All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.7 (2020-04-07)
1.4.6 (2020-04-07)
1.4.5 (2020-04-07)
- update storybook (b8845f2)
1.4.4 (2020-04-07)
- ensure goto's trigger properly in different conditions (9d19bb8)
1.4.3 (2020-04-07)
- url for repo (dde2240)
1.4.2 (2020-04-07)
1.4.1 (2020-04-07)
- add playSegments and force goToAndPlay to take immediate effect on mount (e8c68e8)
1.4.0 (2020-04-07)
- add playSegments and force goToAndPlay to take immediate effect on mount (e8c68e8)
1.3.2 (2020-04-07)
1.3.1 (2020-04-07)
- add options goToAndPlay and goToAndStop (edcff55)