title | author | geometry |
Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies Notees |
Haroon Ghori |
margin=1in |
Math Concepts
- Negligiable Functions: A function n(k) is negligible if for every polynomial p(k), there exists some k_0 such that for all k > k_0, n(k) < 1 / p(k).
- Group Theory
- A group
$G$ is a set of elements equipped with an operation ( * ) that combines any two elements to form a third element and that satisfies four conditions called the group axioms, namely closure, associativity, identity and invertibility.- Closure: given elements
$a \ and \ b, a * b \in G$ . - Associativity: for any
$x, y, z \in G,\ (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)$ . - Identity: there exists an
$e \in G$ such that$e * x = x * e = x \forall x \in G$ . We say that$e$ is an identity operator of$G$ . - Invertibility: for any
$x \in G \exists y \in G \ s.t.\ x * y = e = y * x$ . We say that$y$ is the inverse of$x$ .
- Closure: given elements
- A group
$G$ is a cyclic group if it is generated by a single element.$G = {g}$ -
$G$ is order$n$ where$n = |G|$
- A group
- Discrete Logarithm Problem: Let
$G$ be a cyclic group of order$p$ with generator$g$ where$p$ is an n-bit prime number. Given$g$ and$g^a$ we cannot easily find$a$ .
Cryptographic Hash Functions
A hash function H is a function that takes a string of arbitrary length as input and efficiently computes a fixed length string.
Essentially a hash function compresses an arbitrary length string to a fixed length.
A secure hash function must satisfy two major properties:
Collision Resistance
- A hash function H is collision-resistant if for all uniform PPT
adversaries A, there exists a negligible function n(k), where k
denotes the security parameter, such that
$Pr(A(1^k) \to (x, x') \ s.t. \ x \neq x' \ and \ H(x) = H(x')) = n(k)$ - Essentially collision resistance is the property where an adversary cannot easily find two unequal inputs with the same hash value.
- Based on this priciple we can assume that if
$H(x) = H(y), x = y$ . This becomes useful when recognizing messages since we can recognize duplicate messages by the hash.
- A hash function H is collision-resistant if for all uniform PPT
adversaries A, there exists a negligible function n(k), where k
denotes the security parameter, such that
Pre-Image Resistance
- A hash function H is preimage-resistant if for all PPT
adversaries A, there exists a negligible function n(k), where k
denotes the seurity parameter, uch that
$Pr(x \in {0, 1}^{poly(k)}, A(1^k, H(x)) \to x' \ s.t. \ H(x') = H(x)) = n(k)$
Note: that
${0, 1}^{poly(k)}$ is a uniform distribution of strings up through length$poly(k)$ .- Essentially preimage-resistance is the propertw where given
$H(x)$ , an adversary cannot easily find$x$ .
- A hash function H is preimage-resistant if for all PPT
adversaries A, there exists a negligible function n(k), where k
denotes the seurity parameter, uch that
Collision resistance is said to be a stronger property than preimage resistance. If a Hash function is sufficiently compressing collision resistance implies preimage resistance.
- Proof: FSOC assume that a function
$H$ is sufficiently compressing and collision resistant but not preimage resistant. Then there exists an adversary A such that:$A(X)$ returns some value x such that$H(x) = X$ . Since$H$ is sufficiently compressing, running A(X) multiple times will result in different values of$x = {y, y', y'',...}$ all of which satisfy the property$H(x) = X$ . Then$A$ is not collision resistant which contradicts our assumption. Therefore collision resistance implies preimage resistance.
- Proof: FSOC assume that a function
We can use a hash function to encode a message commitment scheme. A commitment scheme is a process by which we can "commit" a message and then others can verify whether messages are valid.
- General scheme
(com, key) = commit(msg) isValid = verify(com, key, msg)
- Hash scheme
def commit(msg): key = random() com = H(key) + msg return (com, key) def verify(com, key, msg): return H(key | msg) == com (com, key) = commit(msg) isValid = verify(com, key, msg)
- Weak Hiding: Given com, no PPT adversary can find msg. (preimage resistance)
- Weak Binding: No PPT dversary can find
$msg != msg'$ such thatverify(commit(msg), msg') == true
. (collision resistance) - SHA-256 Hash Function
512 bit 512 bit msg1 msg2 | | V V 256 bit --> [c] ---> [c] ---> ... ---> out
- Suppose the message msg is of length L bits such that L is a multiple of 512 (if not we can pad with zeros). Note that if c is a collision-resistant then SHA-256 is collision resistant.
Random Oracle
- A random oracle is a function that always maps an input to the same random output.
def random_oracle(x): ''' oracle is a pre-defined map object. ''' if x in oracle: return oracle[x] y = random() oracle[x] = y return x
- By definition, the answers of a random oracle are unpredictable.
- Random oracles capture many secutiry properties such as preimage resistance and collision resistance.
- Hash functions are often masked as a random oracle.
Hash pointer
- Pointer to where some info is stored that is a cryptographic hash of the info. H(into) -> info
- If we have a hash pointer we can ask to get the info back adn ask if the info has changed (by taking the hash of the retunred info).
- We can also use hash pointers to create a linked list: this is essentially a blockchain.
block1 H() -> | data1 | block2 | H(block2) | -> | data2 | block3 | H(block3) | -> | data3 | | H(block4) | -> ...
- This chain is tamper resistant. If any data is tampered with we can easily tell using the previous hash pointer (which propagates up to the root hash pointer).
- Merkle Tree: a binary tree with hash pointers.
- We can prove membership in a Merkle tree in
$O(logN)$ .- Example: See the tree below. To prove that data
- We can also create a sorted Merkle tree.
- Using a sorted Merkle tree we can verify non-membership in
- Using a sorted Merkle tree we can verify non-membership in
- We can prove membership in a Merkle tree in
- In generally we can use hash pointers in any pointer based data structure that has no cycles.
Merkel Root H0 = H(H1a | H1b)
/ \
H1a=H(H2a|H2b) H1b=H(H2c|H2d)
/ \ / \
H2a=H(H_D1|H_D2) H2b=H(H_D3,H_D4) 2a=H(H_D5|H_D6) H2b=H(H_D7,H_D8)
/ \ / \ / \ / \
H_D1 H_D2 H_D3 H_D4 H_D5 H_D6 H_D7 H_D8
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
Digital Signitures
- Only you can sign, but anyone can verify
- Signature is tied to a particular document
- Even if one can see your signature on some documents he cannot forge it.
- Scheme
(sk, pk) = keygen(1^k) # sk = secret signing key, pk = public # verification key sig = sign(sk, msg) isValid = verify(pk, message, sig)
- Requirements for signature Scheme
- Must be correct
- UFCMA secure
- Note
- Signatures can be shorter than the message: For example we can sign the hash(message)
- Algorithms are randomized: they need good source of randomness - bad randomness may reveal the secret key.
- Sign a hash pointer - then the signature covers the whole structure.
- Bitcoin uses Eliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
- ECDSSA is a close variant of Schnorr Signature scheme over Eliptic curves.
- Schnorr Signature Scheme
- Let
$g$ be a generator for a cyclic group$G$ of order$p$ . (See definition of group and cyclic group above).
def keygen(s): sk = random(Z_p) # Z_p is the set of all integers of length p pk = g^sk return (sk, pk) def sign(sk, msg): t = random(Z_p) r = g^t h = H(msg, r) s = t + (h * sk) return (h, s) def verify(pk, msg, sigma): (h, s) = sigma return H(msg, g^s / pk^h) == h (sk, pk) = keygen(1^k) sigma = sign(sk, msg) isValid = verify(pk, msg, sigma)
- Verify, If we're given a correct message, public key, and signiture
$$\frac{g^s}{pk^h}$$ $$s = t + h * sk$$ $$g^s = g^t * (g^sk)^h = g^t * pk^h$$ $$\frac{g^s}{pk^h} = \frac{g^t * pk^h}{pk^h} = g^t$$ $$H(msg, r) = h $$ Verify returns 1. - Assuming the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem, Schorr signature scheme is UF-CMA is secure in the random oracle model.
Unforgeability under chosen-message attacks (UF-CMAA).
- If an adversary who knows pk and gets to see signatures on messages of his choice, can't produce a verifiable signature on another message.
- The "game" works as follows
- The algorithm runs
keygen(s) -> pk, sk
. - The adversary
$A$ is given pk and can send messages$m_i$ to the game and get back$\sigma_i$ under sk. - A must output
$m^{* },\ \sigma ^{* }$ .
- A wins the game if
$\sigma ^{* }$ is a valid signature for$m^{* }$ .
When we see a
such thatverify(pk, msg, sigma) = True
we can think ofpk
as saying the message. However, in order to speak forpk
you must knowsk
(because the message must be signed with the secret key). -
An identity (or address in bitcoin) is essentially a public / secret key pair.
Decentralized identity management means that anyone can make an identity at any time - there is no central point of coordination.
Addresses are not directly connected to people's real-world identity.
- But an observer can link an addresses' activity over time and make inferences about the identity associated with an address. So, this scheme doesn't guarantee anonymity.
- One central authority (called Goofy). Goofy is the only entity that can create new coins. Any coins created by Goofy belong to goofy.
coin = createCoin(uniqueID) # creates a unique sigma = sign(coin, pk_goofy)
- This essentially constitutes a block
| signed by pk_goofy | | createCoin(uniqueID) |
- If goofy wants to pay Alice a coin, he can use a hash pointer to point to the original block, pass hat to alice and sign with Alic's public key.
| signed by pk_alice | | H() | -> | signed by pk_goofy | | createCoin(uniqueID) |
- If Alice now wants to pay Bob she can use the same procedure.
| signed pk_bob | | H() | -> | signed pk_alics | | H() | -> | signed by pk_goofy | | createCoin(uniqueID) |
- The problem with this approach is that Alice doesn't have to tell anyone else's paying a coin. So she can easily pay a coin to bob, keep a copy of hte coin, and then pay it to Chuck. This is called a double spending attack and is one of the major design challenges of cryptocurrencies.
| signed pk_bob | | H() | -> | signed pk_alics | | H() | -> | signed pk_goofy | | signed pk_chuck | -> | | | createCoin(uniqueID) | | H() |
- One central authority (called Scrouge). Scrouge maintains a ledger of transactions and must sign off on any transaction.
- Every transaction is appended to the blockchain and signed off by
Scrouge. The entire ledger is public and the final hash pointer is signed
by Scrouge - the blockchain is only considered valid if it's signed by
Scrouge. If an attacker were to modify an individual block (for example to
give hiimself more money) the change would propogate up the blockchain -
verify(H(), pk_scrouge)
would fail and the attack would be foiled.
sig scruge, H() -> | transN | | H() | -> | transN-1 | | H() | -> | transN-2 | | H() | -> ...
- An invalid transaction (ie a double spending attack) must be verified by Scrouge before being added to the blockchain.
- In this system Coins cannot be transfered - rather if Alice wants to pay N coins to Bob, she must:
- Give N coins to Scrouge
- Scouge verifies transaction.
- Consumed coins are valid
- Consumed coins are in circulation (not previously consumed)
- Total value to be consumed == total value to issue
- Signed by owners of all consumed coins
- Coins are consumed by Scrouge
- Scrouge issues N new coins to Bob.
- This is reliant on Scrouge being a trusted authority.
- Bitcoin was the introduction of blockchain and the first decentralized, distributed digital currency. It introduced a lot of techniques for consensus, security, etc which other blockchain based applications use.
- Bitcoin uses a ledger based system similar to ScrougeCoin. The innovation in
bitcoin is the aspects of decentralization while preventing double spending.
- Bitcoin is meant to be a peer to peer network. All nodes should have a direct path to all other nodes.
- Mining new blocks is open to anyone, but eventually power is concentrated.
- Core developers trusted in the community have a lot of power when it comes to updating the system.
- Distributed Consensus - maintaining the correct / same version of a database
over a distributed system.
- Eventually the protocol terminates and all honest nodes decide on the same value.
- This output value must have been proposed by some honest node.
- Transactions
- When Alice wants to pay Bob she broadcasts the transaction to all Bitcoin nodes.
- A node has a blockchain which it assumes are valid and a set of transactions it's heard about.
At any given time:
- all nodes have a sequence of blocks of transactions on which they've reached consensus.
- Each node has a set of outstanding transactions it's "heard about"
Innovations in bitcoin
- Introduces incentives
- Embraces randomness
- Does away with the notion of a specific end-point
- Consensus happens over long time scales (1 hr)
Lottery or raffle
In ack round a random node is picked.
That node proposes the next block in the chain.
Other nodes accept or reject this block
- Verify transactions on the block
- Accept -> nodes add this block to their blockchain
- Includes the block's hash in the next block it creates
- Reject -> ignoring the proposed block and extending chain from earlier block
Confirmation of a transaction can onnly happen after a few block have been mined.
- Nodes extend their chain by following the longest current chain.
- There must be 6 confirmations (block must be extended 6 times) before it is accepted in teh blockchain.
- Double spending probability decreases exponentialy with number of confirmations.
| H() | \ | data | -> | H() | -> | H() | -> | H() | -> | data | | data | | data | | H() | / | data* | data* contains some kind of double spending attack or invalid transaction
- Block Reward
- Block creator (node that broadcasts a proposed block on a round) includes a special coin creation transaction in the block which pays the creator for creating the block.
- Block creator gets to collect the reward only if the block ends up on the long term consensus branch.
- This is the only way new coins are created.
- The block reward value is fixed and is halved every year. In 2040, the block reward will be 0 - ie no new blocks will be created.
- Transaction fee
- The creator of a transaction can choose to siphon off some of the money in the transaction as a transaction fee. This fee is paid to the block creator. However this is voluntary - the creator of the transaction chooses whether or not to pay a transaction fee.
- Block Reward
Proof of Work - means of approximating selecting a random node.
- Select node in proportion to computing power.
$P(node_A) = \frac{power_A}{total \ power}$
- Let nodes compete for right to create block
- Make it moderately hard to create new identities.
- Defeat Sybil attacks (creating a bunch of identities to increase presence in the network).
- To create a block find
$nonce$ such that:$H(nonce | block) < D$ where d is small and the block contains the previous hash and all transactions in the block. (the exaact implimentation is that the first n bits of$D$ are$0$ ).- This problem can only really be solved by guess and check.
- As of 8/2014 a computer needed to compute
$10^20$ hashes / bblock.- Only some nodes have the hardware to compete and decide to be miners.
- Nodes automatically recalculate the target (
$D$ ) every two weeks. THe goal is that the average time between blocks being mined is 10mins. - The
$nonce$ should be published as part of the block that is mined. That way other miners can simply verify the solution by running$H(nonce | block) < D$ . - Proof of work security is based on the idea that > 50% of the network
is controlled by honest nodes. If a dishonest party controlls >50 % of
the network he is able to perform some specific attacks. Specifically,
a 51% attacker can suppress transactions from the blockchain (
essentially by only broadcasting his own blocks and removing
- A 51% attacker can't steal coins from existing addresses, suppress transactions from the network itself, or change the block reward.
- Select node in proportion to computing power.
Proof of stake - picking node in proportion to ownership
- Adversary controls scheduling delivery of messages between honest parties
- Security of the blockchain protocol is that a majority of the network is honest.
- If an adversary can delay the messages of the honest parties he could give himself more computation time. This allows him to create a longer dishonest chain which allows him to mount an attack without a majority of computing power.
- An adversary can corrupt up to
$p$ fraction of the total participants. - Let's model the btcoin hash function as two random oracles.
$H$ is a hash function such that$H(x) -> x'$ . -
$H_{ver}$ is a function such that$H_ver(x, y) -> 1$ if$H(x) == y$ and$H_{ver}(x, y) -> 0$ otherwise. - We separate these oracles to give parties asymmetric access to them.
- At each round, a party is limited to a single query to
$H$ and unlimited queries to$H_{ver}$ . An adversary who corrupts$k$ parties can make$k$ accesses to$H$ . - Each party maintains a chain of blocks as its state (blockchain). Each block contains a pointer to the previous record, a nonce, the transaction log, and a pointer to the current record. The hash value is a hash of all the data in the block.
| h(prev) |
| nonce |
| transactions |
| h(curr) = h(nonce | prev) | transactions) ) |
- We can easily verify if a block is valid with respect to its predecessors by
checking if
$h(curr) < D_{p}$ where$D_p$ is the difficulty parameter of the network (see proof of work above). - Genesis block: a block with no data -> the first block in the blockchain.
- Defines the start of the protocol.
- A pointer to the beginning
- We can tell if an entire state - the entire blockchain - is valid if it contains the genesis block, each block is valid, and the transactions are valid.
- At each round a node will mine a block - ie he will package all the
transactions he's heard into a single block and find nonce such that
$H(nonce | block)$ < D$. He will then broadcast the block with the$nonce$ to the rest of the network.- Other nodes will check the validity of the proof of work by querrying
the random oracle to verify
$H(nonce | data)$ == satisfies the proof of work problem. - For any node, if the length of the received chain is longer than the node's current chain, the node discards it's chain in favor of the received chain.
- Other nodes will check the validity of the proof of work by querrying
the random oracle to verify
- An adversary can delay messages on the broadcast from begin delivered by at
$\Delta$ rounds. This is called$\Delta$ asynchrony.
- Parameters:
$p$ : the probability that a random nonce will lead to an accepting block. -
$\rho$ : the fraction of adversarial players. -
$n$ : the total number of players. -
$D$ the upper bound on the number of rounds a message can be delayed by an adversary. -
$\alpha = 1 - (1-p)^{(1-\rho)n}$ : the probability that an honest party succeeds in mining a block. -
$\beta = \rho n p$ : the expected number of blocks that the adversary can mine in a given round. $\gamma = \frac{\alpha}{1 + D \alpha}$
- Chain Growth
- Chain growth defines how the chains are expected to grow as time passes.
- For every honest party, if the chain length in some round
$r$ is$k$ , then by round$r + \Delta$ every honest party must have a chain of length$k$ . - For chain growth we want that every part's chain grows by some number of
$T$ in some small$t$ rounds. - At any points, for any
$T$ , the chain grows by at least$T$ in the past$t=\frac{T}{\gamma(1-\delta)}$ where$\gamma$ is a tunable security parameter.
- Chain Quality
- Chain quality is the fraction of nodes mined by honest parties.
- For T consecutive blocks, the fraction of honest blocks is roughly
$1 - (1 + \delta)\frac{\beta}{\gamma}$ .
- T-consistency
- For any honest party in round
$r$ , orher than the last$T$ blocks the rest of the chain must be a prefix to every other honest party's chain. Eg once a block is$T$ blocks deep in a chain it appears on every party's blockchain. - If
$\alpha (1 - 2(D + 1)) \geq (1 + \delta)\beta$ , then the chain satisfies consistency.
- For any honest party in round
- Public ledger: A distributed database of records.
- The ledger is immutable and publicly accessible.
- You cannot change the order of the records
- There should be some consistent view of the ledger.
- Liveness
- If an honest party wants to add a message, it should appear on the
(local) ledger of every honest party after some "wait time" (some
sufficiently large time period of t rounds).
- If an honest party wants to post, it can do so.
- If an honest party wants to add a message, it should appear on the
(local) ledger of every honest party after some "wait time" (some
sufficiently large time period of t rounds).
- Persistence
- If a message m gets added to the local ledger of some honest player at position j, then it will appear at position j in the (local) ledger of every other honest party at all future times after some small delay.
- At any point, a party's local ledger is determined by truncating its current
view of the blockchain by T blocks.
- Liveness follows from chain growth and chain quality properties of the blockchain
- Persistence follows from the consistency and chain growth properties of the blockchain.
- In the F-tree model we keep track of all valid chains of recode through a tree.
- There is some global function that keeps track of all valid chains via a tree. It initializes the tree with an empty root and grows with queries from the parties.
- Every party now has access to a single F-tree instance instead of the two
oracles modeled above. To extend a chain, a node can send an extend querry to
the oracle.
- On receiving an extend query, the F-tree checks if the path exists in the tree.
- If the path verifies on the tree, it attempts to add the new node (the
node will be added with probability
$p$ ). If it succeeds it returns 1 - else 0.
- There's also a verify query that returns whether or not a path is in the tree.
- Basically we replace the oracle computing
$H$ (in the standard bitcoin protocol) with the oracle$F_{tree}$ . The chain now just consists of records (transactions).- When a player wants to add a new record to a chain he queries the oracle with his existing chain and the new record.
- If the new record is successfully added to the path on the tree, the party broadcasts its chain.
- Observe that the F-tree is a trie-like data structure:
/ \
m3 m4
/ \
m5 m6
- In the F-tree model, the probability of a miner being successful is
independent of the current chain being queried.
- This is not true in the random oracle model.
- The public ledger is one of the core componenets of the bitcoin protocol. The ledger must be public, immutable, ordered, and consistent.
- Property 1: Liveness
- If an honest player wnats to add a message, it should appear on the local ledger of every honest player after some wait time.
- Property 2: Persistence
- If a message m gets added to the local ledger of some honest playerat position j, then it will appear at position j in the local ledger of every other honest party at all future times (after some small delay).
- Because of the T-consistency property, at any point a party's local ledger is
determined by truncating its current view of the blockchain by T blocks.
- Liveness follows from chain growth and chain quality.
- Persistnece follows from consistency and chain growth.
- In an account based ledger system it is very inefficient to check validity of transactions. You must go through the entire blockchain to determine whether or not a user has enough money to make a particular transaction.
- Bitcoin uses a transaction based ledger. In this ledger system, each transaction contains a pointer to a previous transaction. If Alice wants to transfer some coins to Bob, she references a previous transaction from which she will draw money. Then verifying a transaction just involves following the reference to the previous transaction to ensure that the money actually exists (ie that the transaction produced enough money to make the new transaction).
- A transaction essentially takes coins from a previous transaction and sends them to a set of recipient addresses. The recipient addresses are really the hashes of the recipients' public keys
| 1. Inputs: NULL
| Outputs: 25.0 -> Alice
| signed(Miner)
| 2. Inputs: 1[0]
| Outputs: 17.0 -> Bob, 8.0 -> Alice
| sign(Alice)
| 3. Inputs: 2[0]
| Outputs: 8.0 -> Carol, 7.0 -> Bob
| sign(Bob)
| 4. Inputs: 2[1]
| Outputs: 6.0 -> David, 2.0 -> Alice
| sign(Alice)
- To check if transaction 4 is valid, we trace the transaction inputs recursively to make sure that the input provides enough bitcoin to fuel the transaction and we check the ledger linearly between the current point and the input transaction to make sure no double spending is occuring.
- A valid transaction must be signed by the person who is paying the money.
- A transaction must use all of the input it is given - so if you only want to use a fraction of a transaction to pay another party you must explicityly pay yourself the remainder of the money.
- A transaction can also take in multiple inputs - money can be drawn from
multiple transactions and be used to pay multiple people.
- If the inputs come from different parties, each party needs to sign the transaction.
- A transaction itself contains a hash, a "lock time", a reference to one of more previous transactions (with a corresponding signiture), the value and publickey of the person being paid.
'hash': <transaction_hasn>,
lock_time: 0,
'in': [
'prev_out': [
'hash': <hash>,
'scriptSig': <signiture>
... (more inputs)
'out': [
'value': <value>,
'scriptPubKey': <publicKey>
... (more outputs)
- The output of a bitcoin transaction specifies that "these coins can be redeemed by the owner of the address specified". Eg - these coins can be redeemed by a public key that hashes to X along with a signature by the owner of that public key.
- The input and output addresses of a bitcoin transaction are really scripts.
- To verify a bitcoin transaction we concatenate the input script
(scriptSig) from the new transaction with the output script (scriptPubkey)
of the old transaction.
- scriptPubkey of the old transaction verifies that the signature and public key in scriptSig (of the sender of the new transaction) are valid. This effectively verifies that the sender has access to the coins from the previous transaction.
- Bitcoin scripting language
- Built for bitcoin
- Simple, compact
- Support for cryptography
- Stack based
- Limits on time / memory
- No looping
- Not Turing complete
- Supports basic arithmetic, conditions, logic / data handling, and crypto.
- OP_CHECKMULTISIG is a built in support for joint signuitures.
- Most scripts are simple verification scripts.
- Proof of burn -> lets you destroy bitcoins.
- The function itself returns some arbitrary data.
- So this function can be used to publish arbitrary data on the blockchain (for example timestamping a document).
- This function can also be used to require people to destroy bitcoins in order to get new Altcoins (non-bitcoin cryptocurrencies).
- Example:
// ----- scriptSig (new transaction)
<sig> // sender's signiture
<pubKey> // sender's public key
// -----
// ----- scriptPubKey (old transaction)
OP_DUP // duplicate
OP_HSGH160 // hash
<pubKeyHash?> // expected address (exp hash of sender's public key)
OP_EQUALVERIFY // verifies equality
OP_CHECK_SIG // verifies that a signature matches the public key
<pubkey> <pubkeyHash> <pubkeyHash>
<pubkey> <pubkey> <pubkey> <pubkey>
<sig> -> <sig> -> <sig> -> <sig> -> <sig>
sig pubkey OP_DUP OP_HSGH160 pubkeyHash?
<pubkey> <pubkey>
-> <sig> -> <sig> -> True
- The above script essentially:
- Verifies that the sender's address matches the address in the script (the address specified by the input transaction).
- Verifies that the sender's address matches the sender's signature.
- Bitcoin scripts also have a OP_CHECK_MULTISIG function that can be used
to check multiple signatures. This can be used for a lot of interesting
applications (see below).
- MULTISIG is similar to SIG. It verifies that one (or more) signature matches one out of multiple public keys.
- Proof of burn
- A player can "burn" a small amount of bitcoin - ie send them to some eater address (public key). This can be done to publish some data on the blockchain (for example to timestamp a document) or for currency exchange (you must burn some bitcoins to get altcoins). Since you can't reverse construct a private key (and hence a signature) from a public key, the burned coins are unspendable
- Pay to Hash Script
- In a bitcoin transaction, usually the sender must specify the public key (address) of the receiver. However what if the receiver is expecting some complicated behavior (ie multiple signatures)
- When creating a transaction a user can send the coins to the hash of a script instead of an address (hash of a public key). To redeem the coins, the redeemer must provide the script (which matches the hash) and provide data which makes the script evaluate to true (this should come from the transaction).
- This is called Pay-to-Script-Hash
- Application of Scripts / Smart Contracts
Escrow Transactions (fair transactions)
- Suppose Alice wants to pay Bob for some product. However, Alice doesn't want to pay Bob until she's received the product and Bob doesn't want to provide the product until Alice has payed.
- This is a very common transaction in the real world - ie when buying a house. It is called an escrow transaction and can be managed in bitcoin using MULTISIG and a third party.
- Alice and Bob agree on a 3rd party (Judy) to arbitrate the
transaction. Alice creates the transaction with a 2-3 MULTISIG. This
means that the coins can be spent if any two out of the three parties
sign. This transaction is published to the blockchain.
- Bob can now send the product to Alice. Once ALice receives the product, she and Bob will sign a transaction sending the coins from escrow to Bob.
- If Alice is dishonest, Bob and Judy can sign a transaction which sends the coins from escrow to Bob.
- If Bob is dishonest, Alice and Judy can sign a transaction which sends the coins from escrow back to Alice.
Green addresses
- Suppose Alice wants to pay Bob, but Bob is offline, disconnected from the Internet, or can't wait an hour for the transaction to propogate to the blockchain. Alice will use a trusted third party (a bank or some kind of exchange) to complete the exchange. Alice will pay Bob through the bank and the bank will pay Bob through one of it's "green addresses".
- A green address is an address from a trusted third party (a bank or exchange). Bob trusts this address and will give Alice the product trusting that the bank won't double spend the money.
- Suppose Alice wants to pay Bob in small increments for an hourly service. Creating a bunch of small transactions won't work since the transaction fees would add up. This type of payment can be accomplished using MULTISIG.
- Alice puts the money in a 2-3 escrow account (see above). At the first hour, Alice creates a multisig transaction that sends one unit from the escrow transaction to Bob and the rest back to Alice. This transaction is not signed by Bob. At the second hour, Alice sends two units from the escrow transaction to Bob and the rest back to Alice. This continues in this way for as long as Alice wants the service. When Alice no longer wants the service she stops paying and Bob signs the last transaction.
n = 1 do { Alice creates and signs 2-2 multisig x = { input: escrow output: n Bob, (total - n) Alice } n++ } while (Alice wants the service || n == total) Bob signs x and gets the money from escrow
- Lock time
- Lock time is a field in the transaction. If the lock time is not equal to
zero, miners will not publish that transaction until after the lock time
has passed. If
lock_time = t
, miners will not publish the transaction until aftert
rounds have passed. - Lock time in multisig: In a multisig, Alice may want to get a refund if Bob doesn't hold up his end of the bargain or Bob doesn't sign the last transaction. So before the micropayment starts, Alice and Bob sign a 2-2 multisig which refunds Alice the money from the escrow. However, the refund is locked until after the micropayment period should expire. So if Bob doesn't sign any micropayment transactions, Alice can get a refund once the lock time expires.
- Lock time is a field in the transaction. If the lock time is not equal to
zero, miners will not publish that transaction until after the lock time
has passed. If
- In bitcoin, transactions are packaged into blocks for efficiency - if miners had to reach consensus on each individual transaction, confirmation would happen much more slowly. Also, a hash chain of blocks is much shorter than a hash chain of individual transactions so verifying the overall chain is easier with blocks than with transactions.
- The blockchain is a hash chain of blocks.
- The transactions in each block are packaged in a Merkel Tree.
- To prove that a transaction exists in a block we can provide a path in the tree (logarithmic in the number of transactions) whose leaf is the transaction.
- This makes it easy to verify a transaction is in the root without having to download the entire tree.
- Each block has a "coinbase" transaction that signals creating coins.
- The bitcoin network is a TCP network where every node is a peer (no master / slave). The network itself is very dynamic - anyone can join or leave at any time.
- The purpose of the network is to maintain the blockchain. When a player creates a transaction, her client creates a transaction which her node sends to all of its peers. If the transaction passes initial checks, the peers will send the transaction to their peers. If a node has already heard the transaction it will terminate. This is called a flooding algorithm.
- Because of the latency in the network, some nodes may hear transactions at different times than others. This becomes especially important when someone attempts a double spending attack. The general consensus (though not an enforced rule) is that if a node sees a double spend it should only keep the first transaction and not propagate it through the network. Different nodes will have seen different transactions first and so will have different blocks - however, one of the chains will eventually win out so only one of the two transactions in the double spending attack will be confirmed.
- Announcing a block uses the same flooding algorithm as announcing a translation. c
- Validating a transaction essentially means making sure the money exists an does not double spent (see above). Validating an entire block involves validating each transaction, validating the header, and validating the nonce.
- Anonymous means without a name. The goal of anonymity is to allow people to use a service without providing their "name" - ie without others knowing thier real identity.
- Bitcoin addresses are public key hashes rather than real identities - in CS we call this pseudoanonymity since the users are not directly linked to their bitcoin identities, but they could be linked to to their bitcoin identities.
- Pseudoanonymity is the principle that your user identity is not the same as your real world identity (for example a user name).
- Unlinkability is the principle that different interactions of the same user with the system should not be linkable to each other.
- Anonymity is pseudoanonymity coupled with unlikability.
- Unlinkability is needed because linked profiles can be deanonymized by a variety of side channels.
- If bitcoin identities are unlinkable they must have the following properties:
- It's hard to link different addresses of the same user.
- It's hard to link different transactions of the same user.
- It's hard to link the sender of a payment to its recipient.
- Anonymity set: The anonymity set of a transaction T is the set of
transactions which an adversary cannot distinguish from T.
- To calculate the anonymity set we must define our adversary model and understand what the adversary knows, doesn't know, and cannot know.
- We want to maximize the size of the anonymity set.
- We want our cryptocurrencies to be anonymous because the blockchain is an inherently public document (the ledger is public and very easily accessible), and permanent. Without anonymity a cryptocurrency would have much less privacy than a traditional bank.
- Taint analysis: a way of calculating how related two addresses are. If
bitcoin sent by address S always ends up at address R (directly or after
passing through some intermediate addresses), then S and R will have a high taint score.
- Taint analysis is not a good measure of bitcoin anonymity because it assumes that the adversary is using the same calculations to link parts of addresses.
- Anonymous e-cash
- Blind signature: a two party protocol to create digital signature without the signer learning winch message is being signed.
De-anonymizing Bitcoin
- Linking:
- Suppose Alice wants to buy an $8 tepaot from Bob and her bitcoin are in three separate unspent addresses whose amounts are 3, 5, and 6 bitcoins. Alice must use a combination of those adresses to pay for the teapot.
- Now an adversary looking at the blockchain can infer that the two addresses used in the transaction are controlled by the same party - hence those addresses are linked. Furthermore, the adversary can repeat this process and transitively link entire clusters of transactions as belonging to a single entity.
- Change Address Randomization
- Consider the case where the teapot now casts $8.5. Alice can't pay with exact change and has to pay the difference ($0.05) to a change address. An adversary can use some heuristics and assumptions about the wallet software to make assumptions about which address is the change address and therefore linking another address to Alice.
- Idioms of use are implementation details that are true for most wallet software. It was found that wallets typically generate a fresh address when a change address is required - so change addresses are generally address that have never before appeared in the blockchain. An adversary can use this knowledge to distinguish between chain addresses and link them with input addresses. Note that this is error prone and dependent on the software.
- Attacking real world identities to clusters
- Given the linking techniques above we can generate graphs of clusters of addresses controlled by users. We can sometimes make educated guesses about identities based on what we know about the Bitcoin economy. For example, if we know the name of the largest Bitcoin exchange we can assume it controls the largest cluster. This isn't a great way to identify clusters, but it can work.
- Tagging by Transacting
- Usually a merchant will create a new address to receive transactionns from customers. So one way to identify a cluster is to buy something from a merchant, tag the receiving address, and wait for it to link with one of our established clusters.
- Identifying Individuals: The methods above are useful for tagging larger
merchants and businesses with a lot of addresses (large clusters). But how can
we identify individuals (small clusters).
- Direct transactions: anyone who transacts with an individual knows at least one of their addresses.
- Service providers: Most users eventually interact with an exchange or other centralized service provider. These service providers are often legally required to ask for real identities which can be surrendered to law enforcement.
- Carelessness: People often post their Bitcoin addresses in public forums. Usually this is done to request donations. However, this creates a link between the real world identity and the bitcoin identity.
- Attacks and piracy: Deanonymization algorithms usually improve over time when the data is public ally available.
- Network Layer Deanonymization
- In networks theory, the blockchain is the application layer and the P2P network is the network layer. When a node creates a transaction, it connects to many nodes at once and broadcasts the transaction (flooding algorithm). If sufficiently many nodes on the network collude with one another (or are run by the adversary) they can figure out the first node to broadcast any transaction. This node is presumably the node that created the transaction (paid the transaction). The adversary could then link the bitcoin address with the IP address (which is very close to the real world identity).
- This can be alleviated by using services like Tor which anonymize IP addresses. However, there are potential security problems with using bitcoin over Tor.
- Mixing is a technique to make transaction graph analysis less effective. The main idea is simple - if you want anonymity, use an intermediary.
- Online Wallets as Mixes
- An online wallet is a service where you can store your bitcoins online and withdraw them at some later date. These wallets can be seen as intermediaries as typically the coins you withdraw won't be the same coins you deposit - hence they provide some level of unlinkability.
- However, online wallets don't promise to mix users' funds - they do it because it makes the engineering easier. Additionally they will probably keep records of transactions.
- Dedicated Mixing Services
- Dedicated mixing services are services that will essentially launder your bitcoin. You send your bitcoins to an address provided by the mix and you tell the mix a destination address to send the bitcoins to. The mix should swap your bitcoins and send them to the address.
- Guidelines for Mixing
- Uses a series of mixers: increasing the number of mixers you pass your coins through decreases you reliance on one mixer and therefore increases the anonymity of your transactions.
- Use uniform transactions: All users using a mix should agree on a common "chunk size" of coins to pass through a mix at once. This would increase the anonymity set as all transactions going through any mix would look exactly the same and would bot be distinguishable based on their value.
- Client side should be automated: The functionality for interacting with mixes should be automated and built into software to prevent deanonymization by checking timings of transactions.
- Fees should be all or nothing: If all mixers were to apply mixing fees we wouldn't be able to maintain uniform chunk size (especially if we're chaining mixers together). Mixers should apply an all or nothing type fee where the mixer either takes the entire chunk or not based on a probability. (ie if the mixer wants to charge a 1% mixing fee it should take the entire chunk with probability 0.01).
- Mixing in practice: Mixing is great in theory, but there is no unified ecosystem and many mixes have been reported to steal bitcoin. Aditionally, bootstrapping a mixing ecosystem is very difficult.
Decentralized Mixing
- Decentralized mixing eliminates mixing services and replaces them with a p2p protocol through which a group of users can mix their coins. Decentralized mixing has more practical advantages than mixing services. Users don't have to wait for reputable services to pop up (ie there isn't a bootstrapping problem) and theft is impossible because the protocol ensures that when you put in coins to be mixed you'll get back bitcoins of equal value.
- CoinJim
- CoinJim is the main proposed protocol for decentralized mixing. In this protocol, different users jointly create a single bitcoin transaction that combines all their inputs - recall that a bitcoin transaction can have multiple inputs from different users, each user just needs to sign. Thus each user provides an input and output address, the order of the addresses are randomized, and each participant checks to make sure that their outpu address is included in the transaction and that it receives the same amount of bitcoins as they have input (minus any transaction fees). Once this has been confirmed, they sign.
- It is not possible to map between the inputs and outputs in CoinJim.
- Practically implementing CoinJim requires an anonymous communication protocol like Tor or a special anonymous routing protocol called a "decryption mix-net".
Side Channels
- A side channel attack is an attack based on information gained from the implementation of the computer system rather than from weaknesses in the algorithm itself.
- High Level Flows - a regular transaction patter. High level flows cannot be effectively be hidden by mixing since, eventually one can discern a relationship between the addresses. An example of a high level flow is placing money in a savings account regularly.
- Merge avoidance - Generally, to make a payment, a user creates a single transaction that combines as many coins as necessary to pay the entire amount to a single address. But if the user didn't merge - instead the receiver provides multiple output addresses and the sender and receiver can split the transaction into multiple small transactions to different addresses - the high level flow would be much harder to trace.
- Zerocoin and it's successor Zerocash are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies and have gained much of their fame due to the rigorous cryptography and powerful anonymity they promise. While all the techniques we discussed above are built on top of the Bitcoin protocol to increase anonymity, Zerocoin and Zerocash incorporate anonymity at the protocol level.
- Note, because of the strong anonymity guarantees of Zerocoin and Zerocash, their protocols are not compatible with Bitcoin.
- Zerocoin and Zerocash incorporate protocol level mixing and the anonymity properties come with cryptographic guarantees. You don't need to trust anyone to ensure privacy. Anonymity relies only on the adversary's computational limits.
- Zerocoin is based on Basecoin - a Bitcoin-like altcoin. You can convert Basecoins into Zerocoins and back again. When you do this, the link between the original Basecoin and the new Basecoin is broken. Thus, in this system Basecoin is the currency that you transact in and Zerocoin provides the mechanism to trade your Basecoins in for new ones that are unlinkable to the old ones.
- Each Zerocoin you own is proof that you owned a Basecoin and made it unspendable. This proof doesn't reveal which Basecoin you owned. You can redeem this proof for a new Basecoin by presenting the proof to the miners.
- This "proof" must be implimented cryptographically - we need to make sure that each proof can only be used once to redeem a Basecoin.
- Zero knowledge proofs are the key cryptographic tool to prove a statement
without revealing any other information that leads to that statement being
For example, generally if we want to show proof of work we need to show that
we've found an
$x$ such that$H(x | p) < target$ . A zero knowledge proof would allow us to prove this without revealing$x$ . - Zerocoins come into existence by minting - anyone can mint a Zerocoin. However, Zerocoins don't have value until they are put into the blockchain - and that can only be done if you give up the right amount of Basecoin.
S, r = keygen() # S is a serial number, r is a random secret value.
com = commit(S, r) # minted a coin
publish(com) # now the coin has value, burned a
- Publishing the commitment burns a Basecoin and gives the Zerocoin value.
- Publishing a Zerocoin to the blockchain requires a special transaction whose output address is the cryptographic commitment of the Zerocoin's serial number. The input of the transaction is a basecoin.
- If we want to spend the Zerocoin (that is get a new Basecoin) we need to prove that we previously minted a Zerocoin. Trivially we could just reveal S and r - however this would create a link between the burned Basecoin and our new Basecoin which defeats the purpose.
- To spend a Zerocoin with serial number S to redeem a new Basecoin:
- Create a special "spend" transaction that contains S along with a zero
knowledge proof of the statement
I know r such that commit(S, r) is in the set {c1, c2, ...,cN}
. The set {c1, c2, ... cN} is the set of all commitments in the blockchain. Note that this is a proof that doesn't involve revealing r. In other words, the statement is "I know a secret key r such that commit(S, r) is in the blockchain". - The miners will verify this proof which shows your ability to poen one of the Zerocoin commitments on the blockchain without actually opening it.
- The miners will check that S has never been used in a previous spend transaction. This prevents double spending.
- The output of the spend transaction will act as a new basecoin (the output address should be one you own).
- Create a special "spend" transaction that contains S along with a zero
knowledge proof of the statement
- Once you spend a Zerocoin, the serial number becomes public and you will never be able to redeem the serial number again. And since each serial number is unique it must be true that each Zerocoin can only be spent once.
- The key to this entire scheme is that r is kept secret throughout the process. Neither the mint nor the spend transaction reveals it. This means nobody knows which serial number corresponds to which Zerocoin. There is no link between the mint transaction that committed a serial number S and the spend transaction that revealed. The zero knowledge proof showed that we knew the secret key without physically linking back to that commitment in the blockchain.
- The zero knowledge proof is logarithmic in N (the number of commits to the blockchain).
- Setting up Zerocoin requires a one-time trusted setup. A trusted party needs
to choose two large primes p and q and publish
$N = p * q$ - everyone will use this parameter for the lifetime of the system. N is like a public key except that it is for all of Zercoin. If the trusted party destroyes any record of p and q the system is thought to be secure. However, if anyone knows p and q they can create new Zerocoins without being detected.
- Zerocash is an anonymous cyprocurrency that builds on the concepts of Zerocoin but advances the cryptography. It uses a cryptogrphic technique called "zero knowledge succinct non interactive arguments of knowledge" (zk-SNARKs) which make zero knowledge proofs much more compact and efficient to verify. This greatly improves the efficiency of the system. The efficiency is so much better that you can run the network without needing a Basecoin - all transactions can be done through zero knowledge proofs.
- Zerocoin used Basecoin for all "regular" transactions and used Zerocoin for expensive de-linking. So in many ways the Zerocoin ledger looks a lot like the bitcoin ledger except with the mint and spend transactions.
- Zerocash, there is no distinction between basecoin and zerocash. The transaction ammounts are inside teh commitment and are no longer visible on the blockchain. The cryptographic proofs ensure that all splitting and merging are done correctly and that users can't create zerocash out of thin air.
- The only thing the Zerocash ledger records is the existence of transactions along with proofs tht allow the miners to verify the properties needed for the correct functioning of the system. The only people who know transaction amounts are the parties in the transaction.
- Zerocash also requires an enormous set of public parameters to set up. Setting up these parameters requires some secret inputs - and if anyone knew these inputs it would compromise the security of the entire system.
- The "puzzle" is very important in designing a blockchain scheme. The puzzle determines the incentive system, and the nature of the puzzle determines the behavior of miners.
- The proof of work puzzle in bitcoin is not the only possible implementation and several schemes have already been discussed in literature.
- Puzzle requirements:
- Cheap to verify
- Adjustable difficulty
- For proof of work puzzles - chance of winning should be proportional to computing power. In bitcoin this is hash power.
- Bad POW puzzles
- A puzzle that requires N sequential steps (run a loop N times). In this case the faster miner will always win.
- A good POW puzzle involves some kind of weighting sampling - eg draw from a distribution of nodes weighted by their computing power. Nice in theory, not proven to be possible.
ASIC Resistance
ASIC - application specific integrated circuit. Basically a circuit designed and optimized for a specific task (in this case mining).
The goal of ASIC resistance is to allow Ordinary people with idle laptops / PCs, smartphones, can also mine.
Prevent large manufacturers from dominating the game.
- Also prevents large manufacturers from keeping ASIC designs secret.
Memory hard puzzles
The cost and performance of memory is much more stable than processors. By that we mean that memory cost and performance is relatively constant compared to processor cost and performance.
Memory consumes a large amount of chip area. A puzzle that requires a large amount of memory will reduce the number of hash breaking units on a chip which reduces the number of hashing units per ASIC.
Basic idea:
- Fill memory with random values
- Read from memory in random order
- An example of a memory-hard hash puzzle
def write(x): v1 = H(x) v2 = H(v1) # H_2(x) = H(H(x)) # ... vN = H_N(x)
This creates a table in memory of the form:
v1 | v2 | v3 | ... | vX ... .. | .. | .. | ... | vN
- Then to read from the table
def read(x): A = H(H_N(x)) #H_N+1(x) for i in range(N): j = A % N A = H(A xor vi) return A
This is a memory hard function because reducing the memory by half requires 1.5 times the number of steps. For example - if we only store
$v_i$ if i is odd, computing even $v_i$s would involve hashing$v_{i-1}$ . -
The major disadvantage of this system is that it requires N steps and N memory to verify.
Cucko hash cycle
This is a memory hard puzzle that's cheap to verify.
def cucko_hash_cycle(x): edges = {} for i in range(1, E) a = H_0(x + i) b = N + (H_1(X + i)) edges.add((a % N, b % N)) if cycle of size N: return X, edges.cycle
Visually the input can be seen as two sets of nodes - each set is of size N.
A: (1) (2) ... (N) B: (N+1) (N+2) ... (2N)
- The algorithm creates random edges between the vertices in A and B and, after E iterations, returns X and the edges in the cycle.
- Thus verifying the solution is easy - just make sure the edges form a cycle and that the values of the nodes are consistent with the parameters.
Other ways to achieve ASIC resistance include:
- More complicated hash functions.
- Changing the puzzle periodically (moving target).
Currently, SICs aren't changing that much, so some argue that memory hard hash puzzles aren't necessary - standard SHA-256 is fine.
Proof of Useful Work
- Standard proof of work requires a lot of computational
work. Could this work be put toward solving a useful problem?
- You could create a puzzle based on protein folding or searching for anomalies in outer space data.
- The challenge is that the randomly chosen puzzles must be difficult
- it's not clear who would choose these problems and how hardness could be enforced.
- Primecoin - hash puzzle based on finding large prime numbers (specifically Cunningham primes). The "usefulness" of finding Cunninghavm chains is not very clear but it's hard to find better examples.
- Standard proof of work requires a lot of work and a lof of hardware
investment is wasted. Could this work be put towards providing a useful
- Permacoin - can be used to create a global, distributed storage system. Each node stores some random segment of users' files.
- Assume we have a large file F to store. (for ximplicity assume F is
chosen globally by a trusted part). In permacoin, each user stores a
random subset of the file. This is an example of a storage based
1. Build a Merkle tree where each leaf is a segment of the file
2. Generate a public signing key pk, which determines the random
subset of file segments.
3. Each mining attempt select a random nonce and compute
h1 = H(prev | merkel_root | public_key | nonce)
. h1 selects k fragments from the subset of files stored. Then calculateh2 = H(prev | merkel_root | public_key | nonce | F)
. The goal is forh2 < TARGET
.- This is an example of a proof of space or proof of retreivability puzzle since storing requires non-trivial storage. This is more environmentally friendly than proof of work.
- Preventing Mining Pools
- A mining pool is a group of nodes that pools resources and shards mining profits. Pool operator tells the pool which puzzle to solve. Pool members try to solve the puzzle and send solution to the operator. Operator divides up profits among pool members.
- Vigilante attack
- A "vigilante" can join a pool as a member and if he finds a solution he can discard it - the pool revenue will be reduced and the vigilante will lose a bit.
- Encouraging the vigilante
- Design a puzzle such that whoever finds the solution is the only person who can spend the reward. The puzzle is changed to be based on two signatures and a public key
solution = (prev, merkel_root, nonce, public_key, s1, s2)
such that
H(prev | public_key | nonce | s1) < TARGET
verify(public_key, s1, prev | nonce)
verify(public_key, s2, prev | merkel_root)
- s1 is a signiture needed to find the solution.
- s2 is the signiture of the miner who finds the solution.
- So the pool operator cannot share the problem without sharing his signing keys - then the pool members (and vigilante) could spend the reward for mining.
Proof of Stake
- Proof of take works on the principle that the chance of winning in a round is
proportional to your current "stake" in the currency. Stake means the ammount
of money you have invested in the currency.
- In this system users who have money in the system can be miners - no need for large ASICS.
- Environmentally friendly since mining doesn't take any kind of power hungry calculations.
- More difficult to gain a majority since you can't just buy up computing
power / stake in the coin.
- Buying a lot of coins could have unforseen economic consequences - inflating the value of the currency and is seen as a barrier to this type of attack.
- Algorind is a proof of stake based cryptocurency which takes 1 minutes to
confirm transactions (vs an hour with bitcoin). It has a public ledger with a
low probability of forks. The honest majority is assumed to be 2/3 (as opposed
to bitcoin's 1/2). The network uses a gossip protocol.
- Adaptive adversary - may corrupt dynamically as long as 2/3 majority holds
- Achieves consistency assuming "weak synchrony" (the network can be asynchronous but the asynchronous period must be upper bounded by some time B and the asynchrony is followed by a short period of extreme synchrony).
- Basics of the Proof of Stake Protocol
- Users are weighted by stake
- Builds on byzantine agreement protocol of Micali for consensus.
- BA is an interactive multi-party protocol whose goal is to achieve consensus on some input.
- BA protocol executed between a small committee of users for scalability
- Committee chosen at random using cryptographic techniques
- Builds on byzantine agreement protocol of Micali for consensus.
- The BA protocol in expectation terminates in only four steps in the (honest case) or thirteen steps in teh dishonest case.
- Players across different steps in BA protocol may not be the same.
- For each step, players chosen at random, non-interactively, in a publicly verifiable manner.
- Users are weighted by stake
Byzantine Agreement Protocol
A protocol B between n parties where up to T parties may be corrupted (under the control of some adversary) is an
$n,T$ byzantine agreement protocol with soundness s if:- for every value set V and adversary A who corrupts t out of n players
- In an execution of P with A in which each player starts with a value
v_i in set V and each honest player halts with probability 1
outputting a value
$out_i$ so as to satisfy the following properties:- Agreement:
$out_i = out_j$ for all honest parties$i,j$ - Consistency: if for some
$v,\ v_i = v$ for all honest players i, then$out_j = v$ for all honest players j.
- Agreement:
In Binary BA, the value set V is
${0, 1}$ . -
Byzantine agreement is hard because the protocol is executed over point to point channels and adversarial parties may send different messages to different honest parties.
Micali's protocol
- Consider idealized protocol P(r) where
$b_i$ is the initial input of party i:
Each player i sends b_i to all other players A new random and independently selected bit c(r) appears Player i updates b_i: if N(i, r, 0) >= 2t + 1, b_i = 0 if N(i, r, 1) >= 2t + 1, b_i = 1 else: b_i = c(r)
$N(1, r, b)$ . is the number of players from which player i received b in iteration r. - If 2t + 1 parties are honest, P(r) acheives soundness 1/2.
- If honest players start in agreement, then they remain in agreement.
- If honest parties don't start in agreement, then they end in agreement (on some bit) with probability 1/2.
- A big part of this algorithm is the "coin in the sky" ie the randomly selected bit c(r). We can implement this using crypto:
- Unique digital signatures: For every public key pk and message m, there is only one valid signature for m with respect to pk.
- Hash functsions: modeled as a random oracle.
- Common random string R: fixed at the start of the protocol execution . Known to each party and not controlled by the adversary.
- Based on these principles we can implement the coin in the sky as follows.
This function is called
Each player i does the following send v_i = sig(R, r) compute m such that H(v_m) <= H(v_i) for all i set c_i(r) = lsb(h) where h = H(v_m)
returns the value of the least significant bit of h. Thus the value of the coin in the sky is dependent on v_m. - Using this construction:
- If honest players start in agreement, then they remain in agreement.
- If honest players don't start in agreement, then they end in agreement on some bit with probability 1/3.
- The resulting protocol has soundness 1/3.
- Given that the protocol has a soundness 1/3 we could theoretically keep repeating the protocol until agreement is reached. However, the parties don't know that agreement is reached so the protocol may never terminate.
- We could overcome this by repeating a fixed k times. But that could lead to wasted steps.
- Sequentially repeat P'(r) where each P'(r) consists of three correlated executions of P(r):
- Execution of P(r) when c(r) = 0
- Execution of P(r) when c(r) = 1
- Execution of P(r) when c(r) <- ConcreteCoin9r) - our algorithm
- In the first two executions, a party will terminate if it thinks agreement has been reached.
- The number of repitions of P'(r) are not fixed in advance. The expected number of repitions is 3.
b = list(size=N) out = list(size=N) cr = 0 # Each player propagates b[i] for each player i: if N(i, 1, 0) >= 2t + 1: b[i] = 0 out[i] = 0 send(0) return if N(i, 1, 1) >= 2t + 1: b[i] = 1 else: b[i] = cr cr = 1 # each player propagates b[i] for each player i: if N(i, 2, 1) >= 2t + 1: b[i] = 1 out[i] = 1 send(1) return if N(i, 2, 0) >= 2t + 1: b[i] = 1 else: b[i] = cr cr = concreteCoin(r) # each player propagates b[i] for each player i: if N(i, 3, 0) >= 2t + 1: b[i] = 0 if N(i, 3, 1) >= 2t + 1: b[i] = 1 else: b[i] = cr
- Consider idealized protocol P(r) where
Algarind using Byzantine Agreement
- Users weighted by stake
- For every block generation round, a small committee of users is chosen at random, using cryptography based on user weights. This is done using a cryptographic sortition algorithm.
- One of the committee members who has the highest priority proposes a block.
- The committee runs a BA protocol to reach consensus on the proposed block.
- Verifiable Random Functions:
- On any input x,
$vrf_sk(x) = hash, proof$ - hash is uniquely determined given sk and x but looks random to anyone who doesn't know sk
- Given pk and proof and anyone can check that hash corresponds to x.
- On any input x,
- Any user can check whether it was selected using its sk and then send a proof to others for the same. The user with the highest hash is the block proposer.
- For each step of the consensus protocol, a different set of users is chosen using a cryptographic sortition algorithm. All users can passively participate in the protocol by listening to the gossip network and whenever selected for a step they send a message based on what they have heard so far in the network.
- Security challenges
- For BA to have security, a high majority of players must be honest.
- To prevent an adversary from corrupting all the comittee members we only disclose committee members when they send their messages - at that point corrupting them is not helpful.
- We need to select an appropriate t.
$good > threshold$ for agreement -
$1/2 good + bad \leq threshold$ to avoid forks
- Prediction market
- Trade shares in a potentil future event
- Share worth X if the event happens, 0 if not
- Current price is based on an estimate of X happening.
- These markets should reveal all knowledge about the future undera [number of assumptions. They allow profit from accurate predictions and penalize random predictions.
- A decentralized prediction market requires
- Decentralized payment and enforcement
- Decentralized arbitration
- Decentralized "order book" (mechanism for buying and selling shares)
- Decentralized payment and settlement
- Simple solution is to use Bitcoin with some trusted third party
- We can use some escrow / multisig solution for this
- Or we can build an altcoin that has specific support for prediction
- FutureCoin was a proposed solution for this.
- Simple solution is to use Bitcoin with some trusted third party
- Decentralized Arbitration
- Trusted ariters
- This system allows any user to define adn open a market
- However this depends on a third party to be correct and honest.
- Users vote
- Requires incentives, bonds, and reputation
- Miners vote
- RealityKeys is an existing system that handles arbitration
- Trusted ariters
- Order Books
- Users display the minimum price they're welling to sell at and the
maximum price they're willing to buy at.
- The spread is the difference between the maximum buying price and the miminum selling price.
- Submit orders to miners - let them match any possible trade
- Spread is retained as a transaction fee.
- Users display the minimum price they're welling to sell at and the
maximum price they're willing to buy at.
Secure Computation
- Secure computation: Party A has x, Party B has y. Both parties want to
compute some
$f(x,y)$ without revealing any other information (ie A shouldn't know y and B shouldn't know x unless they are encoded in the output of the function). - When talking about secure computation we care about four major properties
- privacy: nothing but the output is revealed
- correctness: the output is correctly computed
- independence of inputs: a corrupted party cannot make its input dependent on the honest party’s input).
- fairness, which guarantees that corrupted parties cannot receive output without the honest parties also receiving output.
- If we have a trusted thrid party, this is easy. A and B both send their
inputs to the trusted party. This party computes the output and sends it
back to A and B.
- This protocol is private and secure but not neccesarily fair.
- Fairness is only possible in restricted settings - ie when a majority of the parties are honest.
- Fair exchange of digital commodities - there are two (or more) parties that wish to exchange digital commodities (e.g., signed contracts) in a fair manner, i.e., either both parties complete the exchange, or none do.
- Workarounds
- Graduatl relesase mechanisms
- Partial fairness
- control adversary's advantage in learning the output first
- requires a lot of rounds
- Optimistic model
- trusted arbiter restores fairness
- contacted only when required
- requires a trusted third party
- Penalty model
- Deviating parties pay monetary penalty to honest party
- A penalty model either requires a trusted third party to enforce fairness or a trusted arbiter with some e-currency.
- Ideally we'd use a decentralized system to avoid the trusted third party.
Bitcoin as a Platform for Secure Computation
- We want to use bitcoin as a platform to replace the trusted third party in the penalty model for secure, semi-fair computation.
- This can have applications in contracts, DRM, etc
- Coin
- Atomic entity
- Indistinguishable from othe rcoins
- Unique owner posseses given coin
- Ownership changes upon transfer
- Notation:
$coins(x) + coins(y) = coins(x+y)$ $coins(x) - coins(y) = coins(x-y)$
- Claim or refund functionality
- Accept from sender
- Deposit:
$coins(x)$ - Time:
$\tau$ - Circuit:
- Deposit:
- A receivinr can claim this deposit if they can produce a witness
$T$ that satisfies$\phi$ in time$\tau$ . - If the deposit is claimed,
$T$ is revealed to all parties. - If not,
$coins(x)$ is returned to the sender.
- Accept from sender
- Secure Computation with Penalties
- Honest parties submit
- Inputs
- Depost
- Adversary submits
- Inputs of corrupt parties
- Penltay deposit
- Let h be the bumber of honest parties and q be the penalty ammount
- Functionality
$F* $ - Return
$coins(d)$ to each honest party - if
$x == hq$ deliver output to S- if S returns abort, send
$coins(q)$ to each honest party - if S returns continue, send output to each honest party and return
$coins(x)$ to S.
- if S returns abort, send
- Return
- if
$x \neq hq$ - send output to all parties
- Honest parties submit
- Hybrid Model
- Computes output of f -> z
- Secret share z into n additional shares
$sh_1 ... sh_n$ - Computes commitments on shares
$c_i = com(sh_i, w_i) \ \forall \ i=1...n$ . - Delivers output
$((c_1...c_n), T_i = (sh_i, w_i))$ to party$P_i$ .
An etherium smart contract is a program that can be used to build decentralized applications (DApps). Smart contracts are written in Solidity, a specific language designed for Etherium.
Every Solidity program starts with a pragma
line that declares the version of Solidity to use.
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
The usable part of a Solidity program must be contained inside of a contract. Inside a contract we can declare
- variables
- structs
- functions
- events
Solidity is strongly typed (each variable must be given a type). We can also declare arrays whose length is optionally predefined at the variable declaration. Functions and variables can also be declared public
or private
- public variables and functions can be accessed by other contracts whereas private members cannot.
We declare a function in Soliidty using the syntax
function <functionName>(<args>) [public / private] [view / pure] [return (<return type>)] {
// body
A view
function views members in the contract but doesn't modify them. A pure
function doesn't access any contract members. In Solidity we use the naming convention that function arguments begin with an underscore as do the names of private functions.
Events are used to notify application frontends about occurances in the smart contract. They are essentially ways of triggering events and passing data to other parts of the application. We can declare an event using the syntax
event <eventName>(<args>);
And we trigger the event by calling eventName
as though it were a function.
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
contract ZombieFactory {
// creates a new event
event NewZombie(uint zombieId, string name, uint dna);
// definines some constant variables
uint dnaDigits = 16;
uint dnaModulus = 10 ** dnaDigits;
// defines a struct
struct Zombie {
string name;
uint dna;
// defines a variable length array
Zombie[] public zombies;
// private helper function that creates a zombie and adds
// it to the list
function _createZombie(string _name, uint _dna) private {
uint id = zombies.push(Zombie(_name, _dna)) - 1;
NewZombie(id, _name, _dna);
// private helper function that generates random DNA from the
// hash of a string
function _generateRandomDna(string _str) private view returns (uint) {
uint rand = uint(keccak256(_str));
return rand % dnaModulus;
// public function that creates a random zombie based on a name.
function createRandomZombie(string _name) public {
uint randDna = _generateRandomDna(_name);
_createZombie(_name, randDna);
Mapping: We can create a mapping (key-value store) using the syntax mapping (keyType => valueType) [public] mapName;
. Note that Solidity has a special type address
that can be used to designate Etherium addresses. We can use msg.seder
to refer to the address of the contract calling a specific function.
Assert: Solidity has a assert-like function called require
which will throw an error if some condition is not true. We can use require
to ensure that inputs to a function are correct, that a specific msg.sender
can only call the function a specific number of times, etc.
Inheritance: Solidity contracts are pseudo-objects. Contracts can extend other contracts. We use the syntax
contract Doge {
function catchphrase() public returns (string) {
return "So Wow CryptoDoge";
contract BabyDoge is Doge {
function anotherCatchphrase() public returns (string) {
return "Such Moon BabyDoge";
To denote that BabyDoge
extends Doge
. As in standard object oriented languages, the sub-contract can access any public members of the super-contract.
Import: Solidity also has import statements which allow us to use string paths to import .sol
files into solidity projects. This allows us to split large files and create libraries.
Memory Management: There are two types of memory in Solidity - permanent memory (storage) which is stored on the blockchain and temporary memory (memory) which only lasts for the scope of the function. By default global variables are given storage status whereas function variables are given memory status. We can explicitly define a variable's memory type by using the keyword memory
or storage
in the declaration.
contract SandwichFactory {
struct Sandwich {
string name;
string status;
Sandwich[] sandwiches;
function eatSandwich(uint _index) public {
// Sandwich mySandwich = sandwiches[_index];
// ^ Seems pretty straightforward, but solidity will give you a warning
// telling you that you should explicitly declare `storage` or `memory` here.
// So instead, you should declare with the `storage` keyword, like:
Sandwich storage mySandwich = sandwiches[_index];
// ...in which case `mySandwich` is a pointer to `sandwiches[_index]`
// in storage, and...
mySandwich.status = "Eaten!";
// ...this will permanently change `sandwiches[_index]` on the blockchain.
// If you just want a copy, you can use `memory`:
Sandwich memory anotherSandwich = sandwiches[_index + 1];
// ...in which case `anotherSandwich` will simply be a copy of the
// data in memory, and...
anotherSandwich.status = "Eaten!";
// ...will just modify the temporary variable and have no effect
// on `sandwiches[_index + 1]`. But you can do this:
sandwiches[_index + 1] = anotherSandwich;
// ...if you want to copy the changes back into blockchain storage.
Function access management: In addition to public and private, Solidity has modifiers internal
and external
. An internal function is private, but accessible to all contracts that inherit from the base. An external function is public but not accessible to the contract itself (only accesible from outside the contract).
Calling external contracts: We often want to interact with external contracts that exist on the etherium blockchain. We can do this in two steps
- We define an interface which declares the functions we want to use from the external contract.
An interface in Solidity is similar to an interface in Java. We declare it using the
keyword, but hte contents are just declarations of functions (function headers) as opposed to function definitions.
Given the LuckyNumber contract
contract LuckyNumber {
mapping(address => uint) numbers;
function setNum(uint _num) public {
numbers[msg.sender] = _num;
function getNum(address _myAddress) public view returns (uint) {
return numbers[_myAddress];
If we only want to get numbers we can create an interface:
contract NumberInterface {
function getNum(address _myAddress) public view returns (uint);
- In our main contract we use the address of the external contract to define the interface.
contract MyContract {
address NumberInterfaceAddress = 0xab38...
// ^ The address of the FavoriteNumber contract on Ethereum
NumberInterface numberContract = NumberInterface(NumberInterfaceAddress);
// Now `numberContract` is pointing to the other contract
function someFunction() public {
// Now we can call `getNum` from that contract:
uint num = numberContract.getNum(msg.sender);
// ...and do something with `num` here
Multiple returns: Functions in solidity can return multiple values. This can either be done in a pythonic tuple way or in a Matlab assignment way.
function returnMultiple() public return (uint, uint) {
return (1, 2);
function returnMultiple() public return (uint a, uint b) {
a = 1;
b = 2;
We can use tuples to store the output of multiple return functions
(x,y) = returnMultiple();
If we only care about one of the outputs we can use empty commas to ignore the other outputs
(,y) = returnMultiple();