This is a ROS 2 implemantion of the ROS1 driver from Clearpath.
All ROS services are ported, but only the services: claim, power_on, stand and sit were tested.
The /cmd_vel
topic also works and you can send commands to the spot via e.g. rqt_publisher.
This project is still WIP.
- ROS2 Action: "NavTo" has not test yet.
- Arm control still got some errors.
- cmd_vel working weird sometimes.
- Tested for ubuntu 20.04
- ROS 2 foxy
pip3 install bosdyn-client bosdyn-mission bosdyn-api bosdyn-core
sudo apt install ros-foxy-joint-state-publisher-gui
cd path/to/ros2/ws
git clone src/
colcon build --symlink-install
Since DepthCloud
is not yet ported for rviz2 , we can use depth_image_proc to visualize the depth information from the cameras as Pointcloud2
sudo apt install ros-foxy-depth-image-proc
The spot login data hostname, username and password must be specified in the config/spot_login.yaml
of the spot_driver package.
ros2 launch spot_description
ros2 launch spot_driver
ros2 launch spot_driver