author: I am Programmer https://iamprogrammer.lk
version: 1.0.0
release_date: 2025-01-18
last_update: 2025-01-18
The terms of this Contributor License Agreement (CLA) may change at any time and will be published on GitHub for public access. Changes take effect immediately for new contributions and will also apply to existing contributions. If you wish to opt out of the new terms, please contact any member of the leadership team.
In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with contributions from any person or entity (the "Contributor"), this project owner(s) require all contributions to be signed by the contributor (using Git's "Sign and Verify Work Using GPG" 1 workflow), indicating an agreement to the license terms below.
This license is for your protection as a contributor as well as the protection of the project itself and its users, it does not change your rights to use your own contributions for any other purpose.
This version of the agreement allows an entity (the "contributor") to submit contributions to the project, and to grant copyright and patent licenses thereto.
The following terms and conditions are read, understood, accepted, and agreed upon by you (the "contributor") and the project (and the "project owner(s)"):
Your "Contributions" means all of your past, present, and future contributions of object code, source code, digital assets, and documentation to this project, however, submitted to the project, excluding any submissions that are conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by you (the "Contributor") as "Not a Contribution" or "Third Party".
You (the "Contributor") hereby grant to the project owner(s) a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, no-charge, transferable copyright license to use, execute, prepare derivative works of, and distribute (internally and externally, in object code and, if included in your contributions, source code form) your contributions. Except for the rights granted to the project owner(s) in this paragraph, You reserve all rights, title, and interest in and to your contributions.
You (the "Contributor") represent that you are legally entitled to grant the above license. If your employer(s) have rights to intellectual property that you create, you represent that you have received permission to make the contributions on behalf of that employer, or that your employer has waived such rights for your contributions to this project.
You (the "Contributor") represent that, except as disclosed in your contribution submission(s), each of your contributions is your original creation. You represent that your contribution submission(s) included complete details of any license or other restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents and trademarks) associated with any part of your contributions.
You agree to inform the project owner(s) of any facts or circumstances that come to your attention that could make the representations you made in the agreement inaccurate.
You (the "Contributor") are not expected to provide support for your contributions, except to the extent you desire to provide support. You may provide support for free, for a fee, or not at all. Your contributions are provided as-is, with all faults, defects, and errors, and without any warranty of any kind (either express or implied) including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any warranty of non-infringement.
Project owner(s) agree your contributions will apply only to this project (including all the repositories run by this project) and your contributions will not be individually separated, shared, relicensed, or sold outside of this project.