- Install asdf: https://asdf-vm.com/#/core-manage-asdf-vm
- Install Erlang, Elixir and NodeJS plugins for asdf:
- https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-erlang/
- https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir
- https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs
- Use asdf to install the versions we are using:
asdf install
(from repository root dir)
- May need to
asdf reshim
if previous versions were in installed
- Setup environment variables
- Create a
with all the environment variables we are using (TODO: this needs more instructions) - OR, install
from ruby to load the.env
- Install a postgres server
- Install dependencies
- Without dotenv
mix deps.get
- Via dotenv
dotenv mix deps.get
- Setup tables and data
- Without dotenv:
cd apps/institute; mix ecto.reset
- Via dotenv:
cd apps/institute; dotenv mix ecto.create
cd apps/institute; dotenv mix ecto.migrate
- Install NPM packages
cd apps/institute_web/assets; npm install
- Start Phoenix
- Without dotenv:
cd path/to/project/root; mix phx.server
- Via dotenv:
cd path/to/project/root; dotenv mix phx.server
- Visit http://localhost:4002 and enjoy the site!
Also note that all submitted PR's should follow the code of conduct: https://institute.gigalixirapp.com/code_of_conduct