This database is responsible for storing all the information that is generated by the uranus crawlers and workers ecosystem, in an organized and easily accessible way.
ID | INT - NOT NULL - AUTO INCREMENT | Unique identifier of each company within the platform |
NAME | VARCHAR - NOT NULL | Company Name |
PHONE | INT - DEFAULT NULL | Company manager's phone number |
MANAGER | STRING - DEFAULT NULL | Name of the Manager/Company contact point |
STATUS | INT - NOT NULL | Flag that references whether the company is active (1) or not (0) |
Table: RULE
ID | INT - NOT NULL - AUTO INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each rule |
ID_COMPANY | INT - NOT NULL - FK | Identifier that relates rule and company |
STRING | VARCHAR - NOT NULL | Value to be sought by crawlers |
SOURCE | VARCHAR - NOT NULL | Channel to be monitored |
FILTER | LONGTEXT - NOT NULL | Type of filter to be applied |
SCORE | INT - NOT NULL | Value regarding the criticality of the rule |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHER - NOT NULL | Reserved area to describe the objective to be achieved with the rule |
STATUS | INT - NOT NULL | Flag that references whether the rule is active (1) or not (0) |
Table: ALERT
ID | INT - NOT NULL - AUTO INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each alert |
ID_COMPANY | INT - NOT NULL - FK | Identifier that links the history of the alert with the company |
DATETIME | DATE TIME - NOT NULL | Date and time the alert was inserted into the database |
STATUS | INT - NOT NULL | Flag that references whether the alert is active (1) or not (0) |
NOTIFICATION | INT - NOT NULL | Flag that references whether the notification was sent (1) or not (0) |
CONTENT | LONGTEXT - NOT NULL | Content/evidence captured by the crawler |
HASH | CHAR(32) - NOT NULL | Unique hash that references the alert |
ID | INT - NOT NULL - AUTO INCREMENT | Unique identifier for each activity in the history |
ID_COMPANY | INT - NOT NULL - FK | Identifier that links event history with the company |
ENGINE | VARCHAR - NOT NULL | Engine that ran |
DATETIME | DATE TIME - NOT NULL | Date and time the activity was performed |
RULE_QTT | INT - NOT NULL | Number of rules executed |
EVENT_QTT | INT - NOT NULL | Number of events generated |
$ docker build --rm --squash -t uranus-database .
$ docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name database -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=PasswordHere uranus-database