- https://www.dropbox.com/sh/75v5ehq4cdg5g5g/AABvnJSwZI7zXb8_myBA0CLHa?dl=0
- https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mission-ai/crimeucfdataset/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python extfet.py
python makmodred.py
- extfet: Extracts frames from the dataset and saving it to
file. Reduces the overhead of extracting frames in each test. - model_conv_lstm: Trains the ConvLSTM based model on the dataset with reduced classes.
- model_lrcn: Trains the LRCN based model on the dataset with reduced classes.
- OBSERVATIONS: Observations and details rearding each test of the model.
- models/: Trained models.
- ind_model: Contains observations regarding models trained to detect only a signle class.
- trainfiles/old/: Depricated models.
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- opencv
- Termcolor