- 4.13 SSL/TLS Keywords
- 4.13.1 tls_cert_subject
- 4.13.2 tls_cert_issuer
- 4.13.3 tls_cert_serial
- 4.13.4 tls_sni
- 4.13.5 tls_cert_notbefore
- 4.13.6 tls_cert_notafter
- 4.13.7 tls_cert_expired
- 4.13.8 tls_cerT_valid
- 4.13.9 tls.version
- 4.13.10 tls.subject
- 4.14.11 tls.issuerdn
- 4.13.12 tls.fingerprint
- 4.13.13 tls.store
- 4.13.14 ssl_state
- 4.14 Modbus Keyword
- 4.15 DNP3 Keywords
- 4.16 ENIP/CIP Keywords
- 4.17 Generic App Layer Keywords
- 4.18 Lua Scripting
- 4.19 Normalized Buffers
- 4.20 Different From Snort
Match TLS/SSL certificate Subject field. Ví dụ:
tls_cert_subject; content:"CN=*.googleusercontent.com"; isdataat:!1,relative;
tls_cert_subject; content:"google.com"; nocase; pcre:"/google.com$/";
Match TLS/SSL certificate Issuer field.
Ví dụ:
tls_cert_issuer; content:"WoSign"; nocase; isdataat:!1,relative;
tls_cert_issuer; content:"StartCom"; nocase; pcre:"/StartCom$/";
Match on the serial number in a certificate.
Ví dụ:
alert tls any any -> any any (msg:"match cert serial"; \
tls_cert_serial; content:"5C:19:B7:B1:32:3B:1C:A1"; sid:200012;)
Match TLS/SSL Server Name Indication field.
Ví dụ:
tls_sni; content:"oisf.net"; nocase; isdataat:!1,relative;
tls_sni; content:"oisf.net"; nocase; pcre:"/oisf.net$/";
Match on the NotBefore field in a certificate.
Ví dụ:
alert tls any any -> any any (msg:"match cert NotBefore"; \
tls_cert_notbefore:1998-05-01<>2008-05-01; sid:200005;)
Match on the NotAfter field in a certificate.
Ví dụ:
alert tls any any -> any any (msg:"match cert NotAfter"; \
tls_cert_notafter:>2015; sid:200006;)
Match returns true if certificate is expired. It evaluates the validity date from the certificate.
Cú pháp:
Match returns true if certificate is not expired. It only evaluates the validity date. It does not do cert chain validation. It is the opposite of tls_cert_expired.
Cú pháp
- Ý nghĩa tuonwg đồng với
- Không sử dụng được
match TLS/SSL certificate SHA1 fingerprint
Ví dụ:
Không sử dụng được nocase
Chỉ ra trạng thái của kết nối SSL
- client_hello
- server_hello
- client_keyx
- unknown
Match on the detected app-layer protocol.
Cú pháp:
Ví dụ:
app-layer-protocol:failed; # Được sử dụng khi protocol trong flow not detected