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328 lines (223 loc) · 9.83 KB

File metadata and controls

328 lines (223 loc) · 9.83 KB


File Structure

All markdown files live inside of the src/content folder and follow the site navigation. They live inside a folder that is named the same as the file unless it is a page with tabbed navigation. "Tabbed" pages (for example FEDucation > Apply To Speak ) should have all the pages inside the same folder, with the file name matching the page title.

├── content
   ├── feducation
      ├── apply-to-speak


The top of each markdown file has required frontmatter fields to display the header for the page.

label: Optional paragraph of text at the top of a page
title: Page Title
tabs: ['Tab 1', 'Tab 2', 'Tab 3'']

Required fields are:

  • title: The title of the page

Non-required fields are:

  • label: The label of the page (if added then header will display at medium height instead of small)
  • tabs: An array of the page tabs (in the desired order), tab name should match markdown file name.


### This generates an H2 heading with an underline

### This generates an H3 heading (blue).

#### This generates an H4 heading.

**This is bold text.**

_This is italic text or an image caption._

This is a normal paragraph with a [link](

> This is a block quote.


You can create an inline link by wrapping link text in brackets [ ], and then wrapping the URL in parentheses ( ).


If you need a link to open in a new window you will have to use standard html to target the new window.

<a href="" target="_blank">IBM</a></p>


Images will render as full width responsive images by default. You must have a line break after the image, otherwise markdown will place it inside a paragraph tag and it will display at the incorrect width

![image alt text](images/image.png)

Image captions

If you place markdown italic text following an image it will render in the caption styles. You must have a line break after the image, otherwise markdown will place it inside a paragraph tag and it will display at the incorrect width

![Structure and spacing measurements for Accordion](images/accordion-style-1.png)

_Structure and spacing measurements for Accordion | px / rem_


* This is a bulleted list
* List item 2

1. This is an ordered list
2. List item 2


| COL 1      | COL 2   |  COL 3     |
| Row 1A     | Row 1B  | Row 1C     |
| Row 2A     | Row 2B  | Row 2C     |
| Row 3A     | Row 3B  | Row 3C     |

Code & syntax highlighting

We support inline code and code blocks.

Inline `code` has `back-ticks around` it.

Blocks of code are fenced by lines with three back-ticks


Custom Markdown Components

The carbon website has a handful of custom markdown components available for use inside any markdown file. Some are meant to be global and others were created for very specific use cases.


  `youtube: 2Xc9gXyf2G4`

  `vimeo: 5299404`

  `videoPress: kUJmAcSf`

  `twitch: 273436948`
  `twitchLive: dakotaz`

Global Components:

  • <icon name="icon--checkmark--solid" color="green" />
  • <clickable-tile label="Title" author="John Smith" date="Janury 1, 2018" href="#"><img src="image.png" alt="Alt Text" type="article|resource" /></clickable-tile>
  • <do-dont-example correct=true label="Ability" description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" text='Example text or quote'></do-dont-example>
  • <color-block showhex="true" size="xs">#ffaaaa</color-block>
    • size takes values of xs, s, m, l (12px, 24px, 40px, 80px respectively)
    • size also accepts a number (e.g. size="200", which would render a square that is 200px x 200px)
    • leaving out these extra properties will default to no label, and a swatch size of 24px
  • <color-card name="$ui-01" hex="#ffffff" border="true" small="true"></color-card>
  • <anchor-links>
  • <grid-wrapper col_lg="12" flex="true>
    • col_lg Specify the col width at large breakpoint, default is 12
    • flex Set to true to set display:flex | flexwrap: wrap to row
  • <website-tabs> … </website-tabs>
    • inside, place <tab label="Tab Label"><div> [tab content] </div></tab>


Anchor Links

This is a wrapper component to display a list as an anchor link list

    <li><a href="#columns-and-rows">Columns and Rows</a></li>
    <li><a href="#margins">Margins</a></li>
    <li><a href="#padding">Padding</a></li>
    <li><a href="#gutters">Gutters</a></li>
    <li><a href="#breakpoints">Breakpoints</a></li>

Grid Wrapper

This is a wrapper component used to wrap components like tiles, do-dont, images and more. Shown with the default values below.


    - col_lg: Specify the col width at large breakpoint, default is 12
    - col_md: Specify the col width at medium breakpoint, default is 8
    - col_sm: Specify the col width at small breakpoint, default is 4
    - flex: Set to true to set display:flex | flexwrap: wrap to row
    - bleed: Set to true to remove col padding

<grid-wrapper />
<grid-wrapper col_lg="12" col_md="8" col_sm="4" flex="false" bleed="false">

Clickable Tile

TODO: Update with an example from front-end site

    title="Data Table updates in Carbon React v5.22.0"
    author="Josh Black"
    date="February 20, 2018"
    <img src="images/article-5.png" alt="Data Table updates in Carbon React v5.22.0" />
    title="Data Table updates in Carbon React v5.22.0"
    author="Josh Black"
    date="February 20, 2018"
    <img src="images/article-5.png" alt="Data Table updates in Carbon React v5.22.0" />

This will render the following group of clickable tiles

Tile Group

Website Tabs

<tab label="Tab 1"><div>

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

<tab label="Tab 2"><div>

Content for second tab goes here.

<tab label="Tab 3"><div>

Content for third tab goes here.

  • Complete component block surrounded in <website-tabs> … </website-tabs>
  • Each tab element has a label property, which will be the displayed label of the tab
    • <tab label="Lorem">
  • Each Tab element also has a div wrapper inside of it, with no space between the div and tab
    • <tab label="Lorem"><div> … </div></tab>
  • Because of the way Markdown processes files, an empty line is required to be the first bit of content inside of the <tab><div> stack, e.g.:
<tab label="Tab 1"><div>

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

  • note the empty line after <tab label="Tab 1"><div> and before the first line of content, in this case lorem ipsum…. Verify that there are no whitespace characters in these empty lines.
  • Do not indent interior components.
    • Unfortunately, this component is extra fragile when written inside of a markdown file, because we are passing <tab> components into the <website-tabs> component, and markdown can interfere when child components are indendented.

Image Component

<image-component cols="8" caption="Enter caption here">

![image alt text](/images/image1.png)


Note: The space before and after the markdown link is mandatory.

Component that wraps around the images on the website so we can customize them.

Will by default resize with the grid, and you can pass in number of columns (4, 6, 8 or 12). The default is 12. If the image needs to be fixed, you can add the fixed="default" option. This will give the image a max-width of 720px. There is also a fixed="large" option that will give the image a max-width of 1120px.

If the image needs a transparent background you can add the option bg="none". It will by default get a white background.

Caption is also optional and can be added with the caption option.

Page Specific Components:


  • <type-weight>
  • <type-weight type="italic">
  • <type-weight type="type">
  • <type-scale-table>
  • <type-spec>


  • <glossary>

Component Status (content pulled from data/components.json)

  • <component-status>

Component Overview (content pulled from data/components.json)

  • <component-overview>

Color Token Table (content pulled from data/guidelines/color-tokens.js)

  • `

Component Page Components:

    name="Text Input" //Required
    component="text-input" //Required
    variation="text-input" //Required
    codepen="YEZLyd" //Optional - Adds link to codepen
    haslightversion="true" //Optional -If true shows the light/white background switcher
    hasReactVersion="true" //Optional -If true links to react storybook
    hasAngularVersion="true" //Optional -If true links to angular storkbook
    hasLightBackground="true" //Optional -If true has light background
    experimental="true" //Optional -If true loads experimental version/styles

<component-docs component="accordion"></component-docs>

    name="Multi-select Dropdown"