber project, we used gqlgen as our server library, written in Go. The tooling with async-graphql is similar, though Rust's language features enable a more composable 'code first' approach using macros.

I believe the type of data we are consuming benefits from a strongly typed interface, and that compile-time client generation will significantly reduce the time-to-market of what will be already be a very complex front-end web app.

1.6. Prior Art

From relatively superficial searching, I've not been able to find a comparable approach to using GraphQL for internal metrics / observability. However, there are plenty of large companies using GraphQL for public API and very possibly for internal machinery that isn't public facing.

Article refs: GitHub, Facebook, Shopify, Intuit, Airbnb, Trello / Atlassian.

I looked at Rancher and the Kubernetes web UI for comparison, as both offer observability over an API that's intended for internal team use.

Both use JSON payloads. Rancher uses WebSockets to stream data, offering a comparable protocol as the GraphQL schema proposed in this RFC, albeit untyped.

Kubernetes uses OpenAPI v2. There are Typescript generation tools for OpenAPI such as swagger-to-ts and OpenAPI Generator. I have no experience with these tools. Given the REST interface to each, I'm not sure this compares directly to typed messages over WebSockets for streaming data.

1.7. Drawbacks

  • GraphQL is generally geared toward graph data (hence the name), although this isn't a hard requirement. IMO, it's a solid general-purpose API interface that mimics what we'd generally wind up creating internally anyway.
  • Queries with unknown levels of nesting can't be queried statically; generally, a need for queries with flatter structures arise.
  • Versioning is trickier, given the lack of distinct endpoints. Nothing stopping multiple endpoints representing versions, although typically this is done in the schema.
  • Some annoying rough edges -- the lack of input unions, for example, typically worked around with more specific queries.
  • Reliance on a relatively young library rather than a 'pure' client like a stdlib tcp server.
  • A need to invest, longer-term, in understanding and contributing to an external library.

1.8. Alternatives

Essentially any browser-compatible protocol could be used, and any text/binary format. This could include other libs such as Protobuf, which might form of a hybrid of the aforementioned approaches.

The maturity of tooling would need further investigation, as well as the development experience of working with any given format.

1.9. Outstanding Questions

  • What are the performance characteristics we care about?
  • How many clients do we assume we will be serving across the total of all vector top and Vector UI requests?
  • Is JSON an acceptable format for data exchange?
  • What's the GraphQL Client tooling like in Rust, to enable UI-like comms with vector top?
  • Is async-graphql performant and reliable in production?

1.10. Discussion

The following comprises links to relevant discussion in the original RFC PR:

1.11. Plan Of Attack

  • Determine whether there's consensus in choosing GraphQL
  • If yes, complete #3514 (separate RFC for observing topology required)
  • If no, determine suitable alternatives
  • (If applicable) create a new PoC with the alternatives