It's important to keep the code consistent throughout a project. Before you make a Pull Request, please check that you're following these project conventions. If something isn't documented here, please look at existing code as a guideline. You can also request documentation over on Discord or in an issue.
│ ComponentName/
│ │ index.ts # re-exports
│ │ ComponentName.tsx
│ │ styles.module.css # styles for any components in this folder
│ │ componentName.gql # API calls for that component
Components are re-exported in an index.ts file so that you can import them like import { ComponentName } from 'components/ComponentName';
// index.ts
export { default as ComponentName } from './ComponentName';
Declare components like this
// ComponentName.tsx
const ComponentName = function ({prop1, prop2, children}: { prop1: string, prop2: number, children: ReactNode }) {
export default ComponentName;
Type are declared inline rather than in an interface because that gives us a list of properties when hovering over the component anywhere in VSCode. If you need the properties elsewhere, you can use React.ComponentProps<Component>
Please do not use the React.FC type as it's discouraged
Separate components into separate files. Only re-export components that are supposed to be used elsewhere in the project.