A table of content JavaScript Library.
npm install --save mokuji.js
import { Mokuji } from 'mokuji.js';
const textElement = document.querySelector('.text');
const mokujiList = Mokuji(textElement);
if (!mokujiList) return;
const listElement = document.querySelector('.list');
anchorType: true,
anchorLink: false,
anchorLinkSymbol: '#',
anchorLinkPosition: 'before',
anchorLinkClassName: '',
(default: true
Like Wikipedia's anchor, multibyte characters are replaced by escape sequences.
→ .E3.81.93.E3.82.93.E3.81.AB.E3.81.A1.E3.81.AF
(default: false
enable/disable the anchor link in the headings
(default: '#'
set the anchor link symbol
(default: 'before'
set position (before/after) the anchor link in headings.
Set the position of the anchor link with 'before' or 'after'.
(default: ''
set anchor link class name.