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Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures microcontroller-based kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world. Wikipedia
Open Source Blueprints for Civilization. Build Yourself. We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration.
(cc by sa) Official site
ittleBits is a New York City-based startup that makes an open source library of modular electronics (open-source electronics), which snap together with small magnets for prototyping and learning. The company’s goal is to democratize hardware the way software and printing have been democratized. The littleBits mission is to "put the power of electronics in the hands of everyone, and to break down complex technologies so that anyone can build, prototype, and invent." littleBits units are available in more than 70 countries and used in more than 2,000 schools. The company was named to CNN’s 10 Startups to Watch for 2013. Wikipedia
Monome is a family of interface devices for computers made by an Upstate New York company of the same name. Brian Crabtree and his partner Kelli Cain are credited for Monome's creation.
The Propeller 1 (P8X32A) is now a 100% open multicore microcontroller, including all of the hardware and tools: Verilog code, Spin interpreter, PropellerIDE and SimpleIDE programming tools, and compilers. The Propeller 1 may be the most open chip in its class. (c) Official page
Instructables is dedicated to step-by-step collaboration among members to build a variety of projects. Users post instructions to their projects, usually accompanied by visual aids, and then interact through comment sections below each Instructable step as well in topic forums. Wikipedia
Thingiverse is a website dedicated to the sharing of user-created digital design files. Providing primarily open source hardware designs licensed under the GNU General Public License or Creative Commons licenses, users choose the type of user license they wish to attach to the designs they share. 3D printers, laser cutters, milling machines and many other technologies can be used to physically create the files shared by the users on Thingiverse. (cc-by-sa) Wikipedia
Adafruit Industries is an open-source hardware company founded by Limor Fried in 2005. The company designs and manufactures a number of electronics products, sells a wide variety of electronics components, tools, and accessories via its online storefront, and produces a number of learning resources, including written tutorials, introductory videos for children, and the longest running live video electronics show on the internet. All AdaFruit products are manufactured in Manhattan, New York City. In 2013, the company took in $22 million in revenue, and had shipped over a million products in 480,000 orders. Wikipedia
Adafruit primarily sells “kits” of build-your-own electronic devices, complete with open-source licenses, encouraging customers to modify the final products. But its primary focus is on teaching the world engineering, Fried says — “an educational company that just happens to have a gift shop at the end,” as she puts it. MIT news
SparkFun Electronics is an electronics retailer in Niwot, Colorado, United States. It manufactures and sells microcontroller development boards and breakout boards. All products designed and produced by SparkFun are released as open-source hardware. Wikipeida
The first-of-its-kind, open-source maker module enables you to hack into and create your own appliance controls for select GE appliances through a software development kit. In a game-changing move, GE is lifting the curtain and granting tinkerers and programmers access to the microcomputer inside specific GE appliances so that anyone can build apps to customize and control them. (c)
GE Appliance press release