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Daniel Simmons edited this page Mar 7, 2014 · 58 revisions

IslandCraft is a Minecraft multiplayer server mod. It makes several integrated changes to the game which enhance the experience on public multiplayer survival servers.


IslandCraft modifies the terrain generation to create an ocean with many islands; each island is a single biome. It allows players to purchase islands (with diamonds) which will be grief protected. Some islands are non-purchasable and regularly regenerate, allowing players to gather new resources without generating new chunks.


Useful Extras

TODO: The behaviour of beds will be slightly modified. Using a bed sets the player's spawn point regardless of day or night. The player will not be able to use a bed in a protected area they do not have permissions in.

In IslandCraft there are no teleporting commands. No /spawn, no /home, no /back, no /tpa, no nothing. These commands break PVP, reduce immersion and discourage players from using the available transportation methods such as minecarts, boats and horses.

TODO: Cheat Prevention

Whilst IslandCraft prevents griefing, it encourages PVP interaction. Because of this, it is necessary to use anti-cheat plugins.

Scalability Issues

Vanilla Minecraft has several fundamental scalability issues. These will be addressed as solutions become apparent.

  • One world spawn
  • Three strongholds - Possible fix: Crafting recipes for mossy and cracked stone brick
  • Three end portals - Possible fix: EmeraldEndPortal
  • One end island
  • One ender dragon